Jokes over take Mercy's training wheels off please

You realise every time Mercy ends up being bad at supporting DPS we get a tank meta?

Ana takes over as main support, and boom, we get 3 tank meta.
Brigitte gives us goats.

Mercy is the support which supports the DPS the most.

Having a Mercy which isn’t good at supporting DPS and the current mercy isn’t good at it, is one of the reasons we are in this mess.

You need a good “supports which help Tanks” and “supports which help DPS” balance.

But you don’t have that balance right now.

It happens every time, and every time people are surprised.

We need another DPS supporting hero, for sure.

Until then, we need the ones we have to work as DPS supporting heroes.


All Mercy needs is a thicker Zarya beam as M1/M2 that “pierces” allies and 80 HP/s on it to have a skill ceiling. That would also solve Pharmercy being OP on consoles so, win-win. Valkyrie is fine, the lock-on tether could stay while she’s ulting.

Or keep the current tether mechanism but give her resource that depletes like Moira M1 but allow her to spend her own health (probably 1:3) ratio or something.

I feel like mercy can outplay a lot of things using GA. You can evade genji blade(sometimes), winston’s that tried to dive you, basically anyone that spends resources trying to kill you you can generally get away. In valk a lot of the time they’ll high noon or tac visor and it can be “outplayed” by using mercy’s increased speed and weirdo GA’s in valk to get behind a wall lol. However, I think the biggest problem is mercy’s healing. Even if you do outplay people and manage to stay alive the entire time it doesn’t mean you’ll win cuz her healing is so bad (on tanks especially) that eventually your team will die lol.

I don’t mind valk that much, but I think part of the reason valk feels so awful to a lot of people is cuz when it was created it was intended to be tied to rez and that was where 90% of its value came from before it was changed. It was OP so they changed valk to not be tied to rez at all and now it’s one of the most bland ultimates ever lol.

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If Mercy’s kit was fine I would not have stopped playing the game over a year ago. It is not a balance issue to me at least, it’s a Valkyrie issue. It is an ultimate that takes up over 10% of your total playtime as Mercy, it has a duration of 15 seconds and while active it takes away a significant portion of what little skill you needed to play Mercy. Valkyrie is poorly designed and ruins the enjoyment of playing Mercy completely, for me. If it had a duration of 5 seconds I think it’d be fine, but 15 seconds during which my skill is not needed is terrible.


I don’t mind your three-person max instead of my two but there’s something to consider. Before they nerfed it into the ground, Mercy 2.0’s rez was one of the most powerful non-ult abilities in the game. Making even a little stronger than that would pretty much make it have to be an ult.

Preach it!

Whether Valk is deleted or not, the point remains that more needs to be done. Not just to be statistically balanced and “fun to play against” by the top 1% of players, but also so she is fun to play by everyone else as well. It’s time for Mercy to be engaging, rewarding, impactful, and have agency again. It’s time for a rework. Let’s do it! #ReworkMercy :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


The rework was a success and since noobs are incapable of proper use of ress, proper use of her mobility, proper use of her pistol and valkyrie, we are now finally in a position where we can watch low-skill Mercy-players drop and leave those who do perform to being impactful with a fun kit. :blush:

This whole Mercy mess is making me long for the glory days of TF2.

You know how many different kinds of Ubercharges Medic has? Four. You can basically choose your Medic ult via your loadout.

Imagine if OW heroes had that option to choose her ult–how much better that would be for the game!

I love how you jumped straight to Mass Rez even though they literally never mentioned it.


Mercy is beyond fine; She’s great. In her current state, bad Mercy players can’t make meaningful contributions, mediocre players achieve mediocre results, and great Mercy players are shining. Her skill ceiling is much higher than it’s been in the past and that’s due in large part to Valkyrie.

That said, she isn’t always the best pick, but no support ever is. It depends entirely on your team comp/ their team comp. If you’re never seeing value with Mercy, though, it’s not a Mercy problem.


did you unintentionally debunk your own argument?

