Jester Sombra in the Shop

While I oppose exclusivity in general, it’s not about that. It’s about them constantly bait and switching people over the course of the last several years. It’s bad business, and they are a bad business.

Caveat emptor certainly applies. Even a year ago if you didn’t think they weren’t going to rip you off, you were deluding yourself. They are a bad company that knowingly lies, steals, harasses people, etc etc. When you deal with those kinds of people, they’re going to treat you poorly.

That said, let’s not treat this like they’re doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and quelling FOMO or something. The don’t care about old players, and they don’t care about new players. They want your money, and nothing is special to them.

you actually dont own anything in OW2…its all licensed, the sooner you wrap your head around this, the sooner you will understand that you dont matter and never will to blizz or any other company.

I already know this it doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong though, truthfully they should be giving any money back that anyone spends whenever they do this but unfortunately, laws do not protect consumers when it comes to digital items that aren’t real. At least not yet.

you are getting upset over a sale price item. this level of absurdity says a lot about the individual, you dont need protection from the law over a sale price of digital licensed media, you need to have impulse control, and control over your emotions, thats it. once you get that, you will look at those items you so desperately need, and be like, thats cool, but whatever.

They’re gonna sell everything AND the kitchen sink.

I said it when they announced OW2: They don’t care about the vet players because we’re not going to be forking out the cash for skins that a new(er) player will. Vet players already had most, if not all cosmetics.

But I will say that selling any of the Founder’s Pack items is just really tacky. Just says “We don’t value you. We value money more than the people who have stuck with us for all these years.” :face_vomiting:

A Blizzard represention skin? Haven’t thought they will do that.

How do I feel?

TBH, even as someone who used to buy and collect most of these these skins as they came out back in the day, I think one-time, “never again” digital exclusives of all types are quite a stupid business concept. I would like nothing more than for my newer friends who weren’t playing Overwatch since the beginning to be able to own their own copies too. I don’t feel special for owning Pink Mercy or smug about “flaunting” a skin they can’t have every time I decide to equip it. I, as a skin owner of many rare skins, would be delighted to see these skins more, and not just on my first person hands and guns.

I say bring it all back: Pink Mercy (just forward the money to the BCRF; they’ll take any donation they can get, at any time, lol), Noire Widowmaker, Demon Hunter Sombra and every other “Blizzcon goodie bag exclusive” OW skin, all the OWL team skins—past and present (sorry: “less past”), and all the OWL special skins, including All-stars and MVP. Alien Zarya too.

its so scummy why do they think this is ok

noire widow? absolutley not, these skins are a rewards for original players and they lose value to the people who own them when they are released to squeeze as much money they can out of old content

I’m an original player, preordered the game back in 2016. Noire Widow has no special sentiment to me. Just re-release it. Would be cool to see the skin be used more.

Yep yep. The skins were supposed to be a kind of “I was here before the game went F2P” stamp of ownership, in a similar vein as the Noir Widowmaker. It’s not a big deal in the great scheme of things, but can be irritating still. I won’t be surprised if they stick Noir in the shop next.


^Lots of things have been done to this game that are irritating. Re-releasing old skins should be the least irritating thing Blizzard has done yet. It really should be a non-issue to more people compared to all their more polarizing changes made to the game itself.

Uh no, they shouldn’t just be allowed to use deceptive practices like fake exclusivity and continue to keep anyone’s money. They deceived people and lied, that’s that. Compensation or the game shuts down(though this is likely to happen anyways). If Fortnite can’t deceive people and has to give money back then Blizzard will have no choice in the end. You cannot blame consumers for being deceived blatantly, it does say a lot about the individual that you think it’s my fault when I didn’t make these horrific practices in the first place.

prove it. you think you know more about consumer law than a room full of lawyers? have fun. you need to grow up, realize that the way the world works isnt how you want it to be, once you realize that, you will start enjoying life more.

Or things need to change for the better and they should not actually be allowed to sell skins at $20, $10, $5, or any price really because they don’t actually need this money. And when it comes to exclusivity, utilizing it to manipulate people is wrong, that isn’t my fault at all. They simply shouldn’t be allowed to get away with such things, but you know the way the world works is already miserable for all of us, glad to see that people like you would rather keep it that way for what exactly? Who gets benefit out of manipulating people? This game hasn’t improved since selling skins so it can’t be that.

cry moar you communist

Yeah they didnt bring noire widow back they shouldn’t mess with the founders pack either

couldnt care less about that skin

What a great idea, I bet tons of people would pay for Noire Widowmaker!