I've taken up maining orisa recently

I’ve recently discovered I love mowing down the enemy team behind the safety of my barrier fun
Orisa/tank mains please give me your overall tips and tricks or just how to survive without relying on your barrier


Don’t try shooting and running at the same time. Fortify makes you a tank, without it Orisa is really squishy. Barrier dancing is a thing. Her gun does a ton of damage up close (especially with headshots). There is no “surviving without relying on the barrier.”


Well that sucks. I only ask cause i hate being in the open when my barriers destroyed and on cooldown

I’ll do a write-up later.

In general, she plays like a combination of many tanks.

Biggest thing, change your crosshair to a fat purple crosshair.


Most orisas fortify when reapers push them. Dont do this, instead halt them back outside the shield and barrier dnce them. Fortify is a really important ability so try not to waste it. You can also use fortify to use yourself as a meat shield when your barrier breaks and is on cooldown, be sure to communicate with your support to pocket you.


You need to manage your barrier and take good positioning, think some steps ahead. Btw, I forget to mention that halt can deny dives by messing up movement abilities like jump pack and halt can be used to peel for yourself or pull enemies behind you in front of you for a mouthful of plasma bullet crits.

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Use Halt! to draw low health enemies into a stream of bullets. Free kills. Basically never stop firing unless you’re repositioning.
Halt! functions differently when firing at a surface and detonating it manually. When you’re firing it at a wall near a ledge, it will draw enemies to the center of the orb. When you detonate it manually mid-flight it only pulls enemies to the edge of the orb. Knowing when to fire it at a wall instead of detonating it manually can make boops much more effective.

Orisa stands no chance against Genji, so don’t even bother. Call your team for help
Try to only use Fortify if you have full health. %50 damage reduction plus the reduction from armor is nothing sneeze at as you reposition or push into brawling range

Played a decent amount of Orisa on my alt account, a good way to get around barrier down time is to shoot a barrier up into the air when your current barrier isn’t taking too much damage. By the time it comes down you should have your next barrier ready to go.

This one might be a bit obvious but save fortify for when your shield goes down, it can also be helpful to body block when using fortify. You can protect people from a Rein shatter if you fortify in the right spot.

This is a bit of bug related advice, if an opposing Orisa pulls you with her halt, do not use fortify after being pulled. If you use it before being pulled you will of course be safe. However, if you use it after being pulled it will send you flying. The timing is pretty specific on it but I have done it to other Orisas, it’s really funny when it happens but it can sometimes land you in a bad spot if it happens to you

I’ll just go through some fundamentals that really make a difference for any orisa player.

halt small targets into the ground to make them easier to hit and limit their mobility, such as Tracer or Genji. set up your crosshair when doing so, so that you immediately land shots on their head. if genji dashes through you and you have halt up, shoot it at your feet and it should pull him in front of you. if you can get a pull that brings someone in a straight line towards you, do it, and shoot their head while you do it. it causes a lot of burst damage to apply at once.

halt large targets into the air to limit their ability to move forward and put them in a predictable trajectory for you to spam your gun into. for rein pushing into you, try to halt him up and back. halt is good for maintaining space between you and your opponents.

You can bait zarya bubbles really easy so keep an eye on that, you can also charge them really easily so try not to spam mindlessly all the time.

there are lots of good ways to augment your shield with map geometry around corners, try to take notice of anywhere like this. orisa is at her best playing corners rather that being out in the open.

you can hang back from your shield and let your off-tank be the big fat bouncer instead of you, you don’t always need to be front lining. you’re not reinhardt, don’t act like reinhardt, instead think of ways you can do his job differently from how he does it.

The VERY center of your crosshair is important. you will have occasional perfectly accurate shots, allowing you to reasonably pressure widowmaker. center your crosshair on her head and spam, I think it’s something like 1/8th of your shots will always hit her head, and it only takes a couple seconds to kill her if she doesn’t move, which is surprisingly common.

orisa is not good at retreating and shooting. if you need to retreat, your best option is to either die on cart or turn around, fortify and try to run away like a coward.

Watch Evil Toaster on twitch and profit, he just got to top 10 with her. (GreyFalcon is referencing him (^_^)


If the enemy has low ranged dmg output, launch your shield into the air before she breaks, the shield should land as your current one breaks and your cooldown will be about half of normal. This is how you win shield wars.

Get quick at Fortify for charges, stuns, and things like Grav.

Halt is everything! Yes, you can pull people off edges and into firestrikes and earthshatters but let’s talk normal everyday use. Pull people (like Rein) up and away) from you. The fall time allows for you to get more damage on them as they fall than otherwise. Work on your Halt aim, getting massive free damage on squishies due to Halt is so easy when you understand how they pull and fall with Halt.

Hog Ult…let him push you a little before fortifying to reduce total damage.

Shield placement, stop putting these straight! If you angle them you can general block a choke and a flank at the same time.

Protecting your b0ngo is important but not worth dying for.

Bunker up, sometimes you just need to put yourself in a corner and LIVE. Keep the enemies out of it with Halt and Fortify.

Halt snipers out of position. Doing so wastes their cooldowns, their time, and their dps even if they don’t die.

Don’t place shields where the enemy can walk through them. If you do, you’re dead.

Keep playing Orisa…If you c=keep practicing you’ll find that it’s hard to often justify other tanks.

Eventually realize that Rein does take space better than Orisa, she just retains space better.

Actually, Orisa doesn’t act as a wall in Fortify for Earthshatter. It just goes behind her and hits everyone, even if you’re right behind her.

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I swear I’ve protected and been protected by it before, goes to show how buggy shatter is lol

Shoot your shield directly up before a team fight and by the time it lands you’ll have a new one. I don’t play much orisa and I’m generally a low elo player but I’m betting this would work.

As far as I know, Orisa has never been able to block Earthshatter because she makes herself CC immune and not a wall.

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honestly, this is the most well-known tip but also the most inconsequential. It is honestly rare that you will find a chance to do this and actually get value out of it, it happens maybe once a match.

generally if their dps is so high that your shield breaks 4 seconds after it goes down, using this trick will help you for a couple seconds but make little difference in the shield war.

if their dps on shields is low, you will find you don’t even need the reset, you can just drop the shield off cooldown and the enemy team will barely be able to break it in 8 seconds.

it’s an alright tip, but people make it out to be so much more important than it actually is. what’s more important is where you place the shield, not how you place it. especially in shield wars.

speaking of shield wars, OP, learn to get aggressive when you can. a good trick for fighting an opposing orisa is to have no fear, you fortify and walk right up to her while making sure your supports are on you, drop your shield inside the enemy orisa shield, and put your gun directly in their face until they die.
this simple technique will win you a lot of fights provided you don’t screw up and die. dominating their orisa in a ‘1v1’ (big air quotes on this) is a sure fire way to make the orisa tilt and try to do the same to you.

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Wait I’m not the only one who has that as their Orisa crosshair!

Always play with high gound and/or cover and don’t rely only on the shield, positioning still matters.

It’s the opposite color from her bright green bullets, on the color spectrum.

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Like I said I don’t play orisa much so it was the only tip I could think of

Plus it goes well with null sector.