Its qp but where did

Then why does this conversation exist?

Obviously Blizzard saw fit that treating it like you say it should be treated is unsustainable in the long run.

Because ayanga needed someone to explain to them what a casual mode is?

The only thing blizzard did was try to fix leavers, which isn’t good for ANY game mode.

The game is called Quick Play, not Casual Play. The preceding word quick denotes, expedience, fast, lacking in time required to find players. It doesn’t say IDGAF mode.

People were leaving games because they were dismissing 9 other people because their 1 individual fun was being tarnished.

It doesn’t matter what it’s “technically” called. In most people’s minds it IS called casual play, because that’s what it is.

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Does it surprise me that you would think “it doesn’t matter what is true, its how I believe it be that matters”? Not in the slightest. Coming from you, its at least consistent.

Then petition Blizzard to change it, if that’s they way “most people” think.

And I know it to be true.

Common sense says people “play the game”

That’s the reason they bought it or if not bought took the time to download it in the first place.

You don’t exactly download an fps to play sonic the hedgehog platforming games.

Yes. And? I’m not sure what point you are trying to make here. I wasn’t talking about WHY people left. Only that blizzard was trying to address leavers, not the fact that QP is casual.

It’s literally the casual game mode for overwatch. It’s called quick play. You are trying to win based on something so ridiculous, it’s not even worth talking about. IT IS CASUAL PLAY. Look up the definition of causal game mode, and you will see QP.

It doesn’t need to be, because everyone, except you apparently, already understands what it is.

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It’s supposed to make the person you’re saying it to chill out. Qp is now longer Qp but comp without any rewards.

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I don’t “win” at any of this.

When I log into the game I can see with my eyes that the condition for accomplishment in the game is to beat the opposing team by commanding the objective. The mode in question is irrelevant.

As far as who wins in this discussion, I don’t think it’s anyone really. I enjoy working as a team player and ensuring victory for my team.

If you were in charge of the game, you would think my mentality is “toxic” or some other garbage term, and would not allow that mentality in YOUR game.

In that case, we would both be winners, because I wouldn’t play your game, and you would have only the people who don’t care about anyone but themselves in yours.

I am happy that you speak for all people.

Right, but some modes are taken more seriously than others. And that is by design.

I would tell you to play competitive, because I have designed that game mode with the type of player you are in mind.

Other people just want to play around, so, that’s why QP exists. I’m surprised this needs explaining to you. Well, not really surprised

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That explains the super short honeymoon phase too.