Greetings and Doritos

Greetings and Doritos, guys!

I haven’t been on the forums in over a month, and there are no doubt a thousand threads that I missed out on being a part of. There are also no doubt TWO thousand threads that had more drama than a daytime soap opera.
For those who may be new to the forums, I’ve been around since February of this year, but I’ve been playing Overwatch for two years now. I’ve made plenty of friends on the forums, and I’ve given hundreds of likes to random people.

For the small crowd that may know me, I wanted to say that I’ve been taking a break from Overwatch this whole time. I randomly disappeared one day, but I’ve been busy preparing for this past Megacon, and I’ve been playing a lot of For Honor recently. I’ve also been working on my own tabletop RPG, not to mention just living my average life. So I’ve been pretty active outside of the forums, so I just wanted to catch up with people and say hi :slight_smile:

I’d also like to give a big shout out to the following users:


You guys rock, and I still laugh at some of the conversations we’ve had here on the forums. Hopefully you guys see this, and keep spreading the fun.

To everyone else, thanks a lot for reading, and I hope you’re all doing okay and having fun, both inside and outside of the game.
To the devs and mods, I still respect and commend you for the hard work you’re putting into the game, even if it goes unnoticed, or is unappreciated. Since 2016, Overwatch has been going strong in the innovative gaming industry.
I’ll still be around, and I’ll still play the game. To those playing the game now, just remember:
I’m already Tracer. :joy:

Play Nice, Play Neutral



Aww. I’m flattered. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve missed you, you are always a delight.

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Welcome back dude.


Hullo, welcome back!
I look forward to seeing more of you on the forums.
How’s your table top going?

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Missed you too! Always an honor to hear from my favorite forum friends :+1:

Play Nice, Play Neutral


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Don’t know who you are and I’m too lazy to read but if you could do me just one favor please tell me your favorite dorito flavor


Awesome, thanks for asking lol
Its combat system is like For Honor instead of rolling a d20 to see if you roll higher than the armor class.

It uses a d4 for melee weapons and a d6 for ranged weapons. So if the enemy rolls a 2 on a d4, then he’s trying to perform a right swing. If you roll the same number to defend, than you can successfully block the attack, unless it was a heavy attack, in which case you suffer from block damage unless your defensive value exceeds his total attack power.

I know that’s a lot :joy:
But I spent a long time hashing these mechanics out

Play Nice, Play Neutral


Nacho cheese, bro. Keeping it classic.

Also, I know who you are Lias. You’re pretty funny, and you say it like it is most of the time. I haven’t really had many moments to talk to you, but trust me, a question like that will get you on my list :joy:

Play Nice, Play Neutral


That’s so cool dude. For Honor has literally one of the coolest ideas behind fighting mechanics I’ve seen in such a long time. I wish more games thought like they did and innovated instead of going with the usual combat systems of “hit x to perform a heavy attack” sort of thing.

A tabletop based on that concept sounds very awesome!

(Also it physically hurts me to type “Honor” as a Brit)

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Thanks! Yeah, For Honor is the most realistic sword fighting game on the market, hands down. And believe it or not, when I was younger, I was very confused on whether to spell “honour” and “colour”
It actually looks better to spell them that way :joy:

Play Nice, Play Neutral


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Hello dere :o
I just saw dis

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Hey thanks a bunch! Always nice to recognize nice users around here

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just figured you ran out of doritos tbh


Have you ever had Voodoo chips?

I think mordhau looks realistic also imo, didnt played any of those just watched on yt

Hey! Sorry for the late response. I passed out from work soon after posting this.

No problem! Happy to be recognized :joy:

The day I’m out of doritos is the day of Armageddon, my friend.
(Since you’re Thanos, that can happen sooner than I realized. :grimacing:)

Lol, I haven’t tried those. Are they good? And will they curse me upon eating them?

Yeah, I’ve seen it too. It definitely has more combat options and scenarios than For Honor does. It just kinda looked like a more hashed out version of Chivalry though, so I decided to skip it for now. I might try it eventually though.

Play Nice, Play Neutral


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