Junker Queen leak better not be true

Hmm… I dunno about that.

I dunno, she’s been just about anything.

That one’s so old at this point. Also, I didn’t even bother read it cause I have doubts how legit it is.

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But at the same time Activision blizzard leaks tend to be extremely accurate, more than any other company. Every call of duty game since 2009 has been correctly leaked months before its even announced without fail by at least one person. So to some extent people have a right ro be concerned

Why are you so concerned about skill requirement? Too much long range just turns the game into a poke style game with people picking shield tanks, which is boring as hell.

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Leak makes her look like a tank version of reaper, you heal yourself through damage. With some added pressure by putting in some bleeds on the other team.

These leaks are usually all fake though, surprised this wasnt the support sym dude that takes everything at face value and makes threads for every obvious fake leak and clickbait garbage they come across.

Or are these two the same person?

I wonder if they would just call her ‘‘The Queen’’ or her actual name,since everyone knows her by that title.

Depends on the role.

But for dps, why would you ever pick reaper when McCree legit does his job better than him at every range hahaha.

I don’t think this close range niche thing should stay around. They’ll never be strong when generalists can do their job + others significantly better than them.

The leak seems pretty valid after the beta dropped.

Even then though, we don’t actually know how she’ll play, so getting prematurely upset is pretty hilarious lmao

This one seems pretty legitimate though. It was ‘leaked’ before beta footage went public and the UI elements match the beta. It seems to be chopped up bits of viewing her skills in the Practice Range. If you go to the practice range and pull that out and then grab the shot of her ‘Scattershot’ and put it over where a hero’s primary fire ability is, it’s a perfect fit/match.

Hey remember when I killed iddqd 5-0 on reaper :smirk: bet you enjoyed watching that live.

If we really are getting more anti healing, every single support needs a lot of their value in their kit converted away from healing.

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Junker Queen was released a while ago.
Her name’s Betty La Bomba and she’s in Paladins LOL

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  1. She can “leap” to enemies.

  2. Primarily fire is a beam that locks on and does 55 DPS.

  3. Alt fire reduces the target’s damage by 30%

  4. Instant death ability with 1.5 second cast time, 30 sec CD.

  5. She burrows in the ground with her ult and gets chain beams.


@JASONBENT he’s out again!!!

Reaper is not the only close range hero. Plus I would pick him for his mobility and survivability.

My real question is why would you pick McCree when there is Genji, Echo or Soldier? Maybe Sombra too but in OW2 only.

Honestly Reaper is a bad example because he is the weakest diver at the moment. Hell even if he wasn’t a diver or a close range hero he would still be weak.

I would take it over a poke fest, and close range heroes sill have a place as divers. They are not as niche as you think.

If anything OW2 made them more viable.

I think we call this attitude “bias” kids. Not pretty.

the leak doesn’t seem to suggest support even looking at it, the leaked kit screams tank unless they plan to have a dps chara that can self buff 200 extra hp and give allies an extra 100 hp

and with no healing for allies, no way she’s a support, they’ve made it clear if it doesn’t have allied healing it cant be in the support role

As to its legitness… some of the new info from getting ow2 beta supports the validity of the leak, the biggest one being the ult ready icon looks basically exactly like the ow2 ult charged icon

Here’s a reddit post giving the evidence of the leak’s validity

htt ps://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/ujofaa/evidence_that_the_junker_queen_leak_is_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

there was also some smaller stuff not included in that post that other people noticed

Actually if this is true. I think it would be a good addition to the game. I mean I am actually stoked about this :smiley: .

Honestly most shotgun heroes in this game end up taking more skill than ranged ones because they actually have to put themselves at risk to deal damage, you can’t just sit back from a safe distance and deal nigh-uncontestable damage.

Best post in thread.

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“Last thing this game needs is underpowered heroes

“It needs more range support like these overpowered healers