First of all sorry for another mercy thread, Dont murder me
i have seen both sides attack eachother again and again, and honestly, Im sick of it, hence this thread
This thread is aimed at the bad part of BOTH sides, The anti-mercy squad that reports anything about mercy, and then pro-mercy squad that reports everything that isnt what they like
If your not in any of this “sub groups” of the mercy controversy, then feel free to ignore this post, But im reality, Im tired of this thing,
Anti mercy group (the toxic side, as always) I get it, You are tired of hearing the same thing over, and over, and over and over again, You dont like the idea, You hate it, it frustrates you, I completly get that, But, There is no need to report a thread because you dont agree with the idea, No, ideas that you dont like are not “SPAM” , Just like all the “nerf genji threads” are not considered spam, this ones arent either, every mercy player is a “boosted noob” that does not know anything about the game and is all Golds or lower, with no skill what sowever, according to you, Which is not true
If you dont like seeing mercy posts…Just…Dont read them
Same thing goes to you, Pro-Mercy (Toxic side, as always) Cut it out too, Like i said to the other, Ideas that you dont agree on, Are NOT spam, Neither are report worthy, its simply unaccepteable that you have reached to this type of behavior, initially you were suggesting a idea to re-balance a hero, But now it has reached to a full on War where both sides refuse to listen to eachother, If you think mass rez is for the best, Go ahead, But, do not stay locked in the same mindset over and over and over again, everyone who doesnt agree with you is a “Salty dps main”, which is also not true
personally, i would like to see mas rez back, But i also can see why people DONT want to see it back, hence why i started a Thread (Click here if you want to see it) where i threw ALL my different ideas, even ideas im explicitly AGAINST,
to try to reach to a wider audience, and to Incitate discussion
Both of you, are acting upon the idea than the other side are completly unresonable, Biased, and abusive, and if you truly were to come by someone who is like this, Simply, Do what i like to do,
" Seems that we will never agree with this, Have a good day "
But for the love of god, Debate is a good thing People mistake any kind of discussion with a war to see who is right and who is wrong, Is it that hard to try to learn from the other side, and adapt your ideas, or add new proposals, so than other people can agree too?
Just cut it out guys…Grow up, be the mature one