Jay3 on rage hackers in gm1

Why is anti cheat not picking up such blatant cheats


never understood why he gives hackers such attention. you could say to make Blizz aware of them.

i guess

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Eh. Stopped watching Jay ages ago. Not an entertaining streamer at all imo. Maybe thats changed.

Judging by OP’s topic, maybe not though :laughing:

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That is the most disgusting hack I’ve ever seen. :rofl:


imagine the rage when this guy gets banned and loses all the money he spent.

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Nah, it’s just a new sens bro


really bad hack too lol, so blatant, also id be reporting every person on that team for enabling this kiddie hacker.

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nothing surprises me anymore liek the dev team and whoever is in charge of the broken defense matrix continues to make me derpessed…

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I think he’s kinda entertaining but his high pitched voice is too much for me. I just can’t stand it.


No way, there’s no cheats in Overwatch. The anticheat catches them all. This is made up. Just good game sense.



one of the funniest and coolest games i ever had with a cheater was on PUBG (battle royale game). was a duo (twos) game and with a russian guy who spoke broken english. kept telling me “its ok… im good!” sure enough the kill feed was just the dude and im like dam dude has 20 kills. i kept on trying to give him scopes i found 2x and 4x but he was like “no i dont need it”

of course when i watched the replay he had an assault rifle with no scope and was beaming people 100s of yards away. i dont remember much but i remember him saying a lot of funny stuff in broken english and telling me how proud he was to get me a win at the end. game was like 8 years go but i still remember it a bit

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Cheaters get caught by using known cheats that match something Blizzard can recognize. If you commission your own hacking software that is one of a kind and make sure Blizzard never gets their hands on it then they won’t recognize it. This is what the pros and big streamers do. They make a ton of money from cheating so it is worth the money as there are no legal repercussions for it. If there is money to be made people will do it.


YouTube algorithm…

Negatively titled and themed videos have a far better click through rate than positive.

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There has been reports of people paying as high as 20,000 for cheats that are not detectable at all.

Everything I know about working on computer systems, whats the point in cheating? Its automating gameplay for a person. Talk about boring and dumb. I’d rather play the game myself vs some AI or piece of equipment, tyvm.

Its no better than if I sat here watching a professional overwatch player, while holding my mouse and keyboard going “pew pew pew pew” . its sad and pathetic behavior for people to cheat.

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It’s ridiculous for anyone to believe that cheaters actually pay more than $30 / month for an aimbot in Overwatch.
Tournament cheats for LAN environments are that expensive but that’s a whole different thing.

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Cheat devs are constantly finding ways to circumvent anticheat programs.

Once the developers find an exploit, they let cheaters use it as much as possible, flagging their accounts. After a few weeks, those accounts are permanently banned. Then new exploits are found, and the cycle continues.


The amount of cheating going on, I suspect it’s not that easy anymore. The game being F2P is absolutely a part of the problem.

Tbh, I haven’t come across someone I suspected of cheating in a bit surprisingly, but today I started playing with a friend and 2 games in a row we went against the same trio, a tank, support, DPS, the support being the pocket mercy for the dps aimbotting on soldier. It’s crazy that it wasn’t picked up on in the first game tbh.

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*Unless it’s Mr. Beast.

Right. So you would report people for Blizzard pairing them with a hacker. What’s wrong with you?