Its qp but where did

Whatever. I give up. Just scream at your teammates. Let’s remove bans and just rename qp to comp lite and let’s just suffer. I give up.

Because you and I both know that’s exactly what will happen (well minus removing the banning system) if we start treating qp like comp.

Basically he’s saying hell essentially what I was saying if you’ve ever player Apex or cod or any other none BR game with a competitive mode, there’s essentially no mental gear shift for differing modes.

The existence of apex league ranked I’ve never once seen that make people not take apex regular seriously, or at least play like normal people.

And like this isn’t even about being serious or not don’t know why I said that, just like the phrase itself confuses me I don’t see a need for its existence.

It seems like it only exists because of accidental wording… And well that is literally the case.

And the truth is for a PVP game, the community really hates that its a PVP game.

OW is a real unorthodoxed platform for any PVP scene.

Then you haven’t been around the community enough.

People don’t play pubs seriously in apex. They hot drop and instadie or use it as a chance to smurf on lower skilled players.

This is what made it great in OW1. That it wasn’t like any other PvP game out there. Blizzard then and went and broke that model in OW2 trying to convert it to all other PvP games out there. It doesn’t work.


Like I play comp the way I play comp because I like playing the game for what it is. Like Monopoly is considered a family game but theres a reason people choke each other while playing it xD

It’s a team pvp shooter whether it’s comp or QP. I am gonna play it to win because the whole point of the game and the fun of it is in trying to win. Just like I am gonna try and bankrupt you in monopoly.

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If you think about this. Think of Jeff Kaplan as “The Supreme Court”.

His verbage is translated by everyone else beneath his rank (at the time) at the company.

When they talked about Quickplay as “Practice heroes and try new comps” being worded in the title screen. It means quite a bit.

When “Competitive” mode is another mode placed into the game, most have to assume that the “competitive” ranked mode was specifically for sweating and that the second mode was not to be taken seriously.

The community argument on Leaver Penalties and all of that stems from the fact that people In ranked were “try hard” a match and they demanded people to stop leaving. So that occurred.

The only real penalty for leaving in Quickplay matches was reduced experienced gained in order to slow down a person’s progression at a level and gaining another loot box.

Leaving on the other hand started to be a thing from both people’s points of views in Quickplay.

1 ) One side did not like Sweaty players in Quickplay that they were being matched against.

2 ) Premade teams didn’t like Casuals being placed on their teams.

3 ) Casuals not enjoying the “Hard core” scene that would be playing Quickplay matches, and being faced off against them.

At the end of the day the “Creator” of the game said as such. That is how people translate it.

You are equating a behavior to a mode instead of looking at the design of the game.

As much as I dislike agreeing with Saber, they are correct.

I can give you an anecdotal of a game I had a few days ago;

Our team was on King’s Row attack. In spawn, we have a person pick Widowmaker, and in chat they explained to the team that they are new to Widowmaker, and they may not do very well. Now, I was playing tank (what’s new) and was on Junkerqueen. Once this person stated they were practicing a hero they don’t play and shared their concern, I swapped from Junkerqueen to Reinhardt (recently turned my chat back on to see how dead it has become). My proficiency in Reinhardt is more then adequate to allow the Widowmaker player room to learn and become comfortable with the character. I set up a condition where they would have to swap to counter me instead of the other player.

I act this way because I AM A TEAM PLAYER, in a team game. No matter if it’s Quick Play, or Competitive mode.

The behavior you are indicating exists is because the average person has become selfish. They were taught that their fun is the only fun that matters.

I guarantee you that they do not take unranked seriously.

It’s the casual game mode that overwatch provides. No different than any other game. People do not take casual modes seriously.

Then you and I have very different gaming experiences.

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I always interpreted the phrase to mean something along the lines of “don’t stress so much about winning or losing a quickplay match, because it is completely inconsequential”. You don’t lose or gain SR, and you don’t get extra credits for winning or anything.

But it seems this phrase is interpreted/used very differently by others, and I honestly don’t know whether there’s a general consensus on what it means anymore, much less what people’s problem with the phrase (or rather, the sentiment expressed by it) is.

I think for me it falls on this:

Lots of people like basketball.

Some like a single hoop game, while others like a full court game.

Some people have rules where you can tackle the ball carrier to a degree, while most games don’t allow ANY form of contact.

(I can think of some really aggressive neighborhood basketball games we use to play).

Since Overwatch is the only licensed purveyor of this game, we have various groups here that each believe “their” version of the game is “theirs”.

That’s great!

But how many times do you think something like this happens as opposed to the tank player just flaming and/or throwing after screaming at their DPS to swap?

Become selfish?

QP started far more casually. QP used to be treated way less seriously than it is now.

I always love how I don’t firce my reality onto others and even admit my own ignorance or incapability of understanding.

And they always choose the oath that forces there logic on me in the rudest way possible to prove there right.

But no I have not experienced this behavior in any of the other games that I play quite often, if that is your requirement to win this “Argument” then you have already failed.l, relying on changing another persons vase reality and existence gives them the power which isn’t a good strategy.

This legitimately does not happen to me in X other game.

How is explaining to you why people don’t take it seriously, then saying that we have different gaming experiences, being rude?

My bad I read into that a little to much, but don’t assume you know how much gaming experience I have I ask respectfully thank you in advance.

People absolutely treat non-ranked modes in other games exactly as casually as they treat QP in OW.


I would never make an assumption about that. But, I’ve been playing games for years and years and years, so… when someone says “this is how games are,” and I know it to be untrue, I am going to disagree with you.

Also, just common sense says that people would not take the modes, literally designed to not be taken seriously, seriously.

I’ll just practice genji in my comp games then, less sweaty

This one is easy. People like you have pushed people like me away from video games like Overwatch. I play for the win, and only for the win. I was practicing Junkerqueen to add her to my stable of tools to win games. It is not about my “fun” or how I feel when I play a character. Its about me becoming more proficient to win.

Do you think I like when someone plays the game solely to “hero fantasy” and act as though they are contributing so they can “be” the hero they pick?

Yes. I watched this happen in real time for physical sports. This translated over to video games in the years following. It has made video games communities worse off because of it.

It was the only mode for quite a while when the game was released.

Not by me and not by people like me.

I find this entire thought to be a distillation of what went wrong.

Do you want a tank like me who will try to get you the practice you want and still be the best tank they can be to get the win?
Then you have to treat the mode with respect, not leave the game and at least attempt to win as I do.
Nope, can’t do it.

People want to have their cake and eat it too. You are forced to pick one, and it seems you want the game to have all people not give a damn about the integrity of the game so you can be happy and play whatever you want how ever you want.

In the game mode that is designed for that, yes. The “integrity” of the game is not ruined because people are treating QP as the casual mode that it is, rofl.

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