This is from all ranks, i gonna explain why this is stupid lower
I see no message behind this or something wich proves me wrong
I will get banned forbit but screw it:
Remove the obviesly wrong letters, you are not allowed to send links, thats why. I Edit this post atm, pls wait
I can see why people think conparing OWL and ranked is unfair, but GM and Bronze is the same, GM players are just better. If you say no, the Elo system is the most appreciated system of all and this has nothing to do with this. Issues in the rank system comes from the fact that its really hard to see just from stats who played well with so many totally different Hereos.
So further with the argument:
Some Hereos just need less skill to work properly. Getting value with Zen is much harder then getting Value with Moira… (pls dont talk about the examples specifically). Some Hereos abuse the lack of skill from thebother players (Pharra, Bastion), some just need less skill to work together (I dont say these Hereos need no skill, only less skill to work together, thats a difference) (Rein Zarya, Zarya Hog). In low elo you are also able to play the Hero you want, while its extremely hard and at the top nearly impossible to win with your favorite Hereo reliable, so lower represent the best comp much less
I dont pick one rank, I pick the highest rank becauce the data of high elo shows whats good better
I’m responding to you but not just for your benefit. You may not understand but I’m sure other can understant.
No it isn’t I’ve literally looked at that already.
This supposed “days where Winston is played more” aren’t there. And I’ve told you already that I am NOT going to exclude all data except GM, that’s cherry picking.
'use" being how many yrs ago?
cause shes been WELL over that % for years now.
Even in a meta she shouldnt be good in shes at near 30% in GM (35% overall)
no they havent…
Mercy is FIVE(5) hp away from the “op” state she was b4 her last nerf (and ana’s buff)
but aparently every1 but ana is “nerfed into the ground” ?
it doesnt work that way.
it LOOKS like that becasue ana is OVERbuffed so a healthy healer looks underbuffed.
yeah…which lasted 2 weeks? then they got nerfs. then ana went up again…
anytime there isnt a stong alternative Ana is always on the return.
except shes still #1 even with the pros. Lucio, an off healer, is near 5% behind her with a meta he should BE good in…moira? shes just over half of ana’s…and again ana SHOULD be weak in the meta…but shes not.
that was an example of nerfs at wrong part of the reason an oppressive hero is targeted.
mercy’s wasnt her primary healing.
brigs wasnt her healing.
ana’s wasnt her primary.
yet again ana gets away without more nerfs.
brig and mercy got chain nerfs weekly.
ana has gotten 2 nerfs in over a year…that DID NOTHING.
no you are in denial and misinterpreting the post reason -.-
What are you on right now? I know that. Everyone knows that. 100% pickrate on Overbuff means 16.6% Mercy was upwards of 18 to 20% for months, across all elo’s.
Yes, it literally is a fact. We have Jeff himself in an interview with stylosa coming right out and saying they made brig specifically to counter dive.
Who are you trying to fool right now?
Like honestly?
No. Double shield started with Bap, it then started being played with Moria. Everyone hated it, they got nerfed for it. People started playing Ana because they couldn’t play Moira or Bap anymore.
No, but much like you, a lie is a lie when you make up statistics and facts that hold no relevance to reality what so ever. You come at me saying the 100% stat is from omnic when literally everyone knows 100% on overbuff is the same as 16.6%. You come at me trying to discredit the idea that Brig was literally made to shut down dive, when Jeff himself has said exactly that. You come at me claiming I’m cherry picking stats from different elo’s when you yourself don’t have a clue about the meta’s in question.
Those are blatant lies for the sake of arguing and pushing your own biased agenda, and then projecting your tactics onto others. Get your facts straight, just like Hotaru should have done.
It literally is. Ana is nowhere close to Moth or Release Brig.
Over years now? She hasn’t broken 16% across all elo’s like moth did, let alone for months. And literally just with Winston becoming Meta she’s dropped down to 9% pickrate days.
Reality check, literally nobody is playing a Meta Ana shouldn’t be good in on Ladder. No, Absolutely nobody is playing Dive right now on Ladder. Ladder is still playing Double sniper the same way they did with Hog, only they switched Hog for Winston. Do you see diving with Winston? Do you see Genji diving with Winston? No, because it’s not dive, it’s still double sniper. The closest thing to a dive comp being meta right now is in pro play where they’re playing a rush comp with Moira, Lucio, Winston,, Sombra, Reaper.
