"Its YOUR fault Moira"

What? Did you even read the thread lol.

It’s not about Flexing, it’s about the constant Moira blame game I’ve had to deal with for 2 years. The only time the “Moira blame game” didn’t happen was during double shield.

yes it’s a bunch of people asking you to flex and you overreacting. Avoid and go next, report rude behavior if that’s your thing.


Actually, no. I don’t respond to them. I ignore. And it’s every single game. I played 5 games today and all 5 games had a “blames Moira” person

Try playing Moira at the highest ranks and you’ll understand.

and you come here to post for…?

In all fairness, whether justified or not, I’d be more than happy to blame a Moira.

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Because everyone loves to play the blame game and avoiding taking self criticism that perhaps the person blaming is the person that is being problematic.


In game everyone complains how bad moira is and how everyone should switch to ana

on the forums everyone complains how op moira is.



What are you on? I like moiras on my team cause they can heal a lot in this state where everything gets a lot of damage


hmmm sounds like it. If you keep getting the same complain from different team, sounds like you’re something wrong to me. :man_shrugging:

:sunglasses: Oh my, maybe Moira is playing mind games with us.

Funny, because that isn’t true. I have a 78% win rate or w.e

Also it’s because Moira isn’t meta, people only want you to play meta heroes :wink: but we’ll pretend I’m bad x


Fair enough if they are two different parties who don’t share the same biases. It would be more conclusive if the same 10 teams all say the same thing or something similar. Whoever that person is, if they exist. . . please learn from them and not take their criticism too personally as much as it probably hurts. We all have something to learn from be that personally or game wise.

this is gold. a large chunk of forum hero main critiques summed up. thank you.

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How long have you played overwatch for?

As far as i remember, 90% of people will just scream youre useless at you if you do the slightest of mistake.

Remember that nade you used to heal yourself instead of the genji? youre useless now

How about that moira orb you used as a damage orb to finish off a low health squishie in the enemy backline instead of sending it as a heal orb to your hanzo? youre useless now.

People will complain about you, regardless of how good or bad you are.

Hell even in some streamers “Unranked to top500” series they get complaints in plat and diamond on how theyre “useless”

Its just overwatch, the games toxic


Moira mains are cool in my book.


Low GM is not the highest rank as the difference between 4000 and 4200 and 4400 is a large skill gap.

Also I have no interest in playing Moira in GM. I barely play Ana in GM but Moira 100% off the table for me I’d rather go play Minecraft.

Playing Moira at GM level is not rocket science either just use cover from snipers drop heal orbs and Coal your Rein in. Plays very linearly and the skill ceiling is not high.

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I said “ranks” not rank.

Also I refuse to believe your GM with this statement: “Coal your rein in” LOL


Not to mention, there is some people who use I need healing after they died and not before or when they suddenly get crit’d but are barely alive for at best 1 - 2 seconds before dying and they look at the supports. Y u no heeeeeeeel me, you’re terrible >:U

But it was impossible to heal them in time so who’s really at fault? No one IMO (kinda outside of positioning, gamesense, the usual. . . I’m just talking in general given the timeframe to even react) because the enemy team is meant to kill us off and crits hurt a lot.

People like to focus on what isn’t working than appreciate the things that do because in a way when things work as intended no one notices it. As soon as it breaks however people go ballistic and blowing it up into monumental proportions or try to hash together a rushed explanation that doesn’t involve them at times when it should.

Sounds like I’m playing different ow. I mean any online games are toxic. Mute and move on. I’m just saying if I keep getting the same complains from different I would switch myself. I play 2 or 3 heroes, just me.

Unfortunate for you to run into the same type of people 90% of the time. You got my prayer.

Shoulda switched :man_shrugging:

I’m literally joking pls

It feels bad, just try not to listen to these people. They’re looking to blame others for their own faults.

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Schrodinger’s Moira. Is the scientist bad or OP?