"It's just QP" should be punishable

The million dollar question : Now a healer for example moira that does 0 healing and you ask “dude, can you heal? you are only doing damage, we cant play with just Zen heal” and if you get “nah, chill bruh its QP” … is it SABOTAGE ?


I’m all for punishing DPS just for picking DPS at this point. Half the time I’m choosing whether our team has a tank OR a healer (though two of each is really best) because of the Widowmaker, Hanzo, McCree, Doomfist, and a random useful DPS deciding that tanks and healers aren’t important.

Well as a player of QP,arcade and comp I find that more people take comp seriously because of your rank that’s on the line he who says that “it’s just quick play” has right to say it because when you play comp you need a team to work together but QP and arcade are the places that they can unwind.

Plus they bought the game they have the right to play any game mode they want and play any hero they want to in QP arcade I don’t care they can do what they want but stop having a go at someone if they pick a hero you don’t like.

If you as politely to switch maybe they will but don’t tell them to switch in QP

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It’s just quickplay.

Some of us warned of this outcome when quickplay turned from free-form hero selection to unique hero selection only. Quickplay has been, is, and logically always will be the main play mode of Overwatch, and the mentality attached to the term “quick play” has been “it’s just quickplay.”

People that wanted an unranked practice mode went and f&$%ed up their golden opportunity to get an unranked practice mode when they chose instead to gloat about getting quick play changed. You can change the rules, but player mindset ain’t so easy to change.

In short: Reap what you sow.

Just because the 5th guy isn’t a tank or healer doesn’t mean they’re throwing, it just means they understand there’s no punishment for losing.

Also, the enemy team’s players are making the same selfish decisions.


Reporting someone just for playing widow is a bannable offense

This is widowmaker new rework everyone who reports her gets banned lol

HAHAHAHA Quite the optimist here… I like this attitude, I hope more people would not tilt as soon as they saw a composition they didn’t like and wait for it to actually not work to make criticism and ask for changes (and the forums are proof that there is a considerable insta-tilt crowd…)

Hey I don’t know if anyone noticed this, but they are removing the Poor Teamwork Report option and replacing “griefing” with “Game Sabotage”(or something like that) when the next PTR rollout to live.

Hopefully this will help clear up about what is and isn’t reportable in Overwatch. It probably won’t, but I can hope.

EDIT: Found the post that says this:

With the release of Patch 1.22, I wanted to talk about the new and updated tools that can help players create a better and more positive gameplay experience. Before diving into those details, I first need to thank everyone who has been helping us identify toxic behavior. We have seen a steady increase in usage of the Player Report tool, and these additional reports allow us to identify and action toxic players more quickly and at a higher accuracy. Players have also been reaching out via social media with reports and videos of blatant toxicity, and we have investigated each of them and taken appropriate action. The best way for everyone to continue helping us combat toxicity is simple: just use the Player Report tool whenever you encounter bad behavior and give an accurate and detailed report.

To help with the accuracy and clarity of reports, we are making a couple changes to the player report categories you can choose. The first change is renaming the “Griefing” category to “Gameplay Sabotage”. Griefing is a very broad term used in many different ways amongst the community. The intent of the category is to be used when a player disrupts the game or harasses other players through the use of normal gameplay mechanics. A clear example of this is Symmetra teleporter exits being placed at the side of cliffs so teammates immediately drop to their death. Another example is players intentionally allowing themselves to be eliminated by the enemy team. This is often referred by the community as “feeding” or “inting”.

It is NOT gameplay sabotage if a player simply makes a mistake or has a poor match. Everyone does that from time to time, even the very best professionals in the world. Players can also have a rough match without a lot of mistakes, simply because the other team is making better plays and performing well. For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose. Note that playing a non-meta Hero does not mean someone is taking part in Gameplay Sabotage. Players who are trying hard to help their team to win should not be reported, regardless of the hero they choose.

The other change we’re making to the player reporting categories is removing the “Poor Teamwork” category. Many players were using this category in a very similar fashion to the “Griefing” category, because both categories could be interpreted very broadly to include diverse types of bad behavior. This made it more difficult for us to action players appropriately.

I find myself always frustrated when I am constantly switching trying to counter what the other team has, meanwhile my Genji/Widow/Hanzo teammates stick on that hero through the entire map.

Lets face it there are some areas where Widow and Hanzo are just not good picks. I usually always ask “Could you play something different just for this choke point?” Usually it goes ignored or “It’s just QP.” So then i go Mercy DPS…let me tell you that guy that wouldn’t switch starts complaining fast when I don’t heal him.