I’d like to refer you to literally the links above that show otherwise.
Ana does not compete with Mercy, who are you trying to fool right now? Mercy and Ana enable entirely different team comps. If one of them is competing with the other, one of them is broken. Like Mercy was during Moth outhealing Moira, the Main healer that only has healing going for them. Mercy is a sustain healer. Bap, Moira and yes, Ana too, are burst healers. Enabling entirely different team comps. That doesn’t mean Mercy’s not a main healer, it means she’s a different type of main healer.
No, It’s the facts of the matter. Ana pickrate wasn’t this drastic before until everything got nerfed. When the least worst is being played, it’s not because they’re op. It’s because everything else is worse. The exact same thing has happened to the tank roster. It’s been happening for years now to everything but dps. And you’re sitting here on a Moth Vendetta trying to compoud the problem out of spite.
Because the pro’s aren’t playing her In pro games. They’re playing Moira/Lucio. Nobody is touching Ana in pro play unless it’s high ground defense running Ana/Brig. And even then, they’re losing more times than not against Moria/Lucio.
And just for some perspective, even if you’re trying to insinuate it’s been pro’s playing Ana like that for awhile now.
Moth still has more playtime across Overwatch league than Ana, and Zen and Lucio have more playtime than the both of them. You Wanna continue to talk about what the pro’s are playing? How about you actually know what the pros are playing in the first place.
Being top picked does not mean she’s anywhere near moth or release brig first of all. Second of all, there is absolutely nothing inherently wrong with being top picked. Context matters, and you’re making it up as you go.
It hasn’t been a week since the lastest patch, first of all, so it’s not accurate to the current games state, And second of all, you know how to see individual days on overbuff. It’s been pointed out to you in multiple threads these last few days, and still You’re ignoring it.
Are you?
She literally is not. They enable entirely different team comps. Period.
You clearly have no idea how to use the stat lab. That “one team” box, only affects the following box.
So you’re blatantly lying. Ignoring resources to stats that have been pointed out to you countless times already. And you have no clue how to use other data tools that provide valuable stats to info you’re falsifying. Am I Understanding this correct? And you’re asking if I’m daft?
Here’s the link, You can check if for yourself, or ignore it like you tend to do with other stat tools given to you.
And just for arguments sake, since you’ll probably move the goalposts at some point:
The last 3 weeks of Overwatch League, Mercy actually has near x2 pickrate than Ana.
You know, like those stats you tried to lie about when discussing Ana in pro play.
That doesn’t make sense, there is no such thing as “100% pickrate on overbuff” that’s not how that website measures hero’s popularity.
Regardless of intentions, whether she actually does “shut down an entire team comp” is conjecture.
Does she actually counter the comp or does she simply enable a comp that’s overall better against everyone, i.e. Goats and proto-goats comps.
Why does this mean ana can’t get any substantial nerfs?
So what?
You’re now cherry picking by time.
That’s December of 2019.
It’s September in 2020.
Since the chaotic+random fluctuations caused by hero pools went away, Ana has been consistently the highest picked support hero.
Right now Bap has a really low pickrate.
Ahh so you admit relevance matters?
So why are we looking at pickrates from a brief period in 2019 while purposefully ignoring Ana’s pickrate since hero bans ended?
You don’t even know that as that’s BACKWARDS!
If overbuff says a hero has a 16.67% pickrate that would mean “that hero is in 100% of games”.
But this is why you must NOT single out certain elos as then you get inaccurate results like heroes in certain ranks having pickrates over 16.67%. Don’t cherry pick certain ranks, look at all ranks.
No I’m discrediting the factual claim.
The mere “idea” is something else from claiming fact.
Well you ARE doing that, what’s your excuse for this?
How is that an excuse for cherry picking even if it was true?
And it isn’t true, it’s not a fact.
It’s what’s codified in law as an “allegation”, it’s worthless, it’s expected that any idiot can make any sort of spurious allegation against anyone.
Me not “having a clue” is a lie?!?!
It’s not a lie to dispute whether it’s a fact over whether Brig did shut down a comp or not.
