Serious question: Jeff, when are you going to turn Mercy into a Holy Priest already?
Just get rid of damage boost and give her circle of healing
Serious question: Jeff, when are you going to turn Mercy into a Holy Priest already?
Just get rid of damage boost and give her circle of healing
Damage boost is one of the most fun, skillful, interesting, and impactful parts of her entire kit!
Not to mention probably the most balanced part (It’s been changed ONCE since launch pretty much…can’t say the same for the rest of her kit).
Plus, Geoff has exciting plans for it!
But I would enjoy seeing her game some more Priest-like healing/shielding mechanics! Just not at the cost of damage boost!
Are we just gonna turn her into Moira? With no utility?
Better then pretending pocketing is a real way to play her
That would be SUPER cool! A straight healer who has a lot of healing utility
20 chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars
It has not been changed, but several heroes have been to accommodate it… I hate it, myself. Obviously.
Baptiste is practically a pastor already. You can’t convince me otherwise.
Except with the nerf to her healing you rarely have time to use it unless you’re in a comp specifically built around you. I don’t get to damage boost with her now as much as I did last year when I first started playing Mercy. It’s not fun.
I think she could use a few new tools.
Disagree, my damage boost stats have doubled since the healing nerf, and several Mercy players I know have had their damage boost stats increase since the HPS nerf too. You should be damage boosting MORE since the healing nerf, not less. Also, fun is subjective. If someone doesn’t find GA fun does that mean we should remove or replace it? No.
Unless you’re only ever trying to heal teammates, tanks included, all the way to full health - something you’re not supposed to be doing - then this shouldn’t be happening. If anything the nerf encouraged Mercys to damage boost more often than heal.
I find damage boost to be more of a crutch to DPS players. On console, more than not I get grouped with a duo stack of mercy and window and the mercy only heals/damage boosts her partner.
Her single target heals just don’t cut it, I can barely keep a Rein alive with more than 1-2 people attacking him. If she had some sort of AOE healing or rez immunity she would be a lot better. I find I can only do super risky rezzes or ask if we have a Zarya for a bubble. Mercy and Brig for healing combo is the worst, Brig needs to produce more healing too, why doesn’t she have a healing indicator with + signs when she swings? I want to know how much healing I am producing with my melee attacks.
I mainly play Moira/Ana since they produce damage and high amounts of healing.
The Best parts about being a holy priest, your healing cant be matched, you have mass rez, your rezzing can be quite a changer during raids, and your just basically unstoppable force
i said this in another thread. She’d be good with some disc priest abilities
So take Mercy away from me completely by turning her into a Priest?
Actually that sounds so bad it might happen.
We’ll have to agree to disagree since there’s no way to measure that. But I will say that if what you’re saying is true, that doesn’t bode well for her because IMO, it’s bad design if a healer spends more time damage boosting than healing.
Well no duh what’s fun is subjective. This whole debate is subjective. If someone doesn’t find GA fun that means they’re free to come here and explain why.
See above.
And why would you not heal to full? I’ve literally never heard of anyone in any game suggest a healer isn’t supposed to top characters off if they’re damage in front of you. Maybe that’s a weird comp thing, because if you try that in QP / casual you’ll get told off if they proceed to die when you could have saved them.
There is no such thing.
Also, she’s female.
damage boost is actually great on mercy believe it or not
but i kinda wanna run w/ the joke so can we give her
please stop it was cool the first couple of times and now i’m like okay we get it
i wish blizzard would put experimental ideas on the ptr i know it’s not gonna happen because we’re already divided on things they’ve officially put out on the live servers and it’d create more chaos but it’d be kinda fun…
Only healing to full health is bad, and it’s a tactic that I’ve seen a lot of pros advise against. You should only heal enough to make sure they’re kept alive and move on to other teammates and/or damage boost. Healing someone from critical all the way back to max would take too long for someone with sustain like Mercy and Zen and if you’re in a teamfight you should be using those extra seconds to help other teammates or adding on to the damage.