"I've been playing OW so long, I can remember when ___ '' (Fill in the blank)

OMG YES!!! :joy: I’ve been watching so many of these alpha/beta games and it was so beautiful.

How come you guys ended up getting rid of that circle around Hanzo’s ultimate? I feel like it made it much more visible and easier to see the hit box of his ult.

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I’ve been playing OW so long, I can remember when Reaper’s Shadow Step for the player had the red glow instead of the purple one.

Bastion had a Rein shield in turret form.

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I remember playing the game when it was still called Titan and was supposed to be an MMO.
Source: (long ago) former employee of a certain game company.


Genjis double jump reset after wall climbing


I thought Ana’s lowest clip capacity was never lower than 8? That was her beta clip, and it shot even slower than it does now.

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Ah yes, I remember one of my first POTGs being from that. I jumped onto the point during overtime with Genji and frantically glanced around deflecting at everything (just trying to survive) while their Bastion steamrolled his own entire team.

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I’ve been playing OW so long, I can remember when McCree had a 200% pickrate in pro games because his Fan The Hammer did 480 damage a clip.

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Happy new year Jeff <3

I’ve been playing stalking OW so long, I can remember when the Sombra ARG led to fake Sombra posts on the forums and “leaked” pictures.


When she was first in the PTR she had like 4-6. It wasn’t 8, I know that much

back when the platforms were green, maps were boxes and heath having no bars

I did not know that. Well, dang.

Oh, hi God!

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The game was actually fun.


I’ve been playing OW so long, I can remember when Nerf Bastion memes were still relevant and funny.

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Yeah it was when they released her on the PTR

I thought I was hot stuff for getting my first star.

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It was a caterpillar… Also Hammond is fine if you know how to play him.

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