Junkertown queen's voice has been removed from junkertown and her weapons are gone from her throne

His name is jamison f-a-wkes which is why he would refer to himself as doctor james (btw blizz gg on blocking a word used for one of your heros names ya geniuses)

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I would truly cry if this happens

Not to mentioned, they said that they wanted another meck hero. Perhaps she’s going to be a smaller tank like Zarya and have a small but still powerful robotic suit.

Could be hinting on the next hero.

i am actually surprised that we dont already have a junkertown mech hero

I’m not sure what the timeframe for the fix is, but she should be talking again in a future patch.


This is funny because people thought it was a hint for Junker Queen as a hero.


that is disappointing i thought it was a hint for her being a new character in the future but thank you for the reply


Now about that LORE…


I mean, he didn’t deny the weapons being gone as a bug, so it’s actually still a valid tease.

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Maybe she left Junkertown to retrieve her most prized asset: WRECKING BALL


I’m kind of curious where this came from. She seems like the ambitious ruler type who enjoys her power over Junkertown more than someone who would align with Talon ideals.

The way Chu’s response is written, it still is.

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I’m pretty sure they’re still there!


Its pretty clear this is a Orisa->Doomfist scenario.

Weird hero that was teasing fan favorite hero gets released then fan favorite hero gets released next.

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Oh well… guess she’ll be coming another day…

I thought the weapons vanishing was debunked as a LOD issue with low graphics settings. They were still there on the other settings.

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If they are then that does make sense actually, given that sometimes bastion’s spent bullet cartridges spew out of the gun and other times it doesn’t.

Or it could have been the ghost of Junkertown! :ghost:


I forgot about the ghost, what’s he up to these days?