Junkertown queen's voice has been removed from junkertown and her weapons are gone from her throne

didnt even think of that, now you got me hyped :stuck_out_tongue: seriously though i dont expect to know for a while and i know zero things about programming so i could be wrong but it feels like re adding voice lines shouldnt be too difficult but again i know nothing about programming and i doubt its high on their priority list but still you got me hyped :stuck_out_tongue:

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im hype as well! :smiley: especially after the way they showed us the full poster and we saw the same redesign in Hammond’s short, it just seems very clear to me that she’s hero 29 for sure
as far as timing goes, my current guess is still blizzcon, but i’m crossing my fingers to see her even earlier all the same

Get to work Chu, get to work.

lol i hope so but the past 2 hero releases i was sure it was junkertown queen and obviously neither was :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah though this time around they’ve been teasing her much more strongly, it feels a lot like orisa/doomfist

Well dang. thats kind of disappointing. I was really hoping the queen might be getting worked on or something.

a ghost sounds cool though. i wonder if overwatch would ever get into supernatural or occult stuff, though.

Dude if we get a ghost hero I’m gonna be super hyped.

a ghost hero that cannot be shot and cannot harm any of the enemy but can forever contest the payload

he was joking about the ghost haha
also the “future patch” he was talking about is possibly just JQ being added in as a hero, which would consequentially have her “talking again”
it’s worded a bit too ambiguously, and the fact Chu is the one answering is pretty telling imho

anyway im staying hopeful, they’ve been hinting at her a lot recently, and i dont see how the voice could be a bug across both the ptr and live versions. if it was, they’d probably just be more forthcoming about it

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Not really because not the voice and weapons are the hint, the shift from their existance to their absence is

There is a Ghost of Junkertown? HERO 29 CONFIRMED!@

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that is a good point

It’s a common misconception that Blizzard intentionally delayed confirming that the voice removal is a bug, in order to farm community-driven hype that the new hero would be Junker Queen.

This means that she will be talking again in a future patch because she will be an actual hero next time, ya know
with voicelines.


What about the weapons from the throne being removed?

that is only true of low graphics

yup this is how im interpreting it. i dont think chu typically addresses bugs, and the way it’s worded looks purposefully ambiguous when he could have just come out and said “its a bug guys it’ll be fixed”
way too coincidential alongside the poster and redesign as wel

hammond’s release and the hints leading up to it gave me a very orisa/doomfist vibe. im confident she’ll be revealed at blizzcon


sadly they were always there just not on lower settings

yeah though the thing about those weapons is that they really aren’t even hers
they’re just reused assets, and the very same weapons are spread throughout the entire room. they were only ever decoration and not significant to her character

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that is very true i mean the junkertown queen could still use them but i imagine she would have something unique much like roadhog and junkrat have

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