Jayne PTR games, and Reaper

Oh god please no.

Look, we can all agree that Shadow Step is terrible, okay? How about we walk over to imagination-land and try to think about what it would be like to fight a shotgun hero with extremely high damage and two unstoppable (and only kind of punishable) escape abilities.

I don’t know what vision Blizzard has for the character, but that most certainly isn’t it. If Shadow Step is supposed to be an approach, it doesn’t really benefit from first-part invulnerability and probably needs to be faster. If shadow step is supposed to be an escape, then wraith form would like to have a word. If they can’t find a way to make shadow step work, I wouldn’t mind seeing them replace it entirely, but him having two escapes is basically an annoyance on par with Sombra, and we don’t need more of that.


Well yeah, the idea would be to revert the lifesteal change.

The trick is, if Reaper teleports away in front of enemies that have range, he’s just gonna get shot in the back repeatedly.

revert damage back to original, make shadowstep close to instant and reaper is invulnerable for the super short duration, and usable while shooting as well as moving.

Unless he teleports anywhere out of their field of vision. The reason current Shadow Step is punishable much at all as an escape is that he can be shot before fading away. And yes, that makes it fairly useless as an escape right now, but I really don’t think that’s what it was meant to be.

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I had my own idea for a Shadow Step overhaul that might be pretty cool.

No, but I am one of the three people in the world that actually like shadow step. If I were looking to fix reaper I would look at alternate fire rather than his leech or shadow step. Let him be something other than dead weight when he is forced to play from range.

That’s just me though.

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I honestly don’t think the developers even know what it’s meant to be these days.

This is what I’ve said for the past few days myself now. He’s going to be ridiculous for 90% of the players, while higher up where he needs the actual help he’ll still fall short. His issue isn’t that he can’t survive once he is in a fight or can’t do good damage. He does both really well, actually.

But actually getting into the fight is another story for the poor reaps.

Again. Reaper needs Shadow Rush

If you’re talking about some kind of temporary movement speed boost, that sounds pretty fun to play, regardless of how good it would be.

That same buff Symmetra’s TP needs, it takes too long for reaper to Teleport and it takes too long for TP to deploy


Shadow Rush is a new ability I want Reaper to have. If you read my post it explains it all out.

If any enemies are nearby, they would have practically the same line of sight as Reaper.

That said, if you look at Widow, she has an ability that speeds her ability to get into position. And then also run away.

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Ive literally created an ability that fixes this problem

Snowball fight, yay!

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Sounds like a “Nothing personal kid” meme.

That said, I don’t like the ability to Reappear with invincibility.

Because you know that would just be instantly turned into a Deathblossom or of nowhere.

I like approaching with Wraith, because it’s visually and audio very noisey, and informs the enemy they are about to be attacked. So it’s more of a “Duel” rather than a “Surprise, you’re dead now!”.

Well… maybe you dont understand the visual/audio part of this. Its even more obvious that Wraith Form.

Did you watch those clips I posted?

Reaper turns into a very very obvious big black ball of smoke that travels across the map. You would see this coming a mile away. All this ability does is allow him to get close without taking damage.

Plus, when you come out of this form, there would be the same delay that you have when you come out of Wraith Form

that sounds a bit op, what would be the downsides to it?

Reaper is going to move into the space that they just moved Doom out of. He needs a complete rework not just one ability.

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