Jay3 on rage hackers in gm1

Jay says he sucks, but the cheater is actually awesome.

It’s content and it does make people more aware in general, as well as pressuring Blizzard to action.

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I do have to wonder how the system didn’t detect those bans and instantly delete him.

It makes me genuinely question the systems we have in place for detecting these. When they’re this obvious…how? How do they not get banned???

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You don’t need any “exploits”, the software doesn’t need to have any “bugs” in it for the cheats to work. This rumor is pretty widespread.

I am bringing this up because I want to address the real problem of games that do not have a kernel driver component in their anticheat.

The process of creating cheats for this game is well known. It’s the other way around: as long as the cheats don’t touch any areas that the game recognizes as a violation or leaves traces in userspace, they can’t do much against kernel driver cheats. This is due to the way privileges work.

When was the last time you checked out cheat prices? 10 years ago? The days of x22 are over.

Things have changed. 100$/month isn’t rare. 50$-70$ is pretty much normal. DMAs go for 400$+ start-up costs.

Edit: why tf is my post a reply to someone else? sorry Electronic lol

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I checked 5 minutes ago.

Not sure if I’ll get banned for naming cheats so I’ll, uuh, idk, just list the prices I see from the first 6 threads on a commonly known cheat sale forum, I guess. All monthly.

50€ (455 RC, whatever currency that is)
there’s one for 8€/day, no monthly option

Idk where you’re looking, but it’s not the right place lol

Edit: Oh, and all that are providers without DMA. DMA goes for more + the hardware.

We shouldn’t be naming cheatproviders here, I agree. The provider I’m talking about has been selling it for 5 years under a “.pro” domain, and it’s undetected.

Aim and Trigger 30 days for $30

My point here is that it’s cheap, cheaper than for any other game because the anticheat is easy to defeat. (Compared to other games)

Every game has cheap af cheats, usually sellers claiming they’re undetected while actually not being so. Don’t trust the websites of individual sellers, forums are the place to go with user feedback and usually those cheap cheats get demolished by reviews pretty quick.

Overwatch is definitely not cheaper than most other games (Apex, CoD, R6S etc.). Standard “market rates”, if you will. All these games have some rando selling trash for 20$/month, but despite claims that it’s undetected, it’s usually not.

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All I can say is what I’ve already said, so it makes sense that the cheats are cheaper for OW. Just from a logical position.

Because they reallocated their garbage system to catching ‘toxicity’ in the chat and giving out insane suspensions XD

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i forgot the forum , i’m pretty sure i have it bookmarked somewhere, it shows which providers are scammers or not and which cheats are undetectable or not. Pretty useful.

I’m pretty sure the anti-cheat works off a ‘library’ of known programs. There is new software being developed and released constantly. If the anti-cheat doesn’t know the program, it won’t pick up on it, no matter how blatant the cheats are in game.


I get it for sneaky cheats where the cheater toggles on and off and tries to hide it, but blatant cheaters like these should not even make it past the main menu, what is wrong Blizzard? Are you not updating your AC?

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ow2 players : I won’t pay $20 for a skin
ow2 cheaters : Hold my white claw


Because it’s a paid cheat and paid cheats are nearly impossible to detect otherwise they wouldn’t be expensive.

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…except this game is f2p, so he will just make another account. (even if it wasn’t f2p, he would just buy another one)

They aren’t impossible to detect, but when they ARE detected, they are updated so that they aren’t anymore. Thats why you pay monthly.

not talking about the money spent on the game, talking about all the dough he coughed up for the “undetectable cheats”

And? He will still have access to the cheats, and just make a new account…

I just watched a TikTok about console users using hacks. Didn’t know there was such a thing as strike pack and cronis max which are undetectable. I’m sure there are others out there for the pc that are undectable too.

This is why I’ve always advocated for stat sharing such as weapon accuracy and headshots. Also they should include spectating as a Daily quests where it gives you the option to tag players you see with questionable actions.