"Its YOUR fault Moira"

  • Reinhardt charges in by himself and feeds “Moira SWITCH”
  • Team cannot kill a Bastion and your DPS are feeding “Moira you’re so bad”
  • DPS on the other side of the map hiding behind a wall then dies “MOIRA GO ANA”
  • Team loses 1st point “Moira get off and play Ana”
  • Team mate goes in while the rest of the team is dead and dies “MOIRA SWITCH”
  • Game is lost “avoid our Moira 1 trick they never heal” (then I get the card for 20k healing in a 8 minute game)

Anything that goes bad in my matches I’m automatically blamed, NOBODY ELSE, even if someone else e.g reinhardt is feeding so hard I’m the one always blamed.

This is how Master+ games have been for Moira players for 2 years (apart from during double shield)

I cannot get a match at all without constantly be accused of inting, being bad etc. All because I didn’t pick Ana/Lucio


Ah, the old “blaming anyone else for my mistakes”…

If someone jumps out of LOS, a different healer won’t change the outcome if it happens again.


depending on the SR you play at, Nano Rein is a teamwipe. By picking Moira you force your team to either go Ana (no def ult) or Lucio/Brig (no Nanoboost).

So play what you like and ignore people flaminng but please don’t come here seeking approval because you’ll find none. While I wouldn’t report you in an actual game (like I said u can play the char u like), nobody likes Moira mains.

Moira in current patch is a character that is hard to kill early but also excels at nothing. She’s a bit like the Hanzo of supports, difference being that Hanzo will rarely headshot you and he has Grav Dragon combo.


Sorry but I’m not a meta slave, I play what I want. Because I’m here for my own enjoyment not for yours :wink:

I shall never slave to the meta.

Also I have gotten to GM as Moira without her being Meta so bye


So it is completly fine for a bastion to make there team conform to them but when a moira wants to play moira she can’t seek validation. We have seven supports in the roster with yet another DPS being added.


Quick Question, where was it ever mentioned there was a Nano Rein involved? If anything people tend to Nano Genji. You know that one guy on the forums that keeps complaining about some woman that starts with an M.

No worries like I said I think you’re entitled to play the character you like. Denoting people who play meta as “metaslaves” is a bit rude tho. What if their idea of fun is winning? What if they happen to main a meta char? Who are you to judge them anyway? :slight_smile:


Ok keep protecting the bulleis who abuse me every game, leave my thread tnx


never happens anyway idk what game you’re playing but if in your game people are flexing for a Bastion it’s probably not Overwatch.

And no, neither is fine. Personally I would prefer a Moira 1 trick over a Bastion main in my team.

If you meant to type “bullets” I think you are sadly mistaken. . . based off the many DPS who use bullet or bullet like weapons and are unable to kill Moira.

Ok but I’m not a Moira 1 trick, carry on.

I know how you feel but with Mercy and Pharah (on the rare occasion I get to play her). People realistically need to stop blaming the people trying to help them and recognize their mistakes. No joke, i was in a plat game and a Rein justified his poor ability to play the character by saying “Shield tanks aren’t supposed to shield the team.” Like WTF! what is your job then.

People do it all the time. They run double shield, Mercy, Bap (when he’s in rotation).

dude, nobody cares, I wasn’t even talking to you and my comment was not aggressive, you take it as you will like I said repeatedly I think you should play the character you enjoy idk what your problem is.


It depends. With breakable shields he has to close the distance to start brawling. He needs to get his team from Point A to Point B but not stand in choke and taking dmg as his default state if his shield is mowed down in 3 seconds.

In that sense, yes. His main goal isn’t to only shield but he has it in case he needs to protect at a moments notice. If that makes sense.

Clearly you do care as you’ve not left my thread after insulting me twice


lol I never insulted you you’re imagining things


You basically said I deserve it, so yes to me I find that insulting :clown_face:

Sorry but not everyone enjoys playing Ana every single match. Just like some people don’t enjoy playing Mercy/Moira every match either.


If it’s anyone’s thread, it is Blizzard’s. Play nice, you two.

And yeah, why I don’t comp. But being new all modes are still fun to me. :wink:

“you flex for me”

“no you flex!”

The same old OW drama.

Sorry if after 21 seasons I have no sympathy for it.

If you wanna rank flex for bad players, that’s literally how OW works. If you wanna play your 1 trick and get flamed for it, get off VC. You make it sound like you’re the only one who ever gets flamed when that’s not the case (in fact people playing meta often get flamed too).

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