Junkrat feels really bad to play after nerf

Reaper deletes cree and hanzo is a 40/60. Reaper is still the better hero at close range, junk was just miles better

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How you just roll and shoot him dead unless he one shots.

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Cree vs reaper? What? Reaper has 250hp. Who the heck has the aim to roll and perfectly land a fan vs a full health reaper? Not even wanted can pull that off consistently

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Why do you need to fan when you can dink him easily and cree has 225.

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Just play Junkrat as spamrat. That’s the only effective way to play him now. You know, the way that everyone hates and what people were actually complaining about. Despite his effectiveness as spamrat directly correlating to how inobservant his opponents are. :smile:


They should’ve just made his concussion mines do 80 damage no falloff. It raises his skill floor and you can’t double mine squishes. A win-win for everyone.


They tried it but that hurts aim/airshots instead of spam. It didnt work. One of my threads on here was used as an example to the devs by AndyB for how it hurt airshots and skilled play.

Bounces specifically targets spam instead of impacting mid-long range direct snipes and airshots.


Cree buff certainly makes a difference and he feels much better. Soldier on the other hand feels the exact same. The small recoil buff is unnoticeable, and his recoil was already minor.

I agree. If they want to target long range spam, the nades bouncing should be taken into consideration, but what about lineup shots that land directly onto the enemy? Or is that a scenario that doesn’t even happen. I have no expertise on Junk

I consider accurately aiming individual ricochets to be hyper niche and worth sacrificing for greater direct hit damage. They’re more often than not just spam.


Ok bro, not gonna argue this. Anyone with common sense knows the outcome between a reaper and a cree at close range.

You instantly gained my respect for saying this.I like playing against a good junkrat but that fing trap is grinding my nuts it should not do 100 dmg AND hold you in place for 2.5 seconds.It’s not even that op most of the times I see it on the ground but when I am caught I am dead. BS ability if you ask me.

I add it at the end

Putting 3 under lines _
Makes the break you see, and then I just bold and italics the


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Indeed my friend indeed

That hero is designed for otps - hero specialist or filthy 0 value players, depending on the rank.

Mcree and soldier can do midrange, with a hitscan weapon, what junkrat had to do close range, with a projectile weapon.

There is something very wrong here.


Here are the devs thoughts after Junks mine nerf

If he feels so bad why is he still in just as many games?

Yeah, really appreciated that more unnecessary nerfs coming soon post.

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While the changes proposed in the AMA are exactly what we asked ages ago sort of, if they do opt in for that, we need compensation buffs or a mine nerf revert.

The bounce changes would absolutely wreck spam-style Junkrat, which is currently the only viable/consistent strategy that is effective. The rest is very inconsistent at best. They need to make it for us who proved being skill-worthy on Junkrat, actually feel rewarded. This ain’t the case right now, you get punished for outplaying hitscan players.