Jeff plays symmetra and mei :o

in a blizzcon Q&A interview he said he played her a lot during the time she was meta and ended up in a really high skill rating than he thought he’d end up as a DPS, he said she was overpowered during that time and even now she’s very strong.

So I guess this is the devs’ opinion on symm so probably no hero changes for her (maybe when they go over all the heroes for OW2)

EDIT: okay this thread took a turn. this wasn’t meant to bash jeff or the dev team and say symm’s still F tier (im a symmain and i think she’s slightly underpowered [the usual for us]). I just wanted to post it because we symmains never get clear answers about how the team feels about her state.

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Define high skill rating. Because gold is not that high.


i thought he was a Plat/Dia Rein OTP

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Do you really need that story given we got a direct answer to sym by Josh Noh on here? Click the dev tracker it’ll be one of the most recent ones


oh didn’t know that thanks though i was just listening to the OW2 interviews and thought to bring it to the forums :slight_smile:

he didn’t say his actual rank, just in comparison to what he thought.

me too but apperently it changed once role queue rolled in

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Does that mean Mei nerfs are coming ?

So basically he played sym while seagull carried him. Lol that does not mean sym is strong


Cool so he used her in some low mid rank and decided she was op and that’s why she got nonsensical nerfs.

Yay balance!


He found Symm overpowered…but not Mei. OHOKAY :clown_face:

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So he never played Sym before and only when she was viable and enabled by the meta? Does he ignore the fact that Sym falled out of the meta after a while because the people learned how to play against a Sym?
Hey Jeff. If you see this. Please play Sym NOW after you nerfed her whole kit beside the orbs. Thank you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush::heart_eyes:


Holy king of strawmen. Have you ever had a proper argument in your life?

Prior to her nerfs, every GM streamer’s game I watched had a Symmetra DPS. I’m not exaggerating.

Feel free to keep complaining, though.


Prob Diamond. We know plat atleast is normal for him.

Lol. You know what that means to me?

All the changes to Symm and Mei come from Jeff thinking… “Man. You know what I really need right now?”


He thought she was broken before her rework and thought she was more op than mass rez. He’s got a weird thing about Sym and Torb.


Probably ignoring that a lot of players just literally stand in front of her turret until they die at that rank.

Jeff is not all Devs. His opinion isn’t the teams opinion. While I’m sure his voice is strong on the team your conclusion is incorrect.


I’m referring to the nerfs post beam-fix adjustment, where she had already plummeted in pick rate back to obscurity.

Feel free to keep being bad at the game, though.


She was being enabled by the meta thats why people will use her but the question is why was she nerfed 8 times as if she is the enabler and the one whos Dominating like orisa and sigma and doom?

The meta is still double barrier after her nerfs so clearly symmetry is not the problem nor OP.

Im okay with that beam fix nerf damage but nerfing every other part of her kit except the orb is overkill!

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Just ignore him
People seem to forget the meta isn’t as black and white as “OP” and “Utter Trash”

Symmetra was a symptom of double shield
she wasn’t overpowered in her own right
but shone above the rest in the context of double shield


“When she was overpowered.”

Ah yes, a good three days that was.