It's March 6 and the Devs Are Still On It With the PTR!

How surprising.
Who else expected to see the devs suddenly going into overdrive?

They only care because Apex has gained an Overwatch playerbase worth of players (50 million) in less than a month, which took OW well over a year to gain.
Apparently, the combination of Battle Royale, Overwatch “heroes”, team game, crisp graphics, and skill-based gameplay tend to draw in a bigger crowd than having a game plagued by imbalance, non-communicative devs, bad Blizzard-Activision press with the layoffs, a pretty disappointing OWL, and a toxic community.

Not saying it’s a bad thing. Just sad that something threatening has to happen first before they get off their butts and do something to improve this :poop: show


Overwatch is a harder game to play than Apex, :oncoming_police_car:(Look out! OpInIoN AlErT!):oncoming_police_car:
Apex is a free to play game that’s in a genre that a large majority of people gaming play right now. It’s also objectively better than Fortnite, so yes, it would gain a large following quickly.

Lol, it’s on TF2 graphics.

The only thing disappointing about OWL is the fact that everyone is running the same composition, but aside from that the games are practically even, it’s anyone’s win and that makes for a good game to watch.
Also, you can’t prove that’s the reason they’re putting forth extra effort into the game now, and even if it is the reason, then we can thank Apex for getting more content into the game, I’m not complaining!

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I’d say it’s too soon to draw really strong conclusions from this. That’s not to say what they’re doing is not welcomed, is not good, or not needed. In fact, I’m not making any statements about the specific changes in the patch at all.

This patch suggests they are acting on feedback but it doesn’t really tell me whether we’re seeing a change in their behavior patterns.

I’m not entirely sold on that yet, although at the same time I think their responsiveness in fixing bugs on PTR and tweaking the balance in the changes they’ve made since the PTR update are one of the best things I’ve seen from them in a while. All too often it seems PTR updates go out and then hardly get tweaked before going live.

Time will tell if there’s really been a change.

Pharah needs some armor tbh! That will help her so much.

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I’m really happy with all the changes overall, i hope they don’t stop now

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Well, torbjorn was talking about taking a look at her armor, maybe he can give her the same love he did Bastion?

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100 armor 100 health. She’d be great!

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Yeah, that could work. Looking at the numbers her overall damage to chip would be decreased (Orisa’s primary fire, D.Va’s primary fire, etc.) while still being vulnerable to her actual counters, high singular damage DPS like Ashe, McCree, and Widowmaker.

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They have been working on A LOT of behind the scenes stuff eventhough to us, it seems like they are just sitting around firing spitballs at each other. The Devs of this game can make stupid choices sometimes, but they trully are amazing.

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Colour me impressed. This will be one megapatch.

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TBH I wanted to try that out, but being a console player I never got the chance, it looked like fun getting to explore those areas :frowning:

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Amazing! Now can we get some actual content? Balance and bug patches aren’t gonna save this game in the long run. :beer:

How is this exactly showing that devs are listening? Because Junkrat can’t one shot?

Do you guys understand that Junkrat still is in a bad place ever since the nerf long ago with his LMB projectile being too small? So what you actually are suggesting is that they responded to people who were upset Junkrat could one shot 200hp heroes potential, which is good sure. More one shots isn’t healthy for the game and I’ll agree to that always.

But they have not responded in any form to actually fixing Junkrat still, save your praise as usual.

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To be honest junkrat might come out worse after this ptr, buffing his damage by 10 in exchange for a entire 10% nerf on his ultimate is not a fair exchange at all, that being said their ptr has been going in a decent direction so i’ll let it slide for now.


I can relate, it looked quite fun!

I would like for us to not disregard the new hero that we will be receiving along with the new map that has already came out on top of these amazing patch notes. We are free to have our opinions about the game, but facts cannot be changed or altered in any way.

There are people not happy with these patch notes, primarily because they don’t apply to their favorite hero (Mercy, Bastion,etc.), Junkrat has now received a buff that could prove useful, along with an ult nerf that even many Junkrat players were asking for. Regardless of either, that is no reason to completely dismiss everything we’ve been given now.

I imagine that he will, that ult nerf is both significant and was asked for by many players, Junkrat players included. What was not asked for was the primary fire size nerf, and while I feel that people are blowing it out of proportion based on my own experiences with the hero. That being said, I also believe that simply revering it will hurt no one in the long run and serve to make Junkrat players happy, the majority have never been the type to riot over changes.

(I thank all of you for your responses!)


Aplauded? they are doing this because OWL is at risk since even the crowd is booing goats every match.

We are about to see the most diverse meta yet :sunglasses:

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only about a year late, but they finally got to the real issue. Wonder if they’ll revert the unnecessary nerfs

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Gamers are a ridiculously easy lot to placate with a few words and like 10 seconds of effort. It’s why EA and other such entities that everyone “”“HATES”"" still exist.

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So, they devs shouldn’t react to people’s distaste for the meta? The crowd’s response is only further sentiment of the issue we wanted addressed for a while now.
Would you have preferred they made with all these patch notes weeks before OWL, where the players have little to no time to adapt to the meta, where all that time practicing their team compositions and plays are for naught? I can’t agree with that.

Many arguments people are making for the devs stepping up this time involve them actually making an effort because of OWL, or because a new game came out that has amassed millions of players in a short timespan, and they’re desperate to stay relevant, but arguments like that make as much sense as saying “oh, these developers are trying to make a great game because they want my money and attention.” Yes they do, that’s how competition in an industry works, and regardless of the reason, the outcome is the same, and at the end of the day, all of it is speculation with no evidence of any statement made in that regard. We should be happy instead of theorizing why they decided to make this huge patch now, I’m certainly grateful!