Its official: Nearly every support has gotten nerfed 🎊




Okay I understand

I don’t think the lack of aim is what makes it unfair. I think it’s the fact that other healers cannot compete with the healer that gets value from being bunched up. Grouping up is universally preferred than spreading out in most ranks. If there were a way for her to be more in line with single target healers like Ana and Mercy, I strongly feel like she wouldn’t feel as uncontested.


Because Moira literally only offers healing and damage; and that was literally worthless until Sigma came out and broke the game balance for a long time.

The fact that BOTH Sigma and Doomfist were meta at the time literally FORCED Moira into the meta because she was the ONLY support who had ANY viable tools to actually do anything.

Also the fact you’re saying Moira’s orb + ult being 120hps being too much; Zen ALONE does that much DPS; You mean to tell me that TWO dps can’t do more than 120hps, when a single support is able to do that same level of damage?

This is why the game balance is as horrible as it is, and why support players have been getting angrier with each patch

Moira and Baptiste are meta because they are the only supports with the tools for the job. Not because they were so much more powerful than the others, but because they offered specific tools that the others didn’t.

You can’t expect Ana to heal a team of super mobile heroes the same way a Mercy can do you?


Supports wont be happy until they can solo DPS and keep an entire team healed at the same time.

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Please don’t lump all supports in with Moira mains


Yah but Ana got nerfed a few years back so that dream was pretty short lived.

In conjunction, DPS wont be happy until they can solo DPS the entire team.

It honestly feels like this


DPS won’t be happy until all supports roll over and die when they get flanked.

See, I can make terrible generalizations too.


Why yes, this is a pro DPS game so flashy plays can get made and DPS players can just destroy everything that moves. They may as well just rework everyone into a DPS.

Supports wont be happy until they can feel as impactful as DPS for the same efforts that they put in

Why do I have to jump through hoops as Ana trying to keep my team alive, while requiring the same or even BETTER play than DPS heroes who can negate everything I am doing

Why wouldn’t I be upset when my hero who was pretty much trash since they came out suddenly became meta because of other heroes being released broken, and then are nerfed back into oblivion because they dared to be useful for once


Hasn’t every tank and most all DPS been nerfed at some point?

It’s not really groundbreaking news to hear that the newest hero is getting finetuned…

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Not really no, there have been changes but comparing flat nerfs tanks and supports have had it much worst.

Not sure about that… The reason she has higher base healing than most supports is from her lack of utility which isn’t something small. She’s needs that or she’ll be mediocre at everything. Also as a consequence for her healing nerf, its also affects her ultimate charge and resource meter. As for her ultimate it has less impact than trans/beat/etc so that’s why it charges faster. You really can’t use it to save people from other ultimates, more so general teams fights to push. She’s not as good as you think.

I think people complain about Brig because of her team reliance. I think she’s good but another problem is a source of her healing. If she isn’t near an enemy good luck doing cconsistent healing. Mercy have rez as an ability isn’t something I agree with. It basically takes up all other opportunities for buffs/other abilites because its so strong.

Because with the PTR changes, Baptiste will be MUCH worse than he was when he launched, and he launched pretty weak that he had to have both his healing count buffed and his ultimate buffed twice within a month of his launch

The only reason he is meta is because of barrier nerfs and Sigma’s ult doing 50% max health damage

The fact that they’re nerfing Baptiste at the same time they’re nerfing the reasons he’s even seeing play is going to do what they did with Sym and Sombra


I’ve had a few of my favorites get the same treatment unfortunately, welcome to the club pal.

So the only heroes who have been nerfed at the same time the only reason they were viable was nerfed have been Symmetra, Sombra, Moira, and now Baptiste

I mean who else is there? Bastion? Pharah? Junkrat?

Most everyone else sees different levels of play depending on rank

I’m pretty sure they will revert the ult nerf. They only gave him one due to his fire rate, now that both his fire rate and his healing is nerfed it’s well below what it should be.

Most likely next patch as has been the norm for a while.


Not a single soul

Me on Mercy 20 ft in the air getting hit by a shatter

Literally nobody at all

Me and Pharah getting thrown out of orbit by a random Sigma ult

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I chose to play a hero at their weakest state as long as their gameplays resonate with me. So I have seen nothing but buffs and buffs to my favorite heroes.

Only players who like to rely on crutches and can only abuse broken heroes would cry when the nerf hammer inevitably hit their heroes.

If we go by past history with Ana/ Lucio; it would be about 8-10 months before they revert the change

It took Ana a year to go from 60 damage to 70, and she was the worst support in every rank at the time with a constant 44% winrate and even after the buff she still needed 3-4 more to even become relevant again

Bap is going into the dumpster with these changes. With less Orisa/ Sigma and more Reinhardt, he’s going to struggle like he does in ranks outside of GM/ Masters where Reinhardt comps run the show.

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healing in this game has been overtuned for years now.

this is a small step in the right direction. this and the moira nerfs.

but much more needs to happen before the game will be in an okay spot