- I admire the way you deal with those bots, wanna team up?!
- not even if you were the last human on earth.
This is an interaction between Junkrat and Zarya.
Now look I know that its team Roadrat forever
but…after hearing this exchange I’m getting all thinky again like I did with the Patra trailer.
Real quick for those who dont know I made a post about Rat getting shot at the end of the trailer. Let’s just say it…bothered me lol because everyone likes to hate on Junkrat for stupid reasons and it seems like the devs are taking it and actually making him into a hate him get him killed kind of character.
Now I find this little exchange and and I’m getting all concerned again. I’m mainly making this post so people can do what they did with the Patra post. Calm me down and tell me I’m overreacting.
Now the reason this exchange bothers me is because first off…Junkrat ain’t done nothing to her or anyone else from Overwatch. Why she or other heroes dont like him is a mystery I’ll never be able to solve. I mean…everybody? Everybody hates Junkrat? Why? They have no reason to lol
It’s not like hes familiar with any of the other heroes besides Roadhog so they literally have no reason to hate him except the devs being like you know what the fans hate him let’s have the other heroes hate him and want to hunt him down, have Hog turn on him and kill him
I mean hes not really a bad guy hes more chaotic neutral he does what he wants and doesnt take nonsense from anyone. Mainly stems from his severe mental issues but thats for another post lol
This is what’s scaring me, I dont want Junkrat to be relegated to a joke character and killed off just cause it’s funny as hes much more than that. I hate seeing him be the butt of jokes and being made into a mockery that’s not who he is.