It's not Winston anymore in season 10

We’ve had fun buddy… Now you get smacked by a support hindering you useless, your counters got buffed…I wouldn’t be surprised if you turn into a troll pick in the future…It’s time to rest…

Goodbye old days.


When was Winston ever a main tank

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Good Riddance.

He sucked the fun straight out of my soul.


Since always?
(20 Characters)


At least you still counter Rein

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I played him a few times, but it’s really difficult to sympathize with a high mobility, auto-aim tank that only requires situational awareness and little else.

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Winston had his time to shine for several seasons, it’s time to step down and let other tanks take the spotlight.


cries of happiness in symmetra

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Funny story, before the avoid button came in I countered a symm player hard with winston he got all toxic and when he was placed on my team twice he threw the games and told me he had me on his int list :sweat_smile: good old days

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someone doesn’t know how mechanically intensive primal is


“Wait, you can juggle people instead of just smacking them around randomly?”

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Oh yeah, winston requires very little skill at all, totally. People should have just picked winston and climbed to GM. Only true mechanically intensive heroes deserve to be top 500.


Primal still doesn’t compare to hook-shooting with Widow :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d argue it’s harder

the amount of people that can consistently get the most out of primal and all its tech is legitimately in the single digits


Zen main are happy they are not a free kill for Winston.

Honestly as someone that plays all tanks I find winston the hardest to play (Dva probs easiest) Yes you don’t require aim, but you can’t mess up with Winston one wrong play and you’re going to get melted, Also it’s really easy for someone to turn winston into simply an ult charge only for the enemy team, imo he requires most game sense among the tanks. also primal >_> the amount of times I tried booping someone off but ended up jumping to my death are too many to count :joy:


It’s harder to maximize Primal’s impact because

  1. It is somewhat map-dependent
  2. It doesn’t deal heavy damage, being more a CC skill than a hard elimination skill unless fall-off edges are near
  3. Primal can get hard kills juggling someone at a corner, but this burns more ult time to get that one kill

The Primal health reset is yet another nice perk, so burning Primal to survive is quite handy.

Widow gets… Infrasight >_<

the aforementioned tech largely mitigates 2) and 3)

also the health reset is just a hard feed a lot of the time

You mean the most situational awareness, and a ton of mechanical skill with jumpack (if you want to be effective), not to mention the hardest ultimate to use…

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Cuz he is. Rein is close second imo.

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