Junker Queen leak better not be true

what does the leak say? tl;dr

Basically the leaks says Junker Queen confirmed and the new one makes it seem more believable.

you’ve heard the phrase ‘the walls have ears’? Well this is ‘the couch has sweet overwatch leaks.’

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tl;dr? is she a tank?

Let’s hope it isn’t real… the leak said she had anti-heal built into her kit.

The only reason I don’t think the leak is real is because of how long ago it was. I honestly don’t think they had any heroes designed other than sojourn and I think she wasn’t even finished until shortly before the beta.

No clue. I think she’ll be DPS and released WAY later with Mauga being the next beta tank released.


Only came here to shout: Yasss queeen!!!


Why would anyone dislike shotguns. We use them in real life and not everything needs to be pistols and rifles. I think that would be a boring game.

If the next hero to be added to the beta is a tank or dps, I’m seriously going to rage.


You know what we don’t use enough in real life though? Rocket powered maces and MASSIVE DOUBLE HANDED HAMMERS. Clearly our military is poorly equipped if they lack such advanced weaponry.


I get its science fiction, but that doesn’t mean a shotgun would be bad for the game.


She’s likely to be a tank but I think Blizzard should really consider releasing a support hero first.

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OW is a hero shooter first.

Why are people trying to turn this game into next COD?


if she’s a tank (which seems to be the case) her close range kit is fitting, not so much the healing I guess but if she doesn’t have a matrix/barrier I guess a healing method is what’s left, think of roadhog


Just more fps COD kiddies making suggestions and ranting, moving on.


zen is not as skilled as he seems.

and this game will never be “fps of the sweaty dreams of gamers who can’t play standard FPS”

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The kit reads more like a tank’s kit. The only thing that remotely resembles a support is the one ability with anti-heal.

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oh god

I really hope they don’t do that. Anti-nade is so problematic, we don’t need two anti-heals.


My theory is that her bleeding effect denies healing. That way she can really get into fights

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