Ive lost 9 in a row

Played like absolute dog dookie tonight (and ive now stopped playing before i ruin more games for others)…but yeah i blame nobody but myself…its just that forum protocol dictates that i have to tell everyone about losing streaks…something about the matchmaker being bad or evil…i dont know…something along those lines…


I many times have loss streaks and randomly change all roles. Replay shows like 8 of 10 games lost. Then, play all tank or all support and suddenly get like a 7-3 last 10 games played are wins lol

I genuinely hope your next winning streak is soon and lengthy.


Do you have a Main? This can help you winning, then motivate you to change Heroes.

When I go on long losing streaks instead of getting mad I stop caring and play whacky comps. That usually snaps it. Apparently the key to winning is not caring about winning :sweat_smile:

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oh this was in MH (where i normally play)…i just couldnt a rhythm going tonight…but yeah…that matchmaker


Psshhh, let us know once you’ve lost 735 in a row. :roll_eyes:


This is essentially the norm of Overwatch. Remember, take a mental break from this game. Its horrendous, yet I don’t see how people keep playing it.

Maybe it has to deal with the hypnotic audio, or the addiction that people want to prove themselves they’re superior… in a freakin’ video game.

Like wtf lol

:smiley: I think I’ve run into you before in the bountiful paradise of our rotting lord and savior Rngesus, from time to time :3c

Those are rookie numbers

Come back when it’s 735


9 games in row that you believe were thrown solely by you? Rofl… Yikes. Can’t say I have ever had that, fortunately.


9 games? Hah! Try 735 in a row for me.


In competitive? I feel like losing in QP can be misleading sometimes. If you get the cart to the very end but don’t quite end it then that may have been a game you would’ve won in comp. Probably that’s partially something the new mode is meant to help remedy.

That is very cool :slight_smile:

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You’re tilted. Your in game performances got greatly reduced as a result. This may have started as early as the first lost game, or even the first lost teamfight.

If you start feeling like something annoys you in the game, can’t properly focus and notice that you’re not performing decently, you need to take a break as soon as possible. The biggest mistake you can do is carrying on until you win. If you want to win you need the right mindset first, which is pretty much “not tilted”.

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The 45 players that suffered from it: man I really love when we get a dog cookie in our team.

Wait this seems… familia-

Oh we’re making fun of Ethernyet again, right?

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those are rookie numbers, back when i first bought OW and knew nothing i went on a 21 game loss streak, after that it normalized but… yea 21 game loss streak felt BAAAD

Now what does this post remind me of? :thinking:

Oh, right. :wink:

the extended losing streaks do seem to happen far more often than if the matchmaker was working properly