đŸ”¶ Jeff just confirmed a new Hanzo change coming to PTR

And you clearly never played at a GM rank.

At GM rank she 2 shots winston before he even touches the ground.

Trust me, at upper ranks this change won’t do crap to stop highly skilled widow mains.


I get the feeling if it is a change, it will be nerfs to something and buffs to something. He has never had great stats, especially outside of top ranks. I dont imagine them really nerfing him, or if they do, I imagine it will be very minor.

Another storm arrows change. Nothing more.

Or maybe they’ll revert the draw speed increase

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I’ve been GM the past 13 seasons, only dropped to 3800 this season but already almost back with a 90% winrate. Next.

No I won’t trust you random private forum user
I will trust history

No you are no GM.

Because if you were you would know what I was talking about. This grapple change is not a nerf, it’s a revert.

You would know that if you played since launch like I did.


Well, if they want to do a “real” nerf to Widow. They could reduce her headshot multiplier. Which would also effectively decrease her charge rate.

Would make it so she needs 100% charge to instakill a Reaper.

✅ Widow Headshot 2.5x => 2.1x


we shall see, though whatever it is, I dont trust 2 pennies that the forums will see it correctly

I agree,

This so called nerf everyone talks about isn’t a nerf, it’s a revert. That is the original CD she had on grapple. And it didn’t effect Kephri then anymore than it will now.

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That seems to be the case with a hero. Every time they nerf/buff a hero, they always adjust only one thing about them

D.Va too strong? Nerf DM!
D.Va too weak? Buff DM!

Widow too strong? Nerf grapple CD!
Widow too weak? Buff grapple CD!

Reaper too strong? Nerf his life steal %!
Reaper too weak? Buff his life steal %!

Orisa too strong? Nerf her shield!
Orisa too weak? Nerf her shield! 
oh wait

Looking at Hanzo’s history, realistically it’s probably gonna be either a storm arrow/lunge nerf.


what if they did the inverse, lower her base damage and increase the crit, or is that dumb?

12%!? Leave it to Blizz to try balancing with a sledgehammer. Why didn’t they try 7% first, like everyone’s been asking!?


in all, jeff seems just sad that no one cares to actually test the things they put forward

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Well the idea is to nerf toptier Widows, without having much effect on middle-low tier Widows.

And nerfing the bodyshot, while making the headshot be unaffected, would be the reverse of that.

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But u have never been gm, what is a top500 icon? My head hurts from reading those messages.


You forgot to add Sombra though.

Sombra to strong? Nerf 4 times
Sombra still to strong? Nerf 4 more times!
Sombra to weak? Nerf again!

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hmm i guess so

I tested role lock for several days on PTR back in the summer . I wrote a LENGTHY reply that Role lock was NOT good for the Health of Quickplay but I did see some advantages that it would have in Competitive.

I had opted for a motion that Having a spot where 1 tank and 1 healer was locked in for EVERY match would be a good idea. But this 2s lock-down has NOT been good.

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I’m hoping his arrows just get fall off, so Hanzo becomes the close range Widow.

So basically lower her skill ceiling but keep her skill floor the same.

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i want it to be a hybrid of scatter and storm arrow.

shoots like storm arrow on at a time. bounces off walls and doesn’t headshot like scatter