Junker Queen Pixel Spray Achievement

Is it just me or is this achievement (pixel spray) either bugged or just too difficult. How are we supposed to wound 7 people at once in 5v5 (I know it can stack but it’s still stupid) especially when healing cancels wounds completely. Half the team dies before u can even stack more wounds. Plus in 5v5 no one plays like a team anymore so it’s impossible to get everyone grouped so you can ult them, idk why but it’s so frustrating. They should just make it to wound 5 or 6 people not 7 :frowning:

Wounding 7 players ag once has got to be a misprint.

I think they said it was bigger and should be fixed now? I dunno. Might be that it is still bugged.

I didn’t see any patch notes on this. The one fixed is the Yokai achievement of Kiriko.

I’m honestly not sure if this is bugged or the Wounds just disappear too fast before you can land an Axe or Knife at someone after the Ult.

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Who even cares about the pixel sprays when it’s the cute ones you wanna get?

I don’t understand that as well. How can we wound 7 at the same time when there is just 5 players. Unless there is two invisible players that i know not.

It is not 7 players.
it’s 7 wounds.


I think the Wounds stack. Like hit with Knife, Axe and Ult.

I think our problem is the duration or if the wounds disappear if the target gets any heals even if they don’t get any HP, if hit by JQ’s ult.

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It sounds even harder. I doubt i will even try since i find her hard to play.

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So this is a “need Zarya ult all enemy team” achievement, right?

Its doable in a rush setup.

I’ve hit 5 with the Ult before but the follow up confuses me because I hit people with the Axe after and the enemy team had no Kiriko, and no achievement.

We need to know if there is anything else that gets rid of Wounds besides Kiriko’s ability and how fast do they last.

Also enemy team composition determines the fate of this achievement. Any mobility hero will make this extremely hard especially flanker happy folks.

According to the wiki, wounds last for 3 seconds (5 seconds if ultimate). Abilities like Moira’s fade, Reaper’s wraith, Sombra’s tp or Tracer’s recall cleanse wounds. It may work like burning from Ashe’s dynamite.

Maybe using knife on your position, ult and recall knife? You wound all of them and recall to wound again.

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That is what I’ve been trying since launch. Throw knife in front of the horde, then ultimate, recall knife, and then axe… and still nothing. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve cleaved through a group of 5 and done all of those steps and still got nothing - not to mention all of the other variables (including no Kiriko in sight or after she’s already used it) and meeting of criteria that could get it, but to no avail.

I can only assume at this point that it’s bugged in some way and whether you achieve it or not is random.


it is easily the toughest achievement in the game

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I think Bap’s is still worse with the game faster it will be harder to get Window of Opportunity.

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you are right, but barely

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I’m not 100% sure but I heard that any form of healing cancels wounds, not just kiriko’s cleanse ability but I don’t know if that’s true


Even tested it by asking the enemy team to let me get it since it didn’t work so many times. Got 1 knife wound, 2 axe wounds and 5 ult wounds. 8 wounds at once and still didn’t get it.

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I got that one the other day. Pretty proud of it.

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You mean her cute? Yeah i got it pretty much my 1st game with her lol, it’s pretty easy.

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