People use double shields…
Sym is good vs shields…
Its only fair that she is used all the time if people use two shields all the time
People use double shields…
Sym is good vs shields…
Its only fair that she is used all the time if people use two shields all the time
LOL. Oh my, the clicheness if your anger towards me is kind of funny.
Pretty sure the beam-adjustment was a buff, and the damage nerf was to balance her out.
But yeah, ok there pick-rate professional.
8 times? Are you trying to convince me here or make me disregard your words? They have nerfed both Orisa and Sigma, so even though I want more Sigma nerfs, your comment here seems off.
Right now she’s more reasonable. Yes, double-barrier needs a counter, but not a counter that’s powerful against everything.
Am I missing some patch notes or something? I know her damage was nerfed, but I can’t find all these other nerfs being talked about.
Edit: ahh, the ult nerf. Yeah, that’s a nerf, but it’s not make or break for her.
Also, can you send the source?
They nerfed her turrets, ultimate and her teleporter
You gotta start getting out from under that rock you live under you know
He also got slapped as Orisa by Torb and so Torb’s gun got nerfed.
Her ultimate had a HP nerf and a duration nerf
Her turrets had a damage nerf
her teleporter had a rework which some people consider a nerf due to the massive downtime the TP has
and her primary fire was nerfed in damage and width
I actually started going through
to remind myself of notes since he didn’t link anything.
They’re all nerfs I remember, but most were needed imo.
Anyways, I’m out of here. I need to stop getting sucked into forum arguments.
Sorry, I’m not a Symmetra cultist who remembers 100% of the changes. Read this post, and notice that I’ve already done my own research since useless people like you can’t be bothered to even cite sources (or even be specific for that matter) for your arguments.
Again, I’m out.
Just goes to show they have no idea whats going on
Jeff a tank main with a large part of his time on rein and D VA.
Yes, but her damage also translated to non-shields, which I believe was the problem.
If they let her primary do 25% more damage to barriers, I’d be ok with that.
Ok, I’m actually done now.
Yeah, because we all know the pros would not use one of the strongest characters, that’s why Sym has always been played in OWL. Good thing Jeff won a few plat games to recognize how OP Sym was and still is super strong.
If you are wondering why 8?
You can even see it in previous patch notes
If i add the turret not doing slow stacking that would be the 9th nerf
Look im okay with some of the nerf but the way how fast she got nerfs seems a bit bias against her somehow and yes im aware sigma and orisa or doom get nerfs too, never said they weren’t
But they were not as severe compare to what symm has gone thru.
You make her sounds like a day 1 Brigitte here so i cant take your opinion seriously!
If that’s what he said than he really doesn’t play sym beyond when she was “meta”
Thank you for the reasonable response. Yes, I was making her sound like day 1 Brigitte a bit, I will admit.
I had scanned through the patch-notes and confirmed something similar to what you’ve said; my frustration came from a vague argument.
Ultimately, I think the nerfs come down to how fun or frustrating it is to play against a hero, and is not always about pure balance. I’d like for Symmetra to be good, but not in the way where she engages with a super powerful barrier and melts everyone’s face off.
I had muted this thread but came back since I saw you typing a reply for a few minutes.
So, he played sym when she was meta? You mean, for 5 minutes?
Because that sounds more accurate, considering she was supposedly utter garbage literally the day before Sigma hit live, hence why she was receiving buffs.
Of course a hero would be powerful in a meta that’s good for them. Yet another example proving the clownery known as Blizzard Balancing: Let’s nerf a hero because they’re viable. Moria’s now getting the same treatment.
I wonder if Jeff’s been playing Moira recently…?
Except that’s not why she fell out of the meta, she got nerfed and became less clearly busted. Symmetra is still a fine hero, she just plays closer to her tanks. Still strong, still fun, still the same hero with slightly lower numbers.
Man, people refuse to accept that Symmetra was busted. Her damage was increased a ridiculous amount when her bug fix went live. It needed to be fixed, so it was. Symmetra wasn’t “viable”, she was sitting with a 3% pickrate and a 57% winrate.
“Not. Cool. Dudes.”
Then Widow and Hanzo should have been nerfed hard, a long time ago. Balance is based purely off dev bias and how hard/often Jeff gets clapped by any specific hero.
Don’t make me say it
So basically, she was overtuned like everyone with sense said after the bug fix. Way too much value for doing practically nothing.
She’s fine now. She’s only bad in the hands of lazy Symmetra players who’d rather just let the game play for them and get praise for it.