Junkrat is the worst DPS hero right now

I lobbied hard for Junkrat nerfs after he was overbuffed (my opinion, but one shared by many). I cheered with each nerf he got until he was finally in what I believed to be a good place. He was threatening, but not monstrous.

Then out of nowhere they gave him that grenade hitbox nerf. No one was complaining about Junkrat anymore, not even me. I really have no idea why they did it, but they should revert that change. If they really need to nerf a projectile hitbox…lets have a chat about Hanzo arrows… and don’t even get me started on that “tied for smallest projectile” nonsense. The smallest elephant still towers over the horses.


its too easy to dodge his grenades, especially with small hitbox heroes.

They should revert the size of them and nerf the damage to 90 or so.

Hes become a “pound shields and farm ult only” kind of character.


Why should Blizzard balance some heroes around high tiers and others around low tiers?

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McCree is the second most popular DPS right now, and Sombra is at her most ever in GM with a healthy 2% pick.

If anything Sombra and McCree are having the time of their lives rn. Widow is also extremely popular.

You know what bad DPS looks like? Sym. Bastion. Torb. Mei.

Well because if you balance for low tier (low team support, mostly solo-type play), when a high tier team builds a team around him, he will be OPAF. See: Bastion 2.0, Ana 1.0, Roadhog 1.0

So you have to balance for high tier, and let a few heroes be trash at low tier, and a few be overpowered at low tier.

Because esports.

Thats how tracer works with most heroes, not just junkrat.

what are you talking about? why do you keep saying that? that has nothing to do with his grenades. and the change you want to to do with grenades wouldn’t allow him to “detonate whenever he wants” that has literally nothing to do with the change you want to give him why do you keep saying that.

because people constantly complain about “randomly” getting hit by his bombs. and again he still has tools like his steel trap to help taking down enemies.

you literally just said she could still use recall after your “buff”. if she gets hit by a mine and recalls then you still “forced” a recall. not sure why the former is ok but the latter is not

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I think you have this backwards in Junkrats case.
If you balance for the bottom (as Junkrat is now) he is almost never picked at the top because he is super inconsistent.
If you balance for the top (as junkrat was previous to the projectile nerf) he is considered broken OP to Bronze players.

So my question was - why are we balancing heroes like Genji, Brigitte, Tracer, etc for the top level of play, but balancing Junkrat around the bronze level of play?

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Duh. I said that to explain why concussion mine won’t push her into your missed bombs.

You realize hitting the floor and having them not bounce means they explode right? meaning you can rely on when they will explode, that is your doing, and that means the aoe would go off when you expect it to, not just bounce off away and explode harmlessly how do you keep not understanding that?

Because people complain about randomly walking into his bombs said no masters+ player ever. It was cheesing players that aren’t that good at the game yet (ranks bronze to plat). Simple as that.

If you concussion twice, first one forces her to recall, second one would still not kill her, firing at the floor near her would detonate the bomb, the aoe would tag her with at the very least chip damage and she doesn’t have enough blinks to deal with a whole clip of your primary meaning you would finally be able to fight a tracer effectively. I don’t mean to insult your intelligence when saying this, but it doesn’t feel like you are able to understand what I am saying, you keep on missing what i say completely and i have to explain every detail until there is nothing left out.

Junkrat has his maps but hes far from being the worst DPS by a long shot. Just because something isnt meta or picked extremely regularly doesn’t always mean they need a buff…

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Blizzard should ideally balance a hero such that they’re viable across all tiers, which is why I framed my question the way I did

Thats not the same thing as “choosing to detonate” because they instantly explode no matter what. concussion mine allows you to choose when it detonates, if it exploded instant then it wouldn’t.
and again bouncing bombs still explode when they hit an enemy.
the only difference between a bouncing bomb and a non-bouncing bomb is that one bomb still has a chance to hit even if it misses, while the other one doesn’t.

if junkrat hits tracer with a bomb now it explodes. if junkrat with out bounce hits tracer with a bomb it explodes. theres no difference. except no bounce would make it worst when it comes to area denial, range, strategy etc.

so lets say they did increase the aoe of the explosion and projectile speed like your suggesting. then what would happen? Junkrat would be seen as op because he does 120 damage instantly without any aim. and would be able to kill 200 hp heroes in less then a second.
Pharah’s rockets also do 120 but she is usually in the air meaning her projectiles have a longer travel time. but with junkrat he would be able to go up to a 200 health hero and spam his grenades and, also remember his mines also do 120 with direct hits. so basically with one mine hit and 2 grenades he would deal 360 damage killing most non tank heroes very fast. he would be called a “no-skill hero” even more than he already is called now. the only way to balance this would be to either nerf his radius, his projectile speed or nerf his damage, which would take away why they would of removed bounce anyway.

Removing Bounce and increasing his projectile speed, and aoe would make him seeem op, and nerfed to the ground.

While true, Blizzard has not done that with the current hero pool.
A majority of the heroes are balanced for top tiers, not bottom.

Which would in concept make my question easier, since we’d just ask “how do we make Junkrat viable in high tier play, and screw the consequences in lower tiers?”

But I think that’s poor game design. Where we can make adjustments to heroes to balance them in tiers where they need it, and leave them alone in tiers where they don’t, we should. A prime example is the Zenyatta volley nerf. Not saying it’s easy tho

I’m sorry dude but you don’t seem to be able to understand anything so I’m just gunna go about my day, but if this was your tactic to win the argument, bravo.

so you answer to my argument is “no” … your not even gonna try to explain how your suggestion wouldn’t even make him OP? ok then.


But yes. I do agree that Junkrat need help and I would love to see the hitbox size of his primary fire reverted.


i think a projectile revert and ult charge increase would be great


I am going to assume you mean the required 1575 jumped up to 1800+

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What nerf to riptire are you talking about?