"Its YOUR fault Moira"

Quite often in comp i do, thats why i stopped playing comp outside of my friends asking me to play with them

I mostly dont care about them, live and let live you know?

But some of my friends get really upset when people get toxic towards them, especially my girlfriend who is really fragile in the sense of she just started playing the game on pc, and is not the best yet, and when we play and someone starts talking trash she starts to blame herself for everything in the game.

Which is upsetting to say the least

I have difficulty believing you’re GM also for that matter lol. In GM people (tanks especially) soft throw if they see Mercy + Moira OTP in the team.

Anyway I’ll be on my way. My statement about how Moira plays at high rank is true though sorry if it makes you mad.

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You don’t play Moira passively LOL might as well go mercy lmao if you’re going to be passive and never do any damage because she can damage boost and has res etc…

Also I never claimed to be currently GM, I’m actually 3.8 right now. Hence I said “highest ranks” and not “rank” but I have played Moira at every rank but bronze :wink: since her release.


Neither of you are quite correct, i am a support main, who plays comp (although on another account) around gm, reached top500 once, and started chilling in low gm afterwards.

This account i havent placed since season 19 i think? I only really use it for forums now since it has my post history

No bad blood nor insult to either of you

But to my knowledge, which i dont know that much as i havent had a HUGE amount of time on moira while i was up there, is that the playstyle a moira has is highly highly dependant on your team. If your team has a deathball comp moira CANNOT be passive and just heal, you need to do a lot of damage as well, as the plan is to kill everyone as fast as you can.

But if youre doing double shield, and just waiting on the enemy to push, and theyre also doing something like double shield, most of the game can go passively healbotting your team.

so in a way youre both kind of correct?

at least thats what ive seen from other moiras when ive played with them


I don’t see any insult 2bh, if spitting out truth is as offensive as your reaction indicates, then our society is doomed.

Don’t treat people w/ different opinion as enemy by default. Try convert them first.


Literally never heard this ever

Did they actually complain about how OP Moira is? Or just complain about how easy she is?

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Have you played above platinum before? It’s common there.

Quite often its how op she is, i dont bother with people who complain about how easy moira is since that doesnt really matter in the context of balancing heroes


It’s easier to blame the Moira than to admit you’ve made a mistake.


Send us a replay code of one of your Moira matches. I can view it and confirm you were not the issue. I am a Gm Moira player.

So many people think supports are to blame but cant explain ‘why’, they just complain.

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Its the Meta. Roadhog mains be playing a Silver Reinhardt and needs a vent for their own issues

switch to ana and snipe him

switch to ana and nade the bunker

go ana and go die with them

to lucio and hold the point

time to nerf brig more


It’s always the Reins who complain. Whenever I play Hammond or Sigma I always have a Rein complaining that “I’m throwing because I’m not picking Zarya”

Sorry Reinhardt mains, I won’t pick Zarya to fix the dumb mistakes you make. I’ve actually dropped SR because of this but then again if I’m getting more kills, more damage, more objective time than others on my team then I’m doing something right.

(P.s) I’m sure people appreciate the healing whether they say it or not. I’ve always found Moira more valuable than other supports because she’s damn good at keeping her team alive. Albeit if they don’t rush in and die…

I mean, I hate playing Ana EVERY SINGLE GAME as well. But if your team can’t coordinate, then Ana is pretty vital to dealing with a Bastion :frowning:

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If the person is already playing Moira and can’t heal, then I don’t think switching to something will solve any issue. Moira is already one of the hero with the lowest amount of skill required to be effective.


I have to say though, playing moira into bastion is a pretty bad decision. Ana effectively hard counters him.

Otherwise I agree with your post. It’s quite funny that people think she’s a troll pick in masters+ and on the forums she’s some overpowered monster.

If only Ana is a valid main healer in this game of 7 supports because the kit she brings is too strong to pass up, we have a balance problem.

Playing Rein with Moira feels awful when the other team has Rein/Ana. You have to deal with antis, sleeps, and nanos, while the opposing Rein doesn’t have to worry about any of that.

I don’t ask Moiras to switch. I just go Winston in that situation. I figure Moira and I can both go beat up squishies. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it sure as hell feels better than playing Rein with Moira.

Ana is one of the biggest bastion hard counters there is so this is understandable.