It's time to end the lie that winning more than losing results in an SR climb

Individual SR adjustments punish players who flex, but win, because they end up having lesser stats compared to the mean.

Wins and losses don’t matter in this game. Just pad your stats, and you will climb.

Competitive is broken until one of the following happens imo:

  • total elimination of MMR and 5000SR cap (making SR based simply on wins and losses)
  • A new, really inviting, awesome casual way to play the game is introduced (so only tryhards remain in comp, currently not enough of the general competitive population seems to be taking team play in comp seriously)

The stats are based on your time spent on the hero. The only reason one-tricking can result in higher SR gains below Diamond is because you’re likely to be better if all you play is that hero. I flex, and the difference between a win and a loss for me is only about 3 SR on average.

Okay, try padding your stats at the expense of winning. You’ll lose SR.

I lose way more SR when I get steamrolled, than that I gain when steamrolling


Yea this is true, and that causes the entire playerbase to derank over time (especially in solo queue) which causes more toxicity and frustration. If you have improved as a player but the SR is not reflecting that, it can be extremely frustrating.


Dang you are so fast to defend the system. I have seen you in several other posts about the matchmaker and you are the first to respond with some kind of defense for the system… it’s just strange how often I see you in here. I’m not trying to argue with you or anything like that, just amazed that in the past 2 or 3 days I’ve seen you as the first line defender for the impenetrable system! You go guy! Tell them they suck! Tell em to git gud!! (In your own way of course). Anyways just wanted to commend you for your efforts in defending the system. GG


I’m not defending it. I’m explaining it. I’ve stated my own issues with it numerous times.

Tell me how you got all of this information about the matchmaker please.

A mixture of what Blizzard has said publicly, and people gaming the system. MMR is basic to understand, and PBSR has been understood since the beginning. Blizzard not giving the details of every single stat measured doesn’t mean you can’t understand the system enough to work it.

How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 10) See especially the “Summary” and “Performance Modifier” sectoins. References from these sections point to support for statements made.

You! You are the other guy I keep seeing over and over again defending the system as if blizzard themselves hired you to do so! You have this HUGE guide on how the mmr / sr system works in deep detail like you made friends with every single person in your ranking and recorded how often you got paired with or against all these people to truly understand how the system works! That is impressive work sir! Tell me how you really came up with all this information please.

It’s all in the guide I wrote. Follow the numbers in parentheses to the “References” section and then follow the links. Most of them point to blue posts. Some of them point to experiments that I’ve done. And some of them point to miscellaneous other sources.

Thanks for the guide. It is an impressive guide, very large. I just like to read people’s complaints about the ladder. I just play the game for fun in all honestly. I just couldn’t help but notice every time I would find a good rant about the mmr system you and Duchess dude had a lot to say in defence of the system. You guys have a true passion for the game. I find that really cool.

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The both of them are likely being paid to defend a junk system.
They like to place blame on the individual rather than the team that loses. Somehow it is that one person’s fault they lose constantly.
Which in reality we know is garbage.
Just look at how the system is.
It rates you on performance in modes that have zero to do with competitive in the first place. Second it stacks you against others that play the same character you do, then it gives you a magic number you’ll never see, but have to trust is correct, matches you up with others on this criteria then punishes you for a loss … All in a team game. Not one thing measured, measures the team.
Couple that with the fact seasons do not reset a flipping thing. Tell me another sport that determines your starting point based on your last stats. Oh, right it doesn’t. No one would watch or play a game like that. Do you honestly think owl will keep their records the second season? Nope, and you know it.
The system is meant for you to stay exactly where you are unless an extreme event changes that parameter. Such as a team you build.
All these so called climbers? Either outright lying, or found a way to hit that extreme event I mention.
It’s certainly not about getting better. That’s a laughable joke. You can be super and still not get out of a rank because the team factors the other 84% of the game.
It’s junk. They know it, you know it and blizzard knows it.
There’s just nothing you can do about it, except find that cheat or circumstance to let you rank up.
Basically all you can really do is find fun where you can and accept the cards dealt.
Because it’s never going to change.

