Its qp but where did

I wonder were the notion it’s just quick plqy came from, not just in the Sense of weather you do or don’t take it seriously, but like why is this even a thing people even like why does it even go through people’s minds?

So in apex right they also have a competitive mode, butttt most people play unranked or some other mode and it’s always “Serious” or like I guess “Serious” is the word?

I don’t know how to describe it properly because this phenomenon is foreign to me, like well obviously you don’t have to “Try hard” like its the owl or whatever.

I can name multiple other games with a competitive mode and not once is it ever used as a scapegoat for there other modes, this is something I’ve legitmeatly only ever seen in ow and Im wondering why.

I’m not saying like weather you should or shouldn’t go all out, I’m saying why does it require any conscence thought to well to me to force yourself to play the game different from what you normally do.

It’s not like in call of duty people magically develop a different personality for both regular and comp modes.

I guess since I play all of the game essentially the same way all the way throughout, I need help seeing the thought process of others.

It seems like one of those things that “Sounds good” it gives people something to say but going into the full details ittt falls apart pretty quickly.


Jeff Kaplan.

He’s the one who stated “You use QP for practice” which he never said again ever on stream.

Rumor has it there was a big fiasco there because Jeff was potentially inviting negative behavior into their main most populated mode that the game was designed around.

Then as the years went by the same devs or the new dev team members keep repeating the same lines. The evidence provided here is how the player behavior as a whole in our game community has only grown more and more aggressive, toxic, and frustrating.

Jeff was not an actor. He was not trained bt some salesperson to sell a game. He was the lead developer on which mamy of his employees beneath him could not even simply correct the man because that is their boss. So in fear of preserving their jobs many remained quiet and just shrugged it off thinking it would be a minor ripple effect.

It wasn’t.


Despite being above average at the game, I almost never felt like I could mess around on heroes I’m not great with in QP. My team would just get stomped.

I start off by try-harding then if it looks like we’re stomping, I ease off and mess about a little, feed a few times, etc. Drop the beat on an enemy corpse in spawn

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OHHH okay so someone higher up (hell the highest up person at the time) started this, I think it’s like a dilution effect? Where people have now used this phrases so much past it’s originally purpose that it literally defends blatent throwing like emoting with the enemy team, or Dancing in spawn.

There literally treating it like there inside of the practice range that just so happens to have enemy players.

Cause dude I’d never catch this behavior in apex, siege, freaking valorant, cod whatever no matter what the game mode is.

This isn’t even like a factor or conversation that comes up.

And because people use it for both obvious throwing, and maybe say it under some legitimate circumstances it makes alllll of this phrase just look bad minus the fact it shouldn’t even like exist in the first place.


If it came from the lead devs’ mputh then it must be okay to “behave this way” right?

And out of all the years. Not a single soul had the guts to take those comments back.

Jeff even held a stream where he looked a bit raggedy and troubled. Almost as if he rushed to fix himself up where he spent the entire stream time blaming the gamers’ on their toxic behavior rather than taking resppnsibility for what they promoted.

That was a sad time and it was some time after Jeff first originally stated “QP is for practice. It’s QP play however you want.” When he actually meant “Just keep playing the game and stop being rude to each other.”

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I don’t agree.

People play Apex unranked very casually, moreso than OW. They hot drop and just send it. They play with brand new players.

Can we please stop trying to shift QP to comp? Please. It’s going to be the death of OW.


It didn’t used to be here before this game went f2p. I mean some people always had this mindset but it wasn’t as prevalent as it is lately. I do not understand it either. It seems to mostly come from people who usually play pve games.

I cannot comprehend how does one chill in team objective based pvp shooter. Literally the only thing you can do here is kill the enemy for the objective. It’s not like an rpg where you can just hang out

So I’m guessing the other games your playing are Battle Royale type of games. You can’t compare those types of games to OW. Not at all same game.

QP has always been a place in OW even since OW1 where you go to learn new characters, learn abilities, learn maps, etc. yes, you want to work together to try to win but no one should be held to a high standard because players might be learning how to play a character for the first time.

If your looking for sweaty games, you play Competitive in OW, it’s that simple.

Tell me why you want to decrease the basic OW experience for others.

It’s the easiest way to tell someone to stop being mad because a teammate doesn’t want to switch characters.


You see this I agree with in terms of not freaking jumping on people’s back to counter swap every 5 seconds or like hell throughout the match it makes sense.

What Im more talking about is more like obvious throwing, like throwing throwing.

Or okay well sometimes things that could/are virtually throwing not swapping is up there to a degreeee I guess? But hell as long as your trying to kill things screw it.

Throwing throwing doesn’t happen because people aren’t taking it seriously. It happens because they’re taking it too seriously and are upset.

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For the hundredth time. QP is quick play. It is a quick match of OW. Arcade is fun goofy, training has an entire section of game modes for itself and a community workshop is a mix of both. Just because some people want to make quick play into something other than quick play, doesn’t mean we have to oblige them.

This is the case most of the time but some people de rank and some people indeed just find trolling like that funny

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It’s just what people say to justify them throwing the match. That’s really it

I see that so, so, so rarely in my own QP games. Like, really rarely. It’s practically not a thing.

Maybe one game out of, idk, 200, where people actually don’t care enough to do anything.

I’m wondering, do you see it often? Or do you just believe forum posters who say they see it all the time? There are also the people who call anything they don’t like “throwing” :smile:

Yes saber. It is quick play. Not comp.

Not scream at your tank because they have one more death and hurl slurs at them play. Not hyper focus on your supports because they’re “not healing you” (but actually are you’re just not paying attention) play. Not hyper focus on your DPS because they’re playing pharah into a single hitscan.

Well there’s also people doing blatantly “Troll” or obviously bad things but like Im not trying to enter to much into the realm of like “Oh your not try Harding” quick play is where I learned to flank as Lifeweaver in the first place.

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I do remember one recent game where my Ana and the enemy Lucio just sat together and chatted with each other for 4 minutes or so. Didn’t matter because now it’s just a 4v4, who cares, but why this happens in Overwatch and not in Apex I couldn’t tell ya :smile:

Yes Pawsitivity, it’s an apple, therefore not an orange. That does not make apple an antithesis of an orange. Not being comp does not mean it’s casual, chill. That is a quality you are asigning it, it is not the one it inherently has or the one the devs gave it, or even the one people playing it have for it. People who take QP seriously are QP players, why do you think you have the authority to pick what QP is over both them and the game devs.

Like I said I play the game consistently the same way allllll the way throughout I don’t NEED this phrase I don’t understand it’s existence because it literally does not exist to me.

The only thing that changes if anything is I am guaranteed to use a Mic in comp, but otherwise my base gameplay stays consistent all the time.