Ive lost 9 in a row

I believe that ended up being 17 in a row actually…got that Ana skin VERY quickly :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But yeah streaks happen…if the sarcasm wasn’t obvious in the post - I didn’t have a problem with it…sometimes you play poorly and lose 9 straight…or you can look for stuff to blame

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I just want to quickly state that, for the record, I was only poking fun at you. I’m not sure how my post came off.

Oh the second part was just responding to the rest of the thread…not you directly

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How dare you admit your own short comings.
Blame the match maker
Blame your teammates
Blame trump

Just don’t blame yourself

When you go on losing streaks, you’ll get avoided by more and more people. You should legitimately consider stopping after each loss, unless you’re clearly outperforming your team each time.

It’s very random now because of the reduced player base, the matchmaker has to allow a wider range of MMR to fill in and start the game.

If you want better games, it’s best to group up with friends.

Even when you control your emotions and don’t tilt and just focus on your ability to learn, you still go on these large loss streaks.

The games match maker is a massive joke compared to other games, plus with the fact you actually need all 6 people to work somewhat competently together.

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that love/hate relationship fools ppl to stay in a game :laughing:

I’ve had 15 games lost in a row. In the “not even close” way. It basically means that Blizzard decided that you don’t belong in your rank and need hammered down.

Screenshots: imgur .com/a/4kyoL4U

And yes, I was try-harding all games, really trying to win. Callouts, hero pick suggestions, etc.

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MH (Mayhem?)

That’s simply the, best, mode, evah!

Though you might have just been stuck in a lobby that don’t know how to play it…where no one on your team picks anything with an area of denial effect, and no one stays on the payload. Slow death those. Fun. But still, slow death.

Leave the match after the game for a couple minutes, and you’ll enter into a new lobby. this works to fix most losing streaks. It doesn’t mean you won’t lose, but at least you’ll get a new set of players to try and win. =)

Good luck!

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I want to be avoided by people who put me on loss streaks.

Those who really strive to climb, wondering how to improve, are those who must climb, and instead this is not always the case.

the problem is that the matchmaker will always try to match you against opponents on the same level as yours, so there is nothing that forces you to learn to play better, if you want to go up you must have a “booster” so that they can appear to you higher-ranking enemies and by being able to play better against them, raise

many times it happens to me that with high elos I play much better than with medium-low elos

the worst psychological trap is overconfidence that is driven by anger.

people are usually not aware of it, but a series of losses ups the adrenaline, makes you angry and that anger kicks in your fight or flight instincts subcontiously.

in a Hunter Gatherer tribe this is survival mechanism, but in Overwatch? it’s lost SR.

I say, after 3 losses- no matter how you feel, TAKE A BREAK! the fourth loss won’t be your last!

And when you find yourself in that state, you don’t mind losing as many times as it takes but recovering what you have lost, which makes you even more frustrated.

it has happened to me many times :sweat_smile:

law of averages, losing streaks get balanced by win streaks as long as you’re performing well. yes luck is a factor and playing well doesn’t guarantee a win in a game but it goes both ways. i just played a game where i underperformed but still won. don’t let it get to you.

watch back your games, especially close losses. it’s always easier to see your mistakes when watching the game after. hindsight is 20/20. use it for next time.

It used to be the case that having a little Jeff shrine on your desk (nothing fancy, just a picture, some incense, and some fine offerings of alcohol and maybe some gold) prevented this sort of situation.

Some people have simply forgotten to switch their Jeff shrine to an Aaron shrine (or to add an Aaron shrine in a more prominent position). This was most likely the cause of your losing streak.

Its, I want to get that win to push me over “insert SR”. Then you lose, so its one more, then you win and you have a chance again, the you lose… rinse repeat. Nightly for me

For anyone that blames the matchmaker, statistically for every 500 people who play 9 games, 1 person will get a losing steak of 9 games.
Of course it’s simplified and is using some approximates but it’s all part of probability.

At least you bear with it.
Some games I felt the advantage bordered on cheapness and got me to leave more than three times in a row. (BTW I do not recommend you do that).

dont worry, i once had a lost streak that took me from masters to gold