It's official, Widowmaker is the next "cry until nerfed into F-tier" hero

…and OFC it’s DPS. It’s okay that Lucio & D.Va enable every Meta-Comp, but God forbid a DPS hero threatens to have a comparable impact as them or is a threat to Tanks & Supports.

Tanks & Supports will NOT allow a DPS hero to be viable, EVER.

To them, viable is overpowered. Period.


Only on this forum will a hero class that can’t even get into meta, let alone dictate one, be the most hevaily criticised and “over-powered”

And people wonder why the Devs ignore this place :laughing:


Generalising based on class preference. Nice.

While we’re on it, what about all the times a Support or Tank has been nerfed? This must clearly mean that all DPS mains don’t want supports and tanks in the meta.


Bold of you to assume that this hasn’t been unironically said ad nauseam on here, even when the meta is 3 tanks and 3 supports.


What about it? I’d like to think the devs don’t lend much credit to people who clearly have no idea about the games balance.

So they make balances that make sense to them.

How does that challenge the fact that 3T/3S is meta and yet here lately it’s nothing but Nerf Genji, Nerf Tracer, Nerf Hanzo, Nerf Widow. It’s almost parody-level.

…and don’t give me that “but that meta is only in Masters & Grandmaster” nonsense logic. The very best players in the world aren’t running DPS. There’s a reason for that. If a DPS hero is truly overpowered, then the best players would play it, because it would work…

I’m going to be really amused is someone tries to argue that the top players are too stupid to play certain DPS. That statement all by itself is so bad that it’s self-defeating.


You can use this same argument on DPS mains who don’t want supports to be able to kill them or be too viable (Mercy,Moira,Brig). Remember all this #Delete a hero was started and backed by DPS mains.


This argument has never been made… it’s a strawman. No one says that. Is it an argument that supports & tanks can DPS well enough to replace DPS? Yes, but DPS never whine that supports kill them.

Yeah, DPS complained about Brig… of course they did, she was broken af in all conceivable areas. It wasn’t a support-specific issue, it was her not even being just a support, but a jack-of-all-trades hero that couldn’t be played wrong.

DPS Moira has her own issues, but it’s not with her effectively killing… it’s with her not being used properly as a healer DUE to effectively killing.


I’ve seen DPS complain about the killing power of every support under the sun many times with the exception of Mercy. People do make this argument, frequently.


You’re equating “Supports kill almost as well as DPS” with "Supports kill DPS’. They are NOT THE SAME. The latter argument is NEVER MADE.


No I’m not, I read your post. Stop being obstinate. I’ve seen people whine about supports having a decent chance of killing them at all. You even have an exception to your own rather absolute statement right there in your own post.


You come on these forums and most of the time all see you see is nerf demands for supports. Yeah the occasional Widow and Dva one will come up but I don’t agree with those either. But I lose count of all the times I hear this “It’s not fair that so and so can kill me with little or no effort, so that’s why they should be nerfed.” How about people just stop asking for self serving nerfs altogether?


What was the last one about? Because here lately, all I see is Widow, Hanzo, Genji, & Tracer.

There are literally 5 Widow threads in the first two pages RIGHT NOW. And I have about 3 Hanzo threads in my recent post history.

What supports are being complained about, other than DPS Moira right now? I’ll wait…


What is supposed to be the outcry on Widow? She’s only overly effective if the meta supports it…

“One-shots shouldn’t exist”
Translated it means
“Widow can one-shot my support main, so delete/nerf her”


You do realize she can one-shot the entire DPS roster too right? (Sans Bastion).
and one-shots are not applicable only to widow, people complain about Rein Charges too.


Lol this is priceless.
Supports have always gotten the bulk of the nerfs, not DPS.


Stop equating what Blizzard does (What they should be doing) with what the forum keeps whining about… they’re not the same.


It’s so stupid because people are even arguing that she’s unstoppable in lower tiers.

The forums are heavily support based and lower tiered so there are a lot of arguments that aren’t based in objectivity or reality.


The community just be like that sometimes.

Other than Moira? You STILL have people complaining about Brig because her healing enables GOATS even though they took a sledgehammer to her. You’ll see some Ana ones because she’s basically a must pick in every match, Lucio, well like you said in your original post he with Dva defines every META (not saying you agree with that) but you hear people say that. We all know what happened to Mercy. Zen is safe because DPS like him because he requires aim. Also, you may be a little paranoid because I seriously doubt they’ll ever nerf Widow, she’s hard to play as it is.

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