Also QP is nothing but Double Sniper/Genji comps on my team, while on the other team its the perfect balance…I must be really really unlucky.

In QP tanks and support have to inflict themselves on flankers and dps superstars.

Fair enough.
Then we need that evidence as well for reports of toxicity and cheating. Pretty sure that recordings that show toxicity and/or cheating are also able to show poor teamwork.

Your premise that “very few players actually deserve to be reported” is a guess out of the blue. That’s why you can’t apply Bayes’ Theorem. I mean you can apply it but dependent on the values you put in, it may or may not yield an extreme result.
But without knowing the actual percentage of players who deserve to be reported, the actual percentage of players who end up being reported and the probability of the player base deciding correctly who deserves to be banned, there is no way to know if false-positives will end up as a significant proportion of players punished.

I have trouble viewing an outcome of “everybody keeps doing what they are doing without adjusting” as a compromise. In fact, I think it’s the very opposite of a compromise.
How would you differentiate between an actual compromise and a laissez-faire-like “whatever happens happens”? After all we can’t just call everything that turns out to be the outcome (which may be no teammate switching despite the teamcomp not working out or just a teammate feeding ult all game long) a compromise. How is it a compromise never mind a sign of teamwork if nobody accomodates anyone?

Well, I base my definition on the fact that it is still a game that has an objective to win.
You seem to base your definition solely on what you assume most people expect from QP.
I think it’s more reasonable to base the definition on that easily verifiable fact rather than on the assumption that a lot of people just seem to ignore that fact. We should argue for what makes sense (“look at what we should do/what the game wants us to do”), not what the path of least resistance (“look at what seemingly most people currently do”) is.

I am aware that you can do your best to work with them even they don’t do the slightest. That was not the point in question.
I am so baffled at the idea, how you could possibly regard it (good) teamwork on their side when they don’t do the slightest to work with you.

It may seem like I want that just because I disagree with them.
However, for me the important thing is that I think that not working with your teammates in a teamgame is disrespectful (and if I understood correctly, you agreed with me on that?). If it weren’t for respect, I couldn’t care less in what way I don’t agree with they play the game.

Sure, I’m not saying you can’t base assumptions on prior experience.
I’m saying you can’t justify an argument about how things should be with an assumption of how things currently are.
Just because apparently a lot of people don’t expect any teamwork and think it’s ok to ignore your team in QP it doesn’t justify that it is ok to ignore your team.

Hell yeah, teamwork is more than just that. But it’s also an important part of it.
Mutually exclusive would mean that picking an optimal team composition compromises on another aspect of teamwork. For example that due to picking an optimal comp you wouldn’t be able to communicate and group up with your team instead of trickling in, combo your ults with your teammates, use your abilities so they aid your teammates in surviving and/or doing their job. I cannot imagine a scenario where picking an optimal team comp could compromise any of these aspects - especially since an optimal teamcomp is by definition a comp that facilitates these very aspects due to hero synergies and due to countering the enemy properly.
But maybe you can describe an example where picking an optimal teamcomp actually compromises these aspects?

If I switch throughout the whole match, try to accomodate to my team by picking a healer because everybody just wants to dps, pick a tank because nobody peels for me, end up picking several different healers and tanks because I think I see the potential to synergize better with a certain teammate and they just continue playing their practice hero and run into the enemy team one by one, I am unwilling to compromise and I am intolerant of other perspectives?
I really have trouble understanding your usage of the word “compromise”. It seems like you use it as “just accept whatever happens to be”?
If so, then yes, it makes total sense that I didn’t “compromise” on having 5 team"mates" suiciding into the enemy team and I was intolerant to the perspective “this is totally working” which turned out to be far from reality and just the wet dream of every dps one-trick. And yes, my 5 team"mates" “compromised” on just keeping suiciding into the enemy team and they were tolerant to the perspective that this could be a viable tactic.
However, when we use “compromise” as “accomodating to your team”, then I was very well compromising on playing whatever needed to be played, I was tolerant to the perspective that I didn’t need to play my favorite dps but could accomodate by switching to what’s needed and they were obviously not willing to accomodate to their team and were intolerant to the perspective that it just didn’t work out and that if they just tried to accomodate to their team by switching to a hero that suits the situation it would have worked better.
I don’t see how “accept everything just as is and keep doing what you’re doing” is more of a compromise/teamwork than “adjust to the situation and cut back when necessary”.