There literally is since everyone knows, well most everyone, apparently not you, that 16.6% is 100% picked on any given team in accordance to how overbuff’s algorithm works. Whether you choose to say it’s “100%” or it’s “16.6%”, it literally doesn’t matter since they’re exactly the same in context to overbuff.
This is basic stuff here. The fact you can’t even grasp that is why i’m going to mute you now after this post.
That is anything but conjecture. There is 3 years of history proving it to be true and the devs words themselves saying it was intended from the beginning.
No. Goats wasn’t better against everyone. Goats was mandatory because it was the only thing that could stand up to double sniper. Meanwhile you had Spamrat, Pharmercy, Triple Dps and Hackfist all fully capable of destroying Goats until somebody switched to a Widow. So instead of having your counter comp to goats get countered harder by a switch to Widow, it was a safer option just to mirror.
And lets be real clear here, Dive died out like 4-6 months prior to Goats even being a thing. So even then you’re wrong.
Because she doesn’t need any. She fell into meta because everything else became worse. Every other healers healing average was brought down closer to her level. And even right now as we speak, Ana isn’t even the current meta in pro play. It’s strictly a ladder thing.
Do you even remember the original argument here? Because I don’t think you do. You’re actually just arguing to argue at this point. Though that’s pretty telling on it’s own considering you jumped into a conversation creating a bunch of strawmen and spewing a bunch of false hoods.
This was the original comment you responded to, in it’s entirety. You then tried to say I was cherry picking from low elo’s out of absolutely nowhere when I wasn’t doing anything of the sort. I even went out of my way to show you with evidence that Ana was in fact replaced by both Moira and Bap at different times to back up my previous argument that she fell into meta because everything else became worse… an argument towards somebody entirely different from you, lets make that real clear here.
And now because you can’t follow along with your own arguments, let alone with a conversation between two other people, you chose to double down on this ridiculous notion that somehow date and elo matters at all to the previous discussion that was being had. A discussion you weren’t apart of, I repeat again.
It does, and you haven’t kept this conversation relevant yet. For example:
Here you are arguing there is no such thing has 100% pickrate on Overbuff.
And a few sentences down in that very same post of yours:
You acknowledge 16.6% is literally the same as 100% in respect to how overbuff operates.
You’re ridiculous, and I’m muting you now. Great chat.
You didn’t say “the 16.6% pickrate on Overbuff which means she’s in 100% of games”.
Well I think it does when you’re making fair comparisons, you flip flopped between two totally different measurements when comparing different rates.
And your sloppy language is needlessly introducing ambiguities which makes it impossible to discuss.
Please, do it.
Do NOT back out of that.
It will only make it easier for me to convince everyone that Ana needs nerfs if you decide to do the incredibly dumb thing of ignoring me.
PS: it’s not a “fact” I can’t grasp this, I corrected YOU remember.
Yes it was.
AND it was good against everything else.
No they weren’t.
Hence 2-2-2 role lock.
Prove it.
The supposed proof of this is comps that are extremely goats-like.
“Why doesn’t she need nerfs?”
“sHe jUsT dOeSn’T!”
So she should also get the same treatment.
Wow, what a terrible argument.
Healing isn’t the only way she can be nerfed and you know it.
This is called a Canard.
This isn’t any sort of argument against nerfing her anti-healing, this is just a red-herring, a distraction, gish-galloping, call it whatever you like it’s not a proper argument.
So what, you’re in the wrong forums.
This is the Overwatch General Discussion.
Not the “pro player fanclub” forum.
No do YOU remember that this thread is about?
The title is “It’s only fair Ana gets nerfs”.
And I’m bringing it back on topic.
There really isn’t.
That is your inference from a 16.6% pickrate.
My objection was how you contrasted an inferred 100% prevalence with a totally different type of measure.
No I didn’t.
They are NOT “literally the same” numbers.
They ARE different ways to indicate the same thing just as 100km is not literally the same number as 60mph, they ARE different numbers. This is a problem when some idiot say “the speed limit in my country is way too slow, it’s over 60% higher over in this other country!”
Although they are (with a small margin of error) the same speeds, they aren’t literally the same numbers.
That is my objection when you started to compare numbers to falsely imply a difference in hero popularity which isn’t real, it only exists from you swapping units.