It's time to stop ignoring Console's broken colorblind settings

It’s now been several months since the colorblind settings were released on console, and it’s been broken on and ONLY on console since then. Allow me to elaborate and explain what the problem is.

  • Heroes

When you friendly color has been changed, hacked health packs will not be displayed through walls.

  • Everything Else

No matter what color you have selected, the Fire around a player’s border will always be the default color blue. When you select any other color besides the default red for the enemy team, their flames when on fire will ALSO be the default color blue. Not even the default red. The FRIENDLY blue.

When you’re healed, the little health symbols around you are the default yellow.

When you’re ultimate is entirely charged, the ring around your ult symbol is the correct color, but the electric energy around it is the default light blue.

The “on fire” meter is the correct color until you’re on fire. Then it turns the normal light blue.

  • Deathmatch

Your friendly color will now be the enemy color.

These aren’t problems on PC at all. Just console. Please help Blizz


There’s a difference between Ignoring and Prioritizing.
Check it out.

However it’d be really great if such an all inclusive company and game could finally fix their accessibility. Both console and pc have a long list of bugs with the colourblind settings.

Wouldn’t be a huge problem if they didn’t pride themselves as all inclusive and didn’t make it one of their selling points.

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What if it’s not a simple fix and requires something specific/complicated that they need to solve?
Or did you not consider that?

It’s just an error with an asset flip. The colours are direct ports of the spectator perspective for OWL, so it wouldn’t be anything more than an error with the coding they implemented.

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That’s more of an assumption.
You can never know for sure.
Something as simple as that could’ve broken another aspect of the game.

If an aspect of the player hud broke another aspect of the game, their coding would be pretty badly tangled. It only affects player outlines and colours directly tied to the player (portraits, on fire, hud elements).

Which brings me back to the point that it could’ve been a more complicated fix and we can only assume that’s it’s a simple one.
I for one do not know much about their tools and what’s required to fix it.
Unless you actually work at blizzard or are familiar with the tool they’re using I can’t really take you on your word for saying it’s an easy fix.

The point still stands that there are many factors that go into bug fixing in post launch, and it doesn’t mean it’s being ‘Ignored’

However as always, they haven’t mentioned that they’re addressing it or have made it clear that they are even aware of the issue.

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Of course we have other company’s example that color blind mode doesn’t require months and months to fix. Saying that they have better priorities is rediculous. There a freaking huge company. Arrowhead had an issue with this mode on helldivers.and it was addressed and patched in 2 weeks after I brought it up.

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