We’re not talking about picking non-meta heros (“Playing a hero that is not considered optimal by the community”). We’re talking about when your hero choice doesn’t allow you to try to complete map objectives in the respective situation.
This discussion was never about limiting reporting to just a pick. Also see this quote:

When your pick has no influence on you completing map objectives with your team, by all means go for it. But when you start jeopardizing the map objective just because you don’t want to switch, then - I beg to differ - it IS poor teamwork.
Just as if you went into a machine-gun fight and your teammates would only bring a butter knife because they didn’t want to bring the machine-gun. It would be insane to insist “but they are trying”. Trying starts with your choice of weapon/hero.

You do realize that this mindset would also justify people throwing, feeding and trolling in competitive just because they bought the game and thus can do whatever they want with it?
When you buy a ticket to cinema it doesn’t enable you to spill popcorn and drinks everywhere or to run around shouting and jumping from seat to seat and on people’s laps just because you spent money on it, either.

Maybe. I reckon it was for these people that Blizzard put in a hint in the report options that “poor teamwork” does not just mean that you don’t like their hero.
Unfortunately, some people seem to abuse this hint as a free ticket to neglect teamwork.

That’s the weirdest thing. In these discussions, the one-tricks are often depicted as the victims who are just happy to play their dps role. Turns out that it’s not a rarity that these very people using “it’s just qp” as an excuse to not teamplay are very quick on complaining themselves because their teammates couldn’t enable them to shine with their dps the way they wanted it to.

For me it actually goes both ways. But stomping either way is not my idea of a fun game experience. It is in no way better when I get an enemy 6 dps team who just run into my team one by one.

I really think they should have added the lootbox incentives toward QP that way, people would step up their game more often, making it habit eventually. Instead, they put it for Arcade mode which doesn’t make too much sense to me because people don’t care about that mode on winning one way or another because of the lack of “punishment” one gets since it’s Arcade Mode. People will still play Arcade mode even if lootboxes weren’t there to win because that mode is all about having fun.

Personally, as of now, QP stands as the “casual gaming” experience as opposed to Comp which is “tryhard land” There is a difference and people who play QP come from playing toxic Comp, hence why they are more relaxed. People also play QP to not play Comp as it doesn’t fit their style. Also, teams that “don’t try” are everywhere, even in Comp so I think it depends on what you mean by that? You can’t report a player for choosing a character they want and trying, but if they are going off and spamming “hello” or “making friends” with the enemy team and not playing then yes, you can.

There is still a thin line with QP as I see Comp as the “You need to get your act together and play competitively or get out” and Arcade Mode as Have fun do whatever" so I am assuming QP is in the middle somewhere. I don’t see it as “You have to do this right by team coordinating, mic etc.” and i also don’t see it as “Hey, hey have fun”

I still laugh when people say qp is practice for comp…it’s TERRIBLE practice for comp as its nothing like comp…

But I don’t put blame on them though…winning is absolutely everything to them in comp so you wouldn’t expect them to do it there…there just isn’t a better option for them

unfortunately they do it at the expense of possibly 11 other people which is why I keep asking blizz to put in an actual “practice” mode…take no limits…put it on the front page …rename it…and take away rewards and any penalties for leaving…essentially a skirmish…come and go as you please…switch characters with no repurcussions

you can get the same out of this as qp without screwing over people that are just playing casually but still would like to win their matches

And yes I know there’s custom games…but you know you don’t want to go through trouble of finding/creating a proper room

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Can you please provide an example of a scenario in which a hero pick doesn’t allow you to try and complete map objectives? I’m struggling to think of any situation in which a hero doesn’t bring something to the table. It may not be “optimal” but there is nothing inhibiting (that I can think of). Which is the intent of the “Poor Teamwork” as explicitly defined (and soon to be removed). Even a Hanzo shooting into triple barriers is still doing damage (marginally) to the barriers, thus contributing to the breaking of said barriers. To me, it looks like you are going for “optimal”, which is not a criteria for “trying”. If it were, the tooltip would read:

Poor Teamwork is:
Not min/maxing your team composition to optimally meet the scenario at hand.

Where is the line for you?
Is pressing W enough to define it as trying?
Is leaving spawn enough to define it as trying?
Is one elimination enough to define it as trying?
Is one second of objective time enough to define it as trying?
Is someone who feeds the enemy ult all game but has one second objective time enough to define it as trying?
Is someone who picks a healer and doesn’t heal any teammate enough to define it as trying?

This proves your mind set is take every game seriously

Wanna contribute anything?

No… custom games is for people who just want to relax and play what they want. QP is not the place for you to jump around like an idiot and not play the game properly.


Really? I am going to use that report button much more now.
I did not know about this…

I really hope this is sarcasm.