😰 Junkrat Interaction Upsetting

:mouse:- I admire the way you deal with those bots, wanna team up?!

:muscle:- not even if you were the last human on earth.

This is an interaction between Junkrat and Zarya.

Now look I know that its team Roadrat forever
:pig::mouse: but…after hearing this exchange I’m getting all thinky again like I did with the Patra trailer.

Real quick for those who dont know I made a post about Rat getting shot at the end of the trailer. Let’s just say it…bothered me lol because everyone likes to hate on Junkrat for stupid reasons and it seems like the devs are taking it and actually making him into a hate him get him killed kind of character.

Now I find this little exchange and and I’m getting all concerned again. I’m mainly making this post so people can do what they did with the Patra post. Calm me down and tell me I’m overreacting.

Now the reason this exchange bothers me is because first off…Junkrat ain’t done nothing to her or anyone else from Overwatch. Why she or other heroes dont like him is a mystery I’ll never be able to solve. I mean…everybody? Everybody hates Junkrat? Why? They have no reason to lol

It’s not like hes familiar with any of the other heroes besides Roadhog so they literally have no reason to hate him except the devs being like you know what the fans hate him let’s have the other heroes hate him and want to hunt him down, have Hog turn on him and kill him
I mean hes not really a bad guy hes more chaotic neutral he does what he wants and doesnt take nonsense from anyone. Mainly stems from his severe mental issues but thats for another post lol

This is what’s scaring me, I dont want Junkrat to be relegated to a joke character and killed off just cause it’s funny as hes much more than that. I hate seeing him be the butt of jokes and being made into a mockery that’s not who he is.



@.@ not patra @.@

A character that everyone in-game hates would definitely not be killed off. Too much possible content to be created there. I know you don’t want him to be the butt of the joke, but I think it’s just supposed to be harmless fun.

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There’s a charm about characters that are supposed to be a joke that but relentlessly kick a**

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And I agree! I’m not really asking for him to be a deep and complex dive into disability and mental health although that would be nice but what I do want is for him to at least try to stand up for himself.

When people threaten or hurt Junkrat after he makes a statement, tells a joke, or asks a question i wanna see him at least stand up for himself! These other heroes have no qualms with him and yet there gonna step towards him? The dude who probably has a nuke button in his stomach lol

I guess but it just seems like a waste to me. You make a character who is disabled, has no parents, suffers from extreme mental issues, has only Roadhog in his life, and hes just gonna be pushed aside as a joke? They made Torb a joke and still gave him a solid background so why cant Junkrat have one too?

Again I’m not saying dont remove the humor I just dont want him as a character to be just a joke.

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I agree with your general concern but I feel compelled to remind you that Junkrat and Roadhog’s ongoing worldwide crime spree is well documented in the Overwatch world’s news. What I’m trying to say is: Zarya probably has seen Junkrat blow up banks and stuff on tv and steal from millions of people.


Dude calm down. You’re projecting too much onto Junkrat, seriously, reading your other posts… Junkrat is a butt monkey character in the game - he’s not written to be some deep character (not yet and likely not in the future). And the whole point of the Deathmatch game mode is to get as many kills as possible… did you not see the other heroes in that trailer getting eliminated? Chill.


Yea you have a point. But it’s not like all the other heroes are so innocent either. At least Junkrat and Roadhog dont kill the innocent they do kill but so far it’s been people that deserve it and on top of that there more…team rocket? Although that would ruin my point of me saying Junkrat is not a joke lol

I think my real concern is his character being wasted. Jesse and James overtime got great backgrounds and I want the same for Rat and Hog. Seeing this interacting and so far only new interactions gives me worry that the devs just want him to be the hate him get him killed character.

I hate Junkrat but I also love him he’s so goofy.

This is what he is, he’s a love and hate relationship character. He’s a joke in and of himself. I highly doubt they’ll ever actually kill him off in canon.
Too much potential for him and Roadhog when they inevitably add Junkerqueen or another Junker character in general (I refuse to believe that we’ll never get another Junker).

Don’t be too worried, seriously he has a fine reputation. Yeah a lot of people hate him because he’s spammy and annoying to play against but like

At least he isn’t like Symmetra where people tell those who play as the character on a regular basis to uninstall the game, die and or other awful things.


