❤ I've quit but still love the game and community

Anyone else in this situation too? And if so, why’d you leave the game and what would bring you back?

I simply got too frustrated with waiting for necessary changes or revamps to come to my two mains, Pharah and Brigitte.

They’ve been in the worst state in the game’s history for a long string of time now with no hint or mention that Blizz even cares to touch them. I find myself upset or angry most of the time when I try to play them, especially Pharah, because I don’t have a Mercy main friend to bolt herself to my backside so it’s really torture trying to play her mid diamond PC alone like that.

Brig can be ok sometimes but a lot of the time my team wont have a main healer, or I’m the only healer, and I am pressured off of Brig. It still feels terrible having no mobility and 2nd lowest time to kill in game aside from Winston

The final reason I left is how the game is adamant about not having any progression systems whatsoever outside of account level and rank. Literally every other hero shooter I’ve ever played, from Paladins, Battleborn, even different subgenre outliers like Evolve and Smite all have progression systems in place for you to work towards something.

I’m talking daily quests, weekly quests, battle passes with lots of tiers to unlock, individual hero levels, unlockable titles, in-game lore page unlocks, gear to earn that boosts your stats gamewide.

OW has literally nothing to do but the 9 arcade wins per week. I can get my wins in about 3-4 hours. 2 hours if there’s FFA deathmatch in arcade. Then there’s nothing left to do but slowly grind my level up for no reason

So that’s my reasons, I’d come back if Pharah or Brigitte were made viable in the current sea of nonstop-buffed hitscans, snipers, autoaim ults, and flankers, and if they put in stuff to do each day/week. Lemme hear from you now


School got busy, the people I played PUGs with weren’t consistently around anymore, and moving towards a healthier sleep schedule meant my usual time for Overwatch wasn’t available.
Absolutely nothing to do with the game.


I quit around season 10 myself, but I’ve actually started to come back and play the game more now!

I mostly quit because comp was my main source of fun in the game, and it became so frustrating. Doing 10 placements felt like it took all of my will power and even if I won every single placement, I felt drained by the end of it, and barely wanted to rank up past that.

But I just missed the game and I wanted to see what had changed.
Honestly, nothing really has changed. But the balance feels a little better and I haven’t touched comp yet, so I feel a bit more positive about the whole experience.

I hope they do add more to the game, because I agree with you, there’s just so little to keep you coming back. A few arcade games for a grand total of 3 loot boxes is not rewarding at all, and there’s just nothing to do outside of comp, which leaves you feeling burnt out quick.

But I hope one day Overwatch does find something to bring you and others back, because it does have this irresistible allure that promises it could be so much more than what it currently is. (Some sort of campaign would go a long way for me)

It’s very telling when micro events like Nanocola DVA challenge or Ana’s Bastet challenge were extremely exciting because you could unlock exclusive loot

That’s another idea I’ve heard that I think I’d love for making gameplay feel more rewarding.

An achievement system with cosmetics behind it and such would go such a long way. But I hope they keep them in game though personally. I like the challenges, but I don’t really like when they want me to watch twitch streams and such to earn rewards. I know they’re free and easy, but I’d rather they be fun.

Though, I also understand this helps them with their twitch partnership deals etc. too. Just a personal thing for me lol.


I love the forum community but not the one in-game.

I’m in a similar situation for another hero.

Same, when I said community I meant the forums lol, both here and reddit

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It’s sort of hard to enjoy the game anymore, 2CP maps have gotten the better of me. It’s so infuriating when you get kills but they just respawn and get on the point in a few seconds. Too many CC heroes too.

That used to be me, but I’m playing again. Season 10 ruined my whole hero pool, its not fully restored yet but there have been major improvements as of late and some fantastic new additions.

I’m having fun again.

What usually makes me take loooong breaks is that too often do people give up after half a round to one round has ended poorly. Their inability to keep their heads up, remain cool and collected after such a round, shouting, raging, finger pointing, sabotaging…There’s a lot of s*** that makes me stop. What brings me back is basically just from having recharged my patience battery to be perfectly honest.

I quit Competitive long ago but still play QP mostly. But I’m to busy at this moment to play Overwatch.

Whaddup? I literally posted a thread talking about why I haven’t been on the forums for a while.
I gave a shout out to you in my post!

It’s a happy drop-by I made for those that haven’t seen me in a while, and to be honest, they’re the reason I come back to the forums. I know that pure people like you, and the ones on my list, exist on every game forum, and I love finding people who are like-minded in the sense of having fun and being positive. Even though it’s been a while, I haven’t boycotted the game, and I never will.

Play Nice, Play Neutral


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Mostly stopped playing when Apex came out, but also I had moved, got engaged, and bought a condo, and was unemployed.
Starting a new job with double the pay next week.

Haven fun doing whatever it is you’re gonna do Taiga.


I haven’t stopped, however my playtime has gone down due to MK 11 (which is gonna be even more with new characters being released in a few weeks). Overwatch is one of those games that I can put down for a while, but it’s one of the few shooters that I enjoy. Along with being one of the few tank players left, I want to be there to help.

I can maybe understand liking the game still, but the community, no thank you. People play so selfishly, and do stuff like DM you calling you racial, and homophobic slurs, as well as tbagging, throwing the game, not switching characters, and not playing the objective. Wish it was different, but it isn’t.

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Fanatic about pixels… what next

Same here

I quit comp almost all together by now, between connection issues, stupid teammates, etc its just too many factors

Mainly i hang arround QP and Arcade
Been workshop coding lately

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Same. All the factors that come now in Competitive ain’t worth going into. QP and Workshop is where I’m basically at too now.

I basically only play during events anymore just to grab the new items and in the vain hope that one day the lore will actually go somewhere.

I only play with friends these days. If I see there is nobody online for me to duo with (even for QP) I just play some arcade or play Skyrim. I will be playing Vanilla WoW this summer to pass the time when my friends aren’t on.

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