Its time to take hog (maybe zarya) out of tank group

sick of hog + zarya in almost every game. if you wanna dps, queue as such.

hog that doesnt get hooks = screwball kid that needs to switch to orisa and just shoot stuff. not rocket science. hog is tankY but not a tank. not same thing at all. blizz knows what a tank is. see also; world of warcraft. hog isnt a tank, he does ZERO tank things for the group. he can take some dmg, so what. so hes a bruiser style dps. great. repeat, hog is not a tank.

zarya can SORT of help others with her bubble, but thats minimal. zarya is an offtank at best. hog meanwhile is just a fat dps who serves as an ult battery for enemy team most of the time. enough already.


Variety within the roles is not a bad thing at all. Muddy the waters. Blur the lines. Uniformity is boring.


People who don’t think hog is a tank don’t play hog or don’t know what tanks are.

Hog is ALL about drawing fire, soaking bullets, and making space through his hook threat, close-range damage threat, and ult, mixed with damage mitigation to keep him safe.

Zarya is ALSO about making space. As a close-range threat with decent survavability, she is a big “push forward and deny enemies area” hero. Interestingly, she kind of leans towards support with her ally shield ability, but it fits her dynamic because she also uses them to help her make space.

They are tanks, and all you’d accomplish by throwing them in the DPS queue is popularizing 3-4 tank compositions, which no one wants.

Zarya and Hog aren’t picked because theyr’e “DPS”. They’re picked because every other tank has gotten nerfed into the gutter in recent months. Hog/Zarya/Ball/Winston are popular because they haven’t been destroyed like Orisa/Sigma/Rein/


strangely, every thing you said is objectively wrong. hogs pick rate has always been roughly the same. its how you dps in tank category for shorter queues. its almost as if youre the only one that doesnt see this

plus, making space isnt a tank thing. you may think it is, and it should be, but a dps can also accomplish this. therefore if a hog ‘makes space’ that doesnt make hog a tank. or even if it does
 no more so than any dps.


then where we take him? in what in the world a dps has 600hp

a fair question. one thing would be just remove his healing. or nerf his health a bit, or probably both. in any case, dps’ing as hog in a tank queue is getting stupid.

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Put him on a diet. Making him skinny will take away all those hp. True, he’ll still be 9’ tall, but so what.

Gaunt Hog is the most disturbing character.


heavens, your comment made me chuckle. thanks :rofl:

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What do tanks do in your opinion?

Not at best. It’s literally what Zarya is. They only difference between Hog and Zarya compared to other tanks; is they don’t have a shield. So, I’m just going to say that creating, controlling, and maintaining space. Doesn’t require a shield to achieve.

making space doesnt require a shield? for the most part, well no, not really. but that means that hog is no different from a dps. just a fat, fat, ult battery of a dps. granted having a shield to block stuff is not the only thing a tank is about, or good for
 but the point is hog <-> regular dps = basically same thing. hog cant accomplish anything at all that you cannot do on a typical dps hero. im tired of these jackasses taking up a tank queue with this nonsense.

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but at least hog is fun :smile: i love pretending to be afk to kill those tracers works every time

As you said making space doesn’t require a shield, and not only tanks are capable of making space for their team either. The dps and healers on the team are fully capable of achieving this as well. It’s just not their main job like it is for a tank. So, just for a point of reference. How are Rein, Orisa, Sigma, and Winston not just fat dps? If a shield isn’t required to make space (as by your own admission). What disqualifies the rest of the tank category from being called “just fat dps?”

this exactly seeing zarya hog in every ranked game makes me wanna drill my skull in

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Hog is a tank, with burst. I’ve saved many teammates by stepping in front of them and using breather. It reduces dmg taken by 50%, and heals 300 hp. Zarya’s bubbles are a definition of tank, by mitigating dmg and saving.


its time to take a lesson in what a tank is

but even if you are right and they are not tanks
yay fewer tanks and more dps that is going to be so healthy for the game :stuck_out_tongue:

enjoy 50% longer queue times

If hog or zarya were in the DPS role, they’d be in even more games. Another incoherent thread posted by someone who doesn’t seem to understand much about Overwatch.


Uh, actually, you’re the one who’s objectively wrong here.
(GM stats)
Hog’s pick rate BEFORE the hog buffs / shield nerfs (this was consistent for months): ~2.5%
Hog’s pick rate AFTER the buffs: ~16%
Hog’s pick rate after his nerfs: ~5%
Hog’s pick rate now: ~10%

Hog is being picked because of other circumstances than just “people want to play DPS”. If you can’t see that from the statistical trends, there’s no point in discussing this any further with you.

Yes, DPS make space too
 in a sense. But it’s more accurate to say DPS USE the space that tanks make. DPS cannot tank as much damage as tanks, so the tanks are needed to soak it for the DPS, to become enough of a threat that the DPS have more room to work.

Zarya/hog fulfill that role. To say that is “objectively” wrong is silly; there is nothing “objective” about any statement of opinion or analysis, including the ones that I just posted. My stats are “Objective”. My assessment–and yours–are not.







How many alts does Egryn have?

Anyways, variety is the spice of life, if every tank was a walking shield factory I would quit this game.

Add more tanks like hog and zarya.


Zaryas mechanics are more than fitting for a tank IMO

Hogs however, as a whole and as he currently is- to me of course, are not.

I don’t feel hog fits the tank class at all- he’s a tanky assassin, but that’s not the same as being a “tank” within the context and expectations I feel many anticipate for overwatch.

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