"I've been playing OW so long, I can remember when ___ '' (Fill in the blank)

When the community wasn’t full of douchebags. Then, a month went by and competitive mode was introduced. It all went downhill from there.


Killfeed didn’t have special icons for all the ways you could die

DVas Defense Matrix was on a cool down and took skill to use effectively
DVa killed herself with her ult

Junkrat took self damage fron primary and tire.

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Haha. Poor soldier. It’s so true though.

This was really obnoxious. “BANG!!! BANG!!!”. I don’t think that one lasted for very long.

I didn’t care that I was in silver (season 2) because I wasn’t on the forums.

I remember when playing 6 Tracers on Quick Play attack was the norm…


When junks nades hurt him

I remember when Hanzo was off-meta at best and a straight up throw pick at worst, and people would rage if you played him in competitive.

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OMG Tracer shooting lasers out of her eyes sounds awesome! Can we please get a hero that does that!

This is nightmarish and beautiful.

Such is art.

I’ve been playing overwatch for so long, I remember when Mercy’s health regen took three seconds to kick in AND she couldn’t move and didn’t have invulnerability during Resurrect.

Huh, I guess not much has changed.

Alright. I think we have a winner here guys :joy:

…Resurrect was Mercy’s ultimate.
…Goats didn’t exist.
…People weren’t completely sick of Lucioball yet, just mostly sick of it.
…Overwatch League wasn’t a thing.
…People still had it in their heads this game was going to be a TF2 killer.

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Still sounds better than his usual Tree Trunks.

…Fan the Hammer was broken… o.

If you want to win this game by one uping Mr. Kaplan…
I can remember when Chris Metzen made a sketch for a new Starcraft character called Prospector Logann

Jeff proceeds to post in this post

I guess none of us can top that.

I remember when Overwatch was sold to everyone as a Casual shooter.

I’ve been playing the game so long that I can remember a time when the balance team made their own choices, instead of “Hey these jittery kids with anger issues and superhuman reaction times think x isn’t fun to lose to.”