I've Solved the Armor Problem

Honestly, I don’t think armour is the problem. It is reducing damage from the spray damage. That is all and dandy but… we need something that would reduce damage burst instead. Shotgun heroes are not really that much of a problem that we would need a mechanic designed against them.

Armor is a pretty big problem right now, it’s why we have comps like goats with no dps because armor makes most dps useless.
I know people have a real hard on for hating dps but having an entire category left out is never a good thing.


The immediate drawback to this, and correct me if I’m going down the wrong path: snipers would become the meta. The whole Ashe/Hanzo/Widow DPS stack would actually become the go-to picks.
To draw a line of logic from that point: With their mobility, they don’t need the shield of Rein or Orisa, so comps would end up being mobile hero (dive) heavy. Winston, Dva, Hammond, Lucio, Mercy.

Just a thought.

Tracer is in a fine spot after the Brig nerf, Soldier has sucked forever now and Bastion needs a rework.

This is assuming Reaper is literally 0M from his target, because there is no way Reaper’s getting headshots on every pellet if he stands any farther given his pitiful spread.

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This would work, for Brig-given armor only.

Otherwise D.va, Winston and Torb would be softened butter.

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It took a little over one engagement to fill his metal. Even at that point nobody really complained about his armor, it was his turret they complained about. The only time I ever heard complaints was when you stacked torbs and old Symmetras to “cheese” lifebars.

I’m just wondering how armor became such a huge problem once it was part of an ult, which usually takes longer to charge than just picking up pieces and the natural gen torb used to have.

He was NOT easy to kill if you were smart and left yourself armor. I’m not gonna debate on Brigittes kit… that’s a whole nother 200 reply thread. I’m just saying everyone says her armors the problem but they nerfed that nearly the first thing and people still cried.

Wow, I was saying that for exaggeration, but it kinda hurts to know how close that is to the truth.

I like this idea a lot. I’ve put over 500 hours in soldier and now rarely play him…allowing head shots to do normal damage would be a game changers for sure. I don’t see why they wouldn’t implement it…it would reward the players that take the time to really narrow down there aim.

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Flawless maths, except for one very big flaw:

Reaper’s shotgun spread is so wide that if the cursor is directly on the head, most pellets will either be body shots or completely miss. Note the same is true of body shots, some pellets still register as crits because of how wide his spread is

With regards to OP, it’s a good idea, but it has the awkward problem of either crippling tanks, or being a nerf purely for Brig, depending on how it’s implemented. Neither of those situations are ideal.

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Its what they do in bo4, not that Overwatch should base their game on COD (they somehow have a worse hero than brig lmao), but there aren’t many fps games with armor similar to Overwatch for a good reason.

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I think he just meant brig armor, in the game they have different colors so I don’t see why that couldn’t happen, brig is almost never played with orisa anyway.

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just because they nerfed it before does not make it balanced. torb was a weak hero in every other aspect, and so people didn’t have to deal with it.

every aspect of brigitte’s kit is overpowered and every aspect of her kit provides too much value for how easy it is.

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Forum Brig remains.

except even IRL there is bodyarmor for heads

they also dont usually have healers or tanks.

Two true statements but neither discredit the idea

really, they just need to give armor piercing to reaper and that’s it. He’s the only character crippled by armor that shouldn’t be crippled by armor.
Tracer isn’t supposed to be good against tanks (emphasys on “supposed”).

The thing with torb… is that his armor was actually quite op. Free +75 armor reducing hp on a moments notice?
The problem is that the rest of his kit was useless and easily countered.
And now, with the rework, after seeing th impact of brigitte, they’ve become weary of abilities giving extra hp.

It seems like a good idea and does make sense, but I think it’ll just make snipers the must-pick DPS since they don’t mind armor that much right now and adding this would give them even more damage power since they mostly want to be getting head shots anyways.

I think the devs were thinking in the right direction of giving Torbjorn an ultimate that does more damage to armor than normal HP. The solution I think would be is introducing a new hero that can eliminate armor into oblivion, so basically an armor version of EMP.

I like this a lot, but I also want Armor to be the first part of Healthbars, not shields.

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