I've Solved the Armor Problem

I mostly play D.va/Winston/Roadhog. I used to be a Pharah main but don’t feel comfortable playing one of the worst heroes in the game anymore

Armor never impacted Hanzo or Widow lol

Headshots were always strong against armor. That’s why when Brig was first introduced the strongest DPS options were Widow/Hanzo due to their bulk damage head shots.

Thats exactly the problem

Not it’s basically non-existent against them, especially in higher ELOs where aiming isn’t an issue. The armor they need to survive headshots would be gone, and they would die even faster

Yeah, and with this idea it REALLY wouldn’t affect them

… 5 dmg is irrelevant when they can easily deal 115 body shots and 300+ headshots. Snipers really are unaffected by armor, they either body shot you hard or HS you even harder 5-15 dmg difference is irrelevant to their 1-2 shot potential.

Again, this only matters for spread weapons because they deal between 5-15 a pellet making a -5 in every single pellet a huge difference. Don’t look at snipers, they’re out of the argument.

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In the grand scheme of things, snipers were affected the least.
What do you think matters more? Widow or Hanzo having their damage per shot reduced by 5? Or Soldier?

I’d rather have this.

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Reinhardt and Orisa? Rein wears a helmet, and Orisa’s entire body is made of metal including the head…

Torb’s armor was resource based and getting it on 6 players took time. That said, it was still very powerful and armor + molten core was the reasons that Torb defense strats were so snowbally if they managed to hold for one or two fights.

The problem he had is that was generally a bad pick that struggled to hold for long enough to get the time needed to build up scrap.

Same as above. Torb’s armor was super impactful, the hero was just lackluster in general.

And Brigitte’s permanent armor is tied to her ult :roll_eyes: which takes time. Her repair packs are only temporary. People act like she has her ultimate ready at all times and the enemy team always has 100 brig armor. Unless you’re only corner peaking or sitting behind a barrier armor disappears quickly.

That’s why people use it during down time between fight so you have extra health to swing the next fight in your favor. Otherwise if you use it during a fight you need to also use a Zen or Lucio ult to keep the armor protected while it builds otherwise it’s just a waste of a brig ult. I’ve seen lots of brigs panic ult or they just dumbly choose to ult in a fight then die like 1-2 seconds afterwards never giving their team armor.

Why did you quote the entire post if you didn’t bother to read past the first sentence?

Yeah, that’s not really how you want to use it any more. Hardly ever was since the nerf from 150 to 100 permanent armor.

So… Brig ult lasts 10 seconds, grants 30 armor per second, can only store up to 100 per player. Or, you could use the entire ult and grant 300 armor per player because it’s an incredible sustain ult :thinking: Waste of an ult, lol.

You can’t possibly believe the only use Brig ult has is to give everyone 100 armor.

what you are talking about was the literal reason armor was added to the game, tracer with headshots could 1.5 clip rien easily with headshots, and reaper could 2 tap him

Orisa head hitbox says hi

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On paper, sure. But when is reaper ever able to get close enough to make every single one of his pellets hit? Even for a perfectly aimed shot, that rarely happens due to spread. You’d have to be literally touching them, which is not really ideal. You want to be a few meters away. His effective damage is much lower than on paper.


Ok. So yes, the math tells us that when Reaper can land mostly headshots he isn’t effected by armor that much. Tanks which have headshot hitboxes large enough for Reaper to hit other than at point blank:
Orisa, Winston, Roadhog, D.Va.
Orisa nuts on Reaper because when she fortifies you literally do 25% damage. If you wait for fortify to go down, then you can kill her but if she has it up it’s gonna take forever.

Winston feeds Reaper, but a good Winston is just gonna dive wherever Reaper isn’t, since Reaper has minimal mobility.

Roadhog is countered and counters Reaper.

D.Va is a big counter to Reaper. She does pretty significant damage at close range and DM destroys Reaper.

Reaper doesn’t want to get in Reinhardt’s face, he wants to be just out of hammer range, so he can’t get full headshots on Rein.

Hammond has a tiny head hitbox, so there’s no way to get a full headshot on him (plus a good Hammond can just run away since his mobility is infinitely better).

Zarya is pretty easy to kill as Reaper but a Zarya bubble on your target can really screw you over because you instantly give her 28 charge with a single shot, and the bubble protects the target from 2 shots.

Most tanks that have head hitboxes large enough for Reaper to basically ignore armor are not easy kills for Reaper. Some have more damage mitigation, others have more damage than Reaper. “Just headshot them” isn’t a valid argument.

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I do believe there’s an armor problem at the core of the game, as many of the top heroes tank wise (specifically Dva, Winston, and Rein) are all armor users of sorts and that can’t be a coincidence. (Yes, Zarya is not in that, but I find her to be a very unique character that can be compared there). I don’t believe however it’s specifically related to any one individual however, I think it’s more of a universal problem.

I think the bigger issue with Armor is actually the ability to regenerate at no real cost. Aka, being able to repeatedly get that damage reduction, even in the middle of a fight, thanks to the efforts of support players. The thing is, one of the reasons that Mercy was so powerful at 60 HPS was the fact that she could keep tanks in that armor range, where they could get that extra reduction of damage, and fight off even more damage. In fact, it’s the same thing with even Ana or Moira for example: and it’s one of the reasons why several fights turn out for as long as they do. Now, it does hit specific heroes a lot stronger then others, but the problem exists for anyone facing the tank.

Part of me wonders if one of the ideas that should be played around with is that armor’s effects when it’s regenerated don’t go into effect UNTIL the player is back at full, or maybe even a second or so after they’ve recovered it. It’d allow for constant pressure to have more of an effect on a healed tank/armored target, and would allow that flood gate to open in order for that last hit. I am worried that may eat into time to kill a little too much, so you’d have to play with that a lot in order to understand how much it effects things.

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And once he had a ton of armor to give, he was hard to beat. That’s why they reworked him. He was super weak if you beat him in the first 2 team fights but after that it got exponentially harder. They took it away when they buffed him for a reason, and his armor was the strongest part of his kit.

He also didnt have a passive aoe+self heal or a 500 health shield, or a guaranteed stun, or a guaranteed full health across the map and very 8 seconds. He was and is easy to kill

I actually like how armor and shields are. It makes it more valueable with shields protecting armor from getting tickled down. I miss the combo of torb packs with shield gen. It was a must for bunker comps for bastion and orisa

This is probably the main issue with armor. Some supports (Moira, Ana) can actually outheal certain (most?) DPS heroes on an armored target, even if the DPS has 100% accuracy (headshots not counted). That’s quite silly tbh, even moreso if you factor in that a DPS’s accuracy is usually much lower while a support’s healing has close to 100% accuracy (even Ana because the hitboxes for her healing darts are really generous, especially on tanks).