I've taken up maining orisa recently

One I’m not seeing is don’t be right behind your shield, instead put your shield out there and be back with some cover.

Example defending first point Hollywood. Put your shield out there at the edge of the building outside the choke to let your DPS fire but don’t be there, instead fall back behind that blue car by the right path through the building past the choke. Being back from your shield means you don’t block your team’s view and the blue car provides a ton of cover even when your shield is down.


Your top 5c, I’m bronze but here’s what I’ve got, and I LOVE Orisa.

  1. If it isn’t being focused the shield outlasts the cooldown, you can push in increments. Throw your shield when your cooldown ends, don’t wait for it to be melted.
  2. When she’s not shooting, she’s speedy! Don’t spam the gun!
  3. You don’t have to stay behind the shield, you can give it to bastian for example, and reposition elsewhere and cover/peel.
  4. Play with fortify, it can save your life!
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I basically mentioned this. fantastic tip honestly, I wish more orisa players would do this. it does wonders for your survivability in fights because it makes pushing into you very hard. if you stick roadhog in your shield and sit behind him, you put a LOT of pressure on the enemy team’s tanks.

Essentially treat your actual self as a Bastion, set up somewhere back and safe and lay down fire, use Halt to redirect people in front of the DPS and use your shield way ahead of you.

Orisa can and should tank from the back line when possible. Not only does this protect you, but it puts you in a better position to help your Support if they get dove.

nice to see other orisa mains…

When aiming your mini grav for environmental kills aim a little higher than the enemy model this increases the travel distance during the fall if that only slightly but can make a difference between the enemy clipping the edge and surviving.

If you have a roadhog coordinate with him so he can hook when you suck people in.
Try to suck people into the air to disrupt them when it makes sense.
React fast enough when the enemy team pushes you and fall back. A really common mistake for Orisa players is to get just walked all over by an enemy rein who just walks through the shield.

"I didn’t want that life for you…

But I know it is your decision, and I will support it."

A smile filled with love intensives

Anyone know where this is from?

that would imply ppl actually pick reaper but yeah what he said fortifying against him will give you an ez 1v1 but you can accomplish the same feat by shield dancing without wasting fortify

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Ana and pharah’s interaction?

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“[SFM] Mother’s support”

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A simple tip, but Reinhardts are very common.
Fortify and kill any foolish Reinhardt who charges you by loading their head with bullets.

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No, if someone is directly behind her or if you shatter right in front of her as she fortifies, Orisa blocks shatter.

I have yet to block shatter or have it blocked for me with Orisa.

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I like to say thanks to the OP and all ya’ll. I’ve been practicing her and these tips have already helped me improve :).

I forgot to mention this: NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER fortify when you think the enemy Hog has or if he’s currently using Whole Hog. EVER.

I cant give you advice about how to play Orisa but at least I can give you some advice about how you shouldnt play Orisa as a Reaper main. Dont use your fortify when Reaper is pushing for you. Its your anti cc ability save it for cc heroes. Use your halt to create distance with Reaper only use fortify he manages to get close to you. Use barrier dance as a tactic.

All bout prediction, usually the Rein will play either too passive or too aggressive when they do.

This is huge and one of the most common interactions. It’s inexcusable to be killed by a charging Rein.

not true, let him whole hog you out of range then fortify to stabilize and kill him.