"It's just industry standard"

Kiriko skin is $20 in our region :roll_eyes:

Apex’s Predator Bloodhound (whatever it was called) was a $120 skin lol

yeah. thats why i dont buy AND speak up about it.

I don’t expect anyone to care about this but I felt like venting before I uninstall this game, along with the Battle.Net app since neither are worth the storage space they’re currently occupying on my hard drive. I bought Overwatch because of the original Halloween event. Literally that’s what sold me. I played the heck out over Overwatch, I wasn’t particularly good or bad at it but it was fun and I was really looking forward to the PVE in Overwatch 2. I haven’t even tried the new Halloween event for Overwatch 2, and I don’t intend to because from what I’ve seen on YouTube, it’s a pile of fetid turds wrapped in some used candy wrappers.

I tried Overwatch 2 for about two hours after giving it a week to cool off post-launch so some of the bugs and annoyances would already be worked out and I could give it a fair assessment. My assessment can be summed up as follows: Overwatch 2 is a scam, because it’s nothing more than Overwatch on a Free to Play model.

Thing is, there’s no such thing as Free to Play. If you don’t think players of online games like these aren’t being leveraged for AI research, think again, but that’s a tinfoil hat perspective that I don’t expect many to subscribe to.

So let’s keep it simple. Overwatch 2 is nothing more than Free to Play Overwatch. That’s the only fundamental difference. Everything else in Overwatch 2 could have been added to Overwatch, including the new graphics engine (hint: they did that before). Whether PVE ever launches or not is moot at this point, because this is no longer a Blizzard game, it’s an Activision game. I’m fully aware that plenty of people like Activision games and have no problem with throwing money at them. That’s fine, but they’re simply not for me.

So this is me, signing off, probably for the last time. If Blizzard ever decides to grow up and be an independent company that doesn’t try to survive by pandering to the outliers of their customer base in some fake attempt at virtue signaling I might be inclined to give them another chance, but I doubt it. Blizzard and all of its related garbage is dead to me.

Happy Halloween.


Didnt read, but even if it was, the game we had a few weeks ago wasnt like this and we sure as hell didjt pay for it.


i dont think blizzard wants to make a great f2p game, they just want to squeez their playerbase as much as possible and then throw the game into the garbage like hots.


What sound effects she has?

Beach Torb has special effects, Lego Bastion has some. Who else?
Ah, there is also Lucio and his Jazz thing. Genji and power rangers. Wolf Hanzo has different ultimate sound (wolves)

We know.

We know.

We know.

We know.

In which games though?

Diablo Immortal for example, other mobile games fade in the shadow of its predatory monetization


and paladins skins come with NEW VOICE ACTORS/LINES a good amount of the time and you can mix and match skins/weapons.

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They DID get 2B’s VA onboard for Eevie so there’s that.

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Blizzard: “**** you. Pay me.”


Its only become “industry standard” because of stupid consumers enabling it…

Do you genuinely think loot boxes would have become as common as they have over the last decade, if people werent buying them.

If blizzard thought people would pay $100 for these skins, your a fool if you think they will still ask $20 for them

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Hey at least they havent gone as low as valve has with team fortress 2.

I mean overwatch still sees updates and balance patches. They also dont exploit people in the community for free development labor

Tf2 hasnt seen a real content update in like years, the playerbase is full of bots and cheaters, has been for nearly fir nearly 3 years, valve has done little to nothing about it…
Yet i spite of all of that the playerbase continues to blindly throw money at it… why?

May as well look at history, as there was time OSHA didn’t exist. It was great time, when working in hazardous conditions and getting absolutely no compensation for related risks or injuries was “industrial standard” and throwing workers out, if injury made them unable to work, was considered completely normal thing.

Because TF2 can’t be shut down by Valve, even if Valve wants to. So at this point it belongs to community more, than to Valve.


Not as much as you would think…

Valve is just really good at avoiding attention for the awful things they do…

Many years ago i had 5 community servers… one day i get a letter of desist from valves legal team.

Essentially because i asked for “dontations” to help support 2 of those servers i was renting, valve tried to accuse me of stealing potential income from them… there was absolutely no legal ground, they were hoping i would just get scared, and shutdown my servers, thinking that people would then spend that donation money in the game…

While your entirely correct about valve not having that power, they do things that make companies like EA and Activision look remotely respectable, and get away with them because they dont get the scrutiny other developers get because they are privately owned.

My point is, people scream and cry about the problems the game has, yet continue to throw money at it inspite of these long time problems because “the game will die if we dont throw money at it” i have heard this from so many within the tf2 playerbase…

Then they wonder why valve does nothing a out these problems… refusing to understand that by throwing money at it, they are removing any incentive for valve to anything.

Really the current state of tf2 is where valve is trying to get ow2…

A game where they dont have to do anything to maintain or upkeep it, but people will continue to throw money at it for years to come, inspite of it

Many people who are defending this onetization on OW by making comparisons with other games forget a fundamental detail: OW2 is not an entirely new game. has 6 years of content that is resold at the prices of an entire video game catalog at dayone.


Yeah, I completely agree. I can’t remember who, but I remember a comment on another thread saying they had voice lines. And I was curious about that. But now that I’m hearing they don’t, I’m betting someone fell for this already. I wish you could try them in a practice range or something to see if you want them.

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…battle passes are the industry standard though… :thinking:

Nothing but complaints in the twitter post though.
Unfortunately, I think Blizzard gets away with low value skins being sold for high prices because literal potatoes like the ones in the post’s reply actually buy them.


yea thats whats cool about their cosmetics. each of their skin has different voice lines. kind of cool, tho i never bought anything in that game or grinded enough to get one of those skins.

can you earn some by just playing?