It's not Winston anymore in season 10

No arguments here – Winston’s effectiveness is dramatically diminished by good enemy team coordination, more so than other characters because of his dive-in design.

For raw damage mitigation and team protection, I tend to favor Orisa – very fast Barrier cool downs, Halt for CC-booping, ranged automatic weapon, and fortify to stop Rein charges cold.

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They should make his primary fire ignore armor effects

You can’t give up yet winston mains you’ve got the right stuff!


The jump pack butt-splash has a pretty big landing zone, but yeah, indirect fire requires some dedication to master properly.

And damage fall off…
(And countering things with your bubble isn’t the easiest thing in the game either… I forgot it in my first post)

Weird, ive never met a sym player like that before, hopefully he got banned

More like Ston.

Or Loston.

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I remember in the first few seasons after the 1000hp barrier etc nerfs he was regarded as an off-tank.

Well to be fair I think I started the game in season 6 so I can’t speak of past seasons so yeah he could have been considered an off-tank back then.

Naw, Blizz already made it clear that aiming skill emphasis is not their priority since they want to cater to the masses. That’s why I didn’t use the word “Skill” in my original thread post.

Lastly, situational awareness is also a skill. :slight_smile:

Well you kind of are a mercy/symm main and winston counters them soooo…

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He doesn’t have auto aim, it’s just a really big hitbox

I still playing him on my Master account, with zero problems. Most of the “BANDWAGONS-WINSTONS” mains are leaving the ship and im super happy for that.

Most of these winston players only used him cuz the Dive-Meta.

I just respect the Rules to use winston like always. If two counters are present i need to swap… Like if bastion/reaper are on the game i swap inmediately, i flank and save my jump for emergencies.

Winston was never a character to CARRY games, he is a character to assist his team. If you want a tank that kill people, play roadhog/dva


True, since he can hit multiple targets just by close proximity.

Yeah… The visuals really skew perception sometimes lol

Honestly I am enjoying not seeing the gorilla every single game.

He needs a quality of life improvement. The main thing that I find lacking in his kit is his magazine size, shield cool down and that his Tesla cannon does not have any kind of status effect.

It would be nice if the shield cooldown was closer to each leap’s cooldown to make him feel a little more tanky; Infinite ammo like Dva to help confirm kills and deny space; his gun could slow the enemy by like 10 percent similar to the early stage of when mei shoots you, they are being electrocuted after all.

(I look forward to being trolled for this, so preemptively I say to you thank you, you trolled someone on the internet, that is what you did with your life today, good job, you must be a happy person, and your parents must be proud.)

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Not too sure about the infinite ammo a lot of players are already effy about dva having infinite ammo, but a lower cd on bubble would be nice.

As a winston main i say that he is certaintly still viable, but he needs to be much much more situationally aware. Basically he cannot deal with brig but if he manages to avoid her he can be effective, even more in team fights when his allies deal with brig.

But that’s the problem. We just have 6 Tanks, 3 main and 3 off tanks. Every Meta limits our heroepool to 2 tanks that are in an advantage over the other ones, while both support and dps mains have much more heroes to choose from.

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