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The training wheels is the lock on healing beam that is why she has a low skill ceiling.

However that is the reason people like mercy so it is impossible to take the training wheels off without totally changing the hero


Are you referring to someone using Valkyrie to get value from using her gun then? Cause otherwise I don’t see how chain-beams that remove the need for target prioritization, how free flight and long range beams reduce the skill required for great positioning, and how automatic uninterruptible regeneration simplifies survivability, increases Mercy’s skill-ceiling. In fact, I would argue that it significantly dumbs things down. (I’m not arguing for Mass-rez, that didn’t exactly require skill either, but it did not take up over 10% of your total playtime either).

Valkyrie does not increase your skill-ceiling unless you go battle Mercy. Valkyrie does NOT require much skill, and compared to Mercy’s regular kit (everything except her ultimate) Valkyrie is incredibly simple and dumbed down.

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I get what you’re saying about the chain beams, but the beams are only one aspect of Valkyrie. The skill ceiling in Valkyrie comes from the options it opens up. A bad Mercy player is just going to pop Valk and hold down the heal button every time. A great Mercy is going to spend every second determining exactly what the team needs most and doing that. All of Mercy’s abilities being ramped up to 11 (on top of flight and infinite ammo) give her the ability to pretty much be anywhere and do anything for fifteen seconds. The skill comes from knowing how best to use those fifteen seconds. It’s a “with great power comes great responsibility” kind of thing.


They need to give her a true new Ultimate. Not an alpha one.

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Do people still think that Blizzard is going to fix Mercy or Symmetra? We’re stuck with the reworks. Hell, they can’t even balance characters that don’t have reworks.

You guys already got your answer, tenfold than other problems being asked about.

The Devs said she is fine, you guys just don’t like the answer you got.

Solution? Play another hero.

Doomfist literally got gutted and his playerbase doesn’t complain as much as the Mercy playerbase, they just moved onto new things while being disappointed about what happened.


i agree that a bit of mercy play style has changed but the core of it has stayed the same
the beam is the same as mercy 1.0 the passive is the same and GA is the same(except for superjumping which you don’t want to do very often because snipers exist) and that is the core of playing mercy you heal a lot and you survive well using your mobility and passive or you can pocket a DPS
rez has changed but it clashes with her play style now the movement reduction takes away all of her mobility which she needs for survival and no! there’s nothing skillful about it either you can rez this person or you can’t let’s say you’re in a situation that you can rez them and you go for it if the situation suddenly changes (they pop nano-blade) you can not do anything about it you’re stuck until you either die or until rez is completed
and the current version of Valkyrie exists which has its own list of problems
this is not a question about whether you can make the current version of mercy work because yes you can this is about a character having fundamental issues and different parts of her not working well together! and also people don’t find her fun and before you say fun is subjective

ad hominem attacks don’t prove anything they just show how petty you are!

NO, I do not agree with you! More power does NOT mean you have to rely MORE on skill. You have to determine what the team needs during Mercy’s regular kit, but skill is required to provide what the team needs. BUT, with Valkyrie it is not difficult to provide what the team needs. You can heal EVERYONE, or you can boost EVERYONE, and if someone is outside of your range (which almost never happens due to having such long beam-range and the possibility to have a birds-eye view) you don’t need to plan far ahead, you can be there ALMOST INSTANTLY, with little thought to positioning.

The fact that Mercy’s abilities are boosted MAKES HER A LOT EASIER TO PLAY! It makes the decisions simpler and it makes her kit a lot more forgiving. The “with great power comes great responsibility” argument is terribly flawed. Lifting a car as Superman IS NOT more skillful than lifting a car as a regular person using a long leaver and a fixed point to get leverage.


bunny hopping isn’t creative you just press [space] one more time
and superjumping is more of an unintentional feature which doesn’t require creativity to pull off it requires pressing [shift] + [ctrl] at the same time
my definition of creativity is very different than yours!

more like high risk maybe low reward

again petty!