Jayne just called out Teleporter for being bad

It was through the conversation of making Symmetra’s Teleporter behave the way it did before the rework and I’m not sure I would call basically the strongest comp there is out there piss poor.

That’s what I meant. It really only saves time for the people behind Sym who get to it after it’s set up.

TP deployment needs to be immediate and it should last longer. If you just use it to “walk faster” during setup time you can see people can cover the max deployment distance faster because the setup time is so long…

Where’s the timestamp for the Symmetra comment? Can’t find it.

Good thing that pro play is identical to your typical ladder match.

Teleport is a potentially very useful skill in Comp, I’ve seen several high-SR Syms use the teleporter quite effectively, most often it seems to be set up early-fight to give the Sym and possibly supports she’s near an opportunity to escape a dive or push on their location, often using the teleporter to get to higher ground. I’ve even seen Sym players use it to teleport back and forth between two spots, creating what almost amounts to a one-person flank.

Teleport is a slow and clunky skill, I can agree with that, but saying it’s useless will just make every Reaper main laugh at you in the face.

Lol its dallas who tucked up not the Sym carry.

I agree, and the old photon barrier was way more versatile than this itteration is. I say give her photon barrier as standard ability again, and put either a revamped shield gen as her ult, or give her an ult that actually deals damage, like a big hardlight explosion or something. While you’re at it, make her orbs pierce shields again,cause if they’re keeping photon wall, she needs to get it easier

Interesting watch. Thanks for the link!