I've come to the the conclusion that Tracer and Genji both need a nerf

They have too much burst potential, with enormous amounts of unavoidable damage that even their counters can’t handle with. They are broken beyond measure in a 1v1 situation.


My conclusion is that your conclusion was concluded after a Tracer or a Genji concluded your life in a game of OW, and after that game concluded you came her to conclude this period of gamer rage and move on.

Post concluded.


Can we like, just nerf everyone who wasn’t nerfed already in the past 4 months?


With Brig practically removed from the game, the calls for a tracer nerf is going to get pretty loud.

Pitty it is the smurfs which make people hate her.


Oh please, every serious counter to these two has been nerfed, yet they remain untouched.


Nothing is wrong with Tracer and Genji individually imo.

Ultimately its the player behind the hero. I’ve easily held my own against Tracers and Genjis as Ana and other many other heroes, although I’ve also been stomped by them too.

Devastating in the right hands, not actually an unstoppable threat in the hands of your average players :smiley:


Agreed, now, if we only could make the tracers people play with/against mostly from their own Sr, we could put this mess to bed.



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Half the roster can one shot Tracer. And Genji isn’t a real problem until he blades… and if he does… just boop him. Problem solved.


before brigitte was introduced and the rise of the goat meta everyone else said the same thing, tracer/genji op. This was during dive.

They are still op just not as meta as they were so they went out of the spot light.

Now that doomfist and briggitte were deleted, people remember these 2 little cancerous heroes.

they are long over due for nerfs.


Tracer main detected.


raise the skill floor but that’s not something bliz would do

well as Ashe main i agree with you, i can barely touch genjy when i’m 1 v 1 him, but i suppoes that this is the job of the flankers, targeting the weak enemy and take him/down, in my case that was me as ashe, because she is not so good at short range. Against tracer, well you may not believe me but i love challenge myself to fight her, i found easier fight against her, because land a headshot on her is so satisfy :smile:

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So in Deathmatch… but not the rest of the game.

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Enormous amounts of unavoidable damage
Genjis primary fire DPS is less than Mercy’s, with only a 50 dmg ability on the side, with another ability that is completely reliant on enemy stupidity.


Uh not to Genji…?

Winston has barely been touched
Moira hasn’t lost effectiveness vs Genji at all
Mei has gotten buffs
Pharah if anything is a bit stronger against him (good Genjis can fight Pharah, but it typically wont happen)

Need I go on?

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Tracer doesn’t need a nerf, she needs a better counter since Brig is a joke now

The only nerf Genji might need is with the Nanoblade synergy.

gg ez fix

Remove 2 second CD nerf from Sombra.

You can thank me later.


I’d be fine with ultimates or melee weapons not gaining bonus damage.

If they ever look at nanoblade, I’d want a Hanzo-Gravdragon style fix where his damage can’t be boosted.

Or we could revamp Nanoboost so it’s less effective on melee users but more effective on ranged weapon users, since it seems to have more effect on melee users because the damage reduction nullifies the only risk of melee range: being easier to hit.

We know. They’re both long overdue for nerfs, especially Tracer.