Hey, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind if I utilized this Mercy code for a “Raid” style boss fight rush I’m designing. I was working on my own version of the Valk on E mass rez but I came across this post while looking for a solution to a problem I was having and really like what you have worked out here.
I will gladly credit the portion of the coding to you wherever you desire (Be it in the description or whatever), because it doesn’t feel good when ya have someone rip off your hard work.
Welcome to to Mass Rez 0.8! After long wait, I’m happy to announce that the next iteration of Mass Rez is live and ready to play! There’s a lot to cover in this version, including fixes, a new Mechanic, as well a new game mode! Enjoy!
0.8 Import Code: 1FCGX
0.8 (Console version) Import Code: GF9G4
Physics based Resurrect system has been redesigned to now use ray-casting. Ray-casting, as well as improvements to LOS, and teleporting souls makes resses snappier and more accurate.
Fixes to E - Ability Intensive care. Can now only be activated while Mercy is Healing or Damage boosting. This will make it less likely to activate randomly.
Fixed bug where Mercy can only res when all team mates are within the radius.
New Rez Mechanic added: Superb Resurrects. If a strict set of conditions are met, Mercy can perform a Superb Resurrect. Superb Resurrects are perfect resses that are slightly faster and harder to counter than normal resses, but are very rare, as they are more difficult to pull off. Superb Resurrects reward the player by playing one of 4 of Mercy’s set voicelines at random, as well as change the camera perspective to 3rd person view. Try to go in bold for a risky 5-man rez for a chance at a Superb Resurrect!
Resurrects will now reset Intensive Care.
HUD information revised to only show downed team mates, and revised text to be larger and more visible.
Clairvoyance and soul marking will now only activate when conditions are ripe to rez.
Fixed bug where Intensive care would activate if Mercy receives a status.
Notable bugs to be worked on
Glitch where sometimes Resurrect will not fire if conditions are met.
Glitch where the Camera would show the background during Superb Resurrect.
Welcome to Mass Rez 0.8! - In Depth Overview
In addition, I’d also like to announce a new game mode. Mass Rez Mayhem!
Mass Rez Mayhem 0.1 Import Code: VDZPN
Mass Rez Mayhem 0.1 (Console Version) Import Code: YZEX4
Scoreboard with color-coded, toggle-able stats. (Press Interact).
30 kills to win / 1 superb res to win point system.
3 ways to win in 1 game mode (Capture the objective, get 30 kills, or pull off a superb resurrect).
Compatible with AI, Human players, or both!
The desire to assert your dominance.
Example video:
Any other bugs / glitches / oddities that anyone finds with these builds, do let me know. This constructive feedback helps me improve for the next version! Enjoy!
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance. xavvypls
Is anyone else having issues using the import code? I’ve tried to use the 0.8 PC code like five times and I’m being told I have invalid options, and I’m not allowed to start a game with AI.
I can go in and enable modes manually by first going to all modes, turning match start to immediate, then enabling modes one by one, but it’s unplayably buggy. Sometimes ult meter doesn’t charge at all, sometimes it’s stuck at 100, sometimes you’re thrown out of the map. Any of the earlier versions don’t let me change settings at all, just says invalid settings. Perhaps a patch broke it? Am I doing something wrong?