Jester Sombra in the Shop

Blizzard, it’s a FOUNDERS skin! This was supposed to be an reward for the veteran players for playing OW during all the years. I can’t anymore…


Blizzard: :money_mouth_face:


Eh, less fomo is always nice

I wonder if its an allegory about her upcoming rework…


remember when they told us that there was a special extra bonus reward coming in the founders pack… and then it turned out to be kiriko, who we all thought was going to be free anyway, and a lot of people already paid for anyway by buying the watchpoint pack which contained the battlepass

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Didn’t even use it very much because no unique voicelines.

Damn, didn’t think they can actually make my already-very-profound regret over buying the Watchpoint pack even stronger.
Fool me thrice.


At this point expect a christmas gift where they rerun the blizzcon winston and bastion for a low low price of $50

Happy holidays everyone


So while we’re throwing out skins (considering they described the watch point skins as “exclusive” only to find them on the anniversary page), Tyrande Symmetra when?


My brother has it and he had less than an hour on overwatch 1. He didn’t even purchase the actual game, he got it off a game share.

Never!!! Yeeeeeeeeeee

I am starting to feel like Blizzard intentionally wants ppl to hate them.

You have betrayed your OW2 founders and now you are betraying your hardcore players too. Galaxybrain.


Yep I was thinking this too. tbh I’m surprised they haven’t re-release them by now :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

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You mean WAS a founders skin. Now it’s part of 50 dollar skin pack with 5 rerun skins.

Fantastic value. :I

Founder’s pack was free


Well, anything we own that’s exclusive is clearly not exclusive and just going to be sold, this will inevitably include Pink Mercy at some point. What is the point of exclusivity if it’s just going to come back later for people who shouldn’t be able to get it? If we’re just going to do this then I will wait until every BP item/skin becomes available and just not touch the game anymore.



It’s funny because players who got the founders pack, only have a Doomfist skin (which will return now, no doubt) and a player icon left now.

Treating Legacy players with pure contempt at this point.

I honestly don’t even care about it being a veteran gift lmao

Just like how they’re deleting all your old account history and stats to make way for OW2 and it’s new progression system

That Sombra will be a “Joke” now, so they just trolling us with releasing this?

Less FOMO is a bad thing now? Literally who cares if the skin comes back? You got it for free, it becoming less exclusive doesn’t change anything. Anyways istg not a single person ever in the history of OW2 has ever used that skin anyways.