It's March 6 and the Devs Are Still On It With the PTR!

Easy way to make Junkrat playable but not to strong: Revert size-nerf, increase ult charge by 100% and give Riptire 100 bonus HP so it has 200HP. That way Riptire would be a real ultimate not not just an E getting ready and sometimes its not even worth using it… Be honest guys… who of you is afraid of Junkrats ult? In Plat and above literally no one and as soon we hear “fire in da hole” we dive Junkrat instantly.

You’re comparing what would be a plat-and-below Junkrat that would just pop ult as soon as he has it and roll in a straight line towards the enemy vs a team of higher ELO players, which is obviously an unfair comparison.

I won’t put much grief on you seeing as how your level is pretty low so you’re still learning the game and whatnot.

Junkrat’s PTR state is now a net nerf compared to live, the 10 extra damage does not make up for the ult cost increase. I’ll just throw that info out there. He still needs more changes before everyone starts celebrating and thinking thats it, junkrat’s fixed.


Absolutely, I think the devs want to throw these changes out there and see where it goes, and makes changes accordingly. The easy way out is, of course, by reverting primary fire changes that everyone’s been asking for.

Thats my alt acc, i have a few hundred hours on Junkrat (3300) i think i know what im talking about^^
But my main acc is perma banned in this SJW-Forum because i dared to say that i dont agree with SJW´s <-<

Alita million times > Cpt. Marvel btw!

Blizz plz dont ban me for saying that!

Yes, everyone has an alt account these days, don’t they?
Ah, what the heck, I’ll believe you! Why not?

They did this because of OWL. These are things people have been talking about for months. OWL is flopping in their opinion so this is the reason behind the huge ptr patch. Why did they not invest all this time into the game when OWL was not going on? You would have thought they would have had more time then to work on putting a patch out there to balance the game for the PROs to play on from the beginning of the season.

As I previously stated, these are opinions and require further proof.

May I have the source to this info, please?

In either case, are you going to let those assumptions hinder your enjoyment of the game? Maybe I’m different, I’m quick to say “thank you” instead of “about time!”, I enjoy watching OWL and playing the game, I’m for all intents and purposes, a fanboy, and from my perspective, it matters not what caused them to finally kick it into high gear, all that matters to me (and I hope would matter to the rest of you) is that we’re here now, with a new map, hero, and a treasure chest full of balance changes that we were asking for, and even some that we weren’t but we welcome regardless.

I’d rather have shields. That way she can recover by herself. I don’t want her to be made more tanky, I want her to have some survivability on her own, because Mercy is the only reliable support that can heal her, and for every other support their healing is too low, is accuracy based (thus hard to hit her), or cannot reach her.

I’d rather be able to duck behind cover and regen, than land for a healthpack or get healed after I survived ~3 or so damage.

Another big ability she needs is a superhero landing, because with everything that can kill her while flying, she needs the option to yeet on out of the air without the enemies being the ones who yeeted her.

These are the sorts of changes that should have been happening in the offseason, instead of in a sort of “title update” patch…

Better late than never I suppose, but I’d want this to be spread out evenly rather than in one fell swoop.

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I’d like for these changes to have come faster, of course, however it is debatable between spread out changes or one huge gigantic humungous change! Like I said, debatable.

Also, they can’t release these changes in the off-season anymore as the off-season no longer exists, so yeah.

Yet Junkrat STILL can’t hit the broadside of a barn with his projectile size. I feel like i am shooting golf balls at the enemy half the time.

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Firing into chokepoints is still very effective, one thing I am grateful for is Junkrats no longer being able to stick me with a bomb out in the open of Junkertown or some other wide open map.

Further proof than every match in OWL being goats? every map and every team that tried something different would get beaten and would not stand a single chance against the composition? or maybe the fact that the crowd was booing everytime a team picked DPS comps and then changed to GOATS? maybe it’s just me but who knows :thinking:

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Please don’t try to strawman my statement, I really do want to keep this conversation constructive.
For clarification, further proof is required that they decided to implement these changes solely due to OWL and no other facter. I obviously don’t believe this is the case as we have been loud and clear about our feelings towards this comp way before OWL.

It would help the conversation to add something else to this than for every other person in this thread to regurgitate what they saw on Reddit. You have an opinion of your own, speak it!

You can easily check the patch notes and see by yourself. If those were changes to improve overall player experience their priority would be add something like a role queue system, new gamemodes or pumping new content constantly to revive the player base. Last couple weeks were only changes to heroes that are part of goats, i’m sorry but, if you can’t see that i don’t know what to say.

We’ve had new gamemodes, the big one being competitive CTF which was insanely fun, but I do understand that people don’t consider it a gamemode because “it’s not what they want to play”, “it’s just a game in the arcade”, or something along those lines.

As for the Role queue, it’s still being debated among devs, streamers, and the community alike. I for one don’t want it, I feel it’ll kill the game.

We also had a new map released, and a new hero being released, which is flying over people’s heads for some reason…

No i would never say something like that. Just cause i don’t like the mode doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a permanent gamemode on arcade instead of a seasonal thing.

That is pretty obvious but the map was added and gamemode was added which is something we are already used to… we need something more creative than the same things over and over every year and Baptiste didn’t fly over my head considering he is going to be pretty fun to watch in OWL (if he is even played there)

This is how it should have always been.

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I am unable to see your point of more “creative” content. Looking to other games and how they approach new content, it’s more of the same.
Let’s use Fortnite as an example. Every month is more of the same, skins, gamemode, and new area, which basically counts as a “new map”.

Comparing these two, Overwatch and Fortnite (which is factually the more popular game amongst gamers), both do relatively the same thing.

We can’t argue over which is more “fun” because that’s subjective to the individual. Of course I’d say that overwatch and it’s content is way more fun than Fortnite, where others would disagree and so on, and so on.

My point being that Overwatch is putting out content similar to that of other games, and while your opinion of “it isn’t enough” is of course yours, I think that it’s sufficient for many that play this game regularly, like me. I play this game everyday.