Just saying man, if you do a full reset of the game every season, everyone will complain about unbalanced games. What’s fun about Bronzes fighting GM’s? Nothing.

In sports, you don’t see players sent down to the Peewee teams to work their way back up to the pro scene every season, that would be ridiculous. Think about what you’re saying.

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That is just an excuse. Quick play sees all ranks all the time.
The only thing rank does is determine who gets more bulk points at the end of a season, other than that it’s meaningless.
Everyone that wants a gold weapon otherwise has to win 300 games. Everyone.
It’s this junk system that has me not doing competitive much.
The only reason I’m in it now is to show off my mercy skin and maybe drum up donations to cancer research.
If I win I win, if I lose I lose. I accepted the garbage system over a year ago. If one person donated to the cause by me playing mercy in comp… I’ve already won.
The mode, the points, the rank, the attitudes and the elitist folks that have nothing else better to do but look down on my rank can go fly a kite. My calling is a little different. Unless there is another charity skin next season, I’ll not do that one at all. On the 21st I’m even stopping this season.

Alright so you don’t even care about competitive, you’re just playing for “charity”. Cool, then you’re opinion doesn’t really mean much because you don’t care about the game mode.

Quickplay is a damn mess because of all the ranks in it, there’s a reason QP isn’t what overwatch actually is.

I would care about the system if they’d actually make it a team system not an illusion of one. As it stands, like I said before it rates everything but the team.
Nothing about the system is remotely fair. The only way to advance is to game the game. Break the extreme circumstance that allows you to rank up. But just know once you stop that circumstance, the game will slam you hard back where it wants you. It’s all about the bell curve. They need every rank full regardless of how good you think you are.
However if it makes you feel better to attack me about my reasons for playing this season, that’s fine. I simply don’t care. Blame me for everything wrong in competitive if you want.
My opinion, my observation is mine. It’s what I’ve seen and experienced with the system. The two folks I called out, I firmly believe that they have a motive to defend a system that is clearly not good.
That’s just me though.
Be well.

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My personal opinion is that everyone has their own reality based on their rank, Diamond to GM, will never feel the presure that Plat, Gold, Silver feel and bronzes dont care since a lot claim playing for fun whatever hero they want. I dont feel im bad at playing and as much as i know about dont go alone, dont trickle in, composition or strategy, none of that matters if my team doesnt and do whatever or pick whoever they want, i became healer tank main, not by choice, but by necessity because sometime ago everyone wanted DPS, in some cases they still want, in a game about team work or strategy, the amount of trolls, selfish people and one track minds is incredibly high. So i gave up and i accept that i will be trapped in gold because i dont have much friends playing this anymore and i dont have the time to invest in Comp as i use to, if i played everyday at everytime at some point i could get out but thats not the idea, i win 3 games i loose 2 and i loose more than i gained, because im punished for flexing and try to do the best for my team.

Completely agree with everything you said. It’s baffling to me that your SR is dependent on a variable that is outside of your control. I get they want “team play” to be the focus, but Overwatch doesn’t give you a fighting chance.

In Siege if 2 out of 4 teammates are complete buffoons I still have a fighting chance against the enemy team. In Overwatch the roles play the largest factor, so if your dps don’t do their job the whole team falls apart, if the healer is awful everyone will die, etc. Then you are forced to flex into roles you may not want to play.

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Hey, thank you.
Is just observations that I’ve noticed.
I really think that most are in the forums see the same thing, and are mostly sick of it all.
At the same time, they want their time not to be a complete waste.
That’s where I think the anger comes from. The completely thankless mode that doesn’t do much except make you want to punch something.
When you get to that point, you realize two things.
First, inherently you know the system is broken. Kinda like how you know when something is going wrong. That feeling of your hair going up. Yeah, it’s like that.
Second, you just stop caring.