Remember Junkrat’s face in his and Roadhog’s Junkertown short when Roadhog said it was time to light the fuse? I’m pretty sure Junkrat is someone’s precious angel at Blizz command. Don’t worry (at least, not yet).




So junkrat really isn’t that innocent, yes, he’s goofy and makes puns but he’s bombed, murdered, and destroyed a lot of things, there’s no way there weren’t bystander casualties from their destruction . He has a bounty on his head worth thousands of dollars and has even been in prison. Theres a lot more to him than people will ever give credit to. Also just keep in mind, any interactions in game, all the stuff in game, AREN’T CANON.
It’s purely a hypothetical conversation and should be taken with a grain of salt just like the rest of the stuff in the game.
He’s never even met Zarya in lore.
I doubt they’ll kill him off, there’s better candidates for that unless his treasure becomes a major plot point.


Tracer makes sense given her British heritage and a certain jewellery heist.
I really don’t understand why Mei thinks he’s a bully though, he never directly targets anyone in the lore and is only in it for the money and his own ideologies (he is an anarchist after all and believes in absolute personal freedom).

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Because his and roadhogs spree of crime was all over the news. She probably learned about his misdeeds via the news. Then again characters who have never met interact all the time in game. Its all hypotheticals.

Well yea that’s true :smiling_face: and it’s not like hes a generally hated character among the players . The general consensus is

Love the character in general
Kill his gameplay style with fire

In fact thanks to Bridgette hes actually being begged for in matches lol :rofl:

I agree lol

:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: wait really?!?! If that’s the case then I truly am the biggest worrier ever lol :rofl:

Exactly!! So really nobody should even be talking to him except for hog lol

The conversations aren’t canon but any information from them is. For example, Lucio and Sym having a convo isn’t canon, but Lucio’s dad working for Fishkar is.

Their crime spree targeted a royal family (overprivilleged and the complete opposite of true anarchy), a bank embedded deep within gangland territory (if it hasn’t been hit by the Los Muertos, there’s clearing some kind of agreement going on) and the others were minor targets. Criminal maybe, but Mei specifically mentions he’s a bully.

It’s fine
All this talk about character death is enough to get people worried about their favorites.
But they’ve said the game is it’s own separation from the actual lore. Interactions, voicelines, etc unless directly making a callback to lore (ex. Junkrats inconspicuous line which was ripped from The Plan) are considered non canon.

I really understand your feel , I really like junkrat ( even if I ship him more with Lucio sorry mate )

But here’s the thing
Blizz created this hero LIKE THIS , he is the comic hero , the joker the one who is annoying , but that’s how we like him , he is a bit like Deadpool in the sense that he is the most annoying guy in the cast but that’s how he is .

The fact is you can’t blame blizzard for using the characters as intended . Yes he have some serious aspect ( like everyone else ) but he is mainly the comic relief - anti stress - less serious
If everyone was on reaper /76 level this game would be less attractive

He have this attitude , this behavior it’s how he was build as a character .

The fact that zarya strongly dislike him is a more than normal reaction
First off because it’s zarya and well … She isn’t the one who love everyone
2 junkrat is a National Criminal , robbery , terrorism … Y’know what I mean …
Sure it’s not nice to hear this from your favorite character , but that’s how he is you cannot deny it , it’s probably the most annoying point of the fact that I ship him with Lucio , the way Lucio is probably mean that he won’t be super friendly with him , even if they have similar personality .

It’s hard to be friendly with a national Criminal who is wanted all around the world

Once again I really understand your view ( and you’re amazing, really you amazed me with how you will always defend him I really appreciate you and all the post on the forum for this )

But you can’t forbid blizzard from using the characters as intended , he was created like that and that’s how his character is slowly building up , maybe at some point we will discover more serious part of his character but right now he is how he is .

He is very lovable but still a criminal ( what a shame )
But tbh if he wasn’t a criminal , his personality would be less attractive imo …

Just relax mate , he is the comic relief even if we riot about it he will forever be like that . And I prefer that , than having absolutely no lore ( luckily Lucio get more … )
( Oh and remember not every interaction are canon so … )
You need to learn to take it easy:frog:

I’m really glad to finally being able to talk with ya i’m always a bit scared to talk xD


She probably doesnt think of those things the way you do since she wouldn’t have the knowledge the player does. She just sees a criminal causing wonton destruction and stealing a massive amount of money/causing property damage etc, but the voiceline isn’t even canon